Yomira Flores Angulo

Career earnings: € 14,244.00
Yomira in August 2014:
At the moment I am studying on the pre-university academy and I hope to enter university to study accountancy. My future dream is to finish my study and to start my own business and with that enabling myself to buy my own house.
My time in FairMail is a period of great privilege for me as I have learned and seen a lot through FairMail. And I made good friends there. It is very sad to know that one day I have to finish in FairMail and leave all that now that I consider myself to be part of it.
I spent my money on education paying for my secondary school, and also to prepare for my university entry exam now. My housing money I used to buy a closet for my cloths, a bed and a door for my room. And the medical fund FairMail I used for my mother and grandmother when they were ill.
In the future I want to use my FairMail money for the university and if I save even more money I could use it to invest in setting up my own business and to save money to buy a piece of land to construct my own house.
Yomira in January 2012:
In 2011 I managed to pay for school and for my school suppliesl. I also helped my mother to buy some medicine that were needed. The best part was that thanks to FairMail and my postcards I bought my own laptop, which I am very happy about because it is a good help for me as I can do my homework and find some necessary information that I need for school.
The thing that I did find and still find hard to accept in my life is that I am going to get a half-brother and for me that is not so easy to accept, is a very difficult change in my life.
Now what I want to accomplish in this year is to continue studying to finish my high school, to get more cards and to save so that in some years from here I can build my own house as that's one of my biggest dreams.
Yomira in January 2011:
I used to work with my grandparents sorting rubbish for recycling. We needed to do it to survive. My Grandmother wrote to a social project asking them to give me the opportunity to study. I was accepted into the project and there I got to know FairMail.
I use my savings to pay for schooling and to give medicine to my family when they are sick. My dream is to finish school and study Business Administration. Nobody in my family has had a career before and I would like to be the first.
Yomira in 2009:
My name is Yomira. My family consists of my mother, brother, grandparents and uncles and aunts. I feel very fortunate to have the possibility to be part of FairMail. Thanks to the help of FairMail I will be able to support my mother in her costs for me, build my house and other things.
I don't have a boy friend yet. I only think about ending my studies. I am in first grade of secondary school. I study in the El Milagro school where I live. I would like to study business administration for my welbeing and that of my whole family. My goal is to be a good professional so my family can be proud of me, especially my mother.