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FairMail, Pictures that Empower
FairMail is a social enterprise based in Trujillo, Peru that
produces fair trade greeting cards with pictures taken by a
group of photographers aged 14 to 19 that come from
critical backgrounds.
Our mission is to fight against child labor in Peru one picture at a time and we do that in 3 simple steps:
1.The FairMail photographers receive free photography classes.
2. FairMail sells the pictures taken by the teenagers to European publishers that produce fair trade greeting cards out of them.
3. 60% of the profit from the sales of the cards goes to the
teenagers and it is divided into 3 funds: education, support
to the family, and clothing.
Learn more: www.fairmail.info
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Mundo Munay - Hilos de esperanza
Mundo Munay es una empresa social de reciente creación de Huanchaco, Perú. Nuestra misión es empoderar a las artesanas locales mediante la creación de una línea sostenible de productos textiles hechos a mano, elaborados respetando profundamente la tradición peruana. Nacida a raíz de FairMail, organización que ha promovido oportunidades educativas y económicas para jóvenes durante años, Mundo Munay se enfoca específicamente en ayudar a las mujeres a ganar independencia financiera y apoyo comunitario. Inspiradas en el concepto quechua "Munay", estamos construyendo un espacio donde las artesanas puedan ganar salarios justos, preservar su patrimonio textil y promover el consumo consciente.
Nuestro trabajo va más allá de crear productos hermosos. Buscamos ofrecer la formación, los recursos y el acceso al mercado necesarios para un crecimiento a largo plazo. A través de capacitaciones en tejido, negocios, control de calidad, gestión de proyectos y más, preparamos a las artesanas para que eventualmente puedan gestionar todos los aspectos de la empresa de manera independiente. Nuestro centro de producción, Casi Casa, la casa ecológica de FairMail, es el corazón de este proyecto: un espacio creativo y sostenible que sirve de inspiración cada día.
Recientemente, hemos lanzado una campaña de recaudación de fondos en Indiegogo para ayudar a hacer realidad esta aventura. Al apoyarnos, contribuyes al empoderamiento de las mujeres, a la preservación del patrimonio cultural peruano y a la creación de oportunidades económicas significativas.
Únete a nosotras para construir un camino hacia el crecimiento sostenible y la resiliencia cultural para las artesanas de Huanchaco.
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Mundo Munay - Zukunft stricken
Mundo Munay ist ein neu gegründetes soziales Unternehmen mit Sitz in Huanchaco, Peru. Unsere Mission ist es, lokale Kunsthandwerkerinnen zu stärken, indem wir eine nachhaltige Linie handgefertigter Textilprodukte schaffen, die alle mit tiefem Respekt für die peruanische Tradition hergestellt werden. Mundo Munay ist aus FairMail hervorgegangen, das seit langem Bildungs- und Wirtschaftschancen für Jugendliche unterstützt, und konzentriert sich nun speziell darauf, Frauen dabei zu helfen, finanzielle Unabhängigkeit und Unterstützung durch die Gemeinschaft zu erlangen. Inspiriert vom Quechua-Konzept von „Munay“ schaffen wir einen Raum, in dem Kunsthandwerkerinnen faire Löhne verdienen, ihr textiles Erbe bewahren und bewussten Konsum fördern können.
Unsere Arbeit geht über die Schaffung schöner Produkte hinaus; wir möchten die Fähigkeiten, Ressourcen und den Marktzugang bieten, die für langfristiges Wachstum erforderlich sind. Mit Textil- und Businessschulungen bis hin zu Workshops zu Qualitätskontrolle und Projektmanagement wollen wir unsere Kunsthandwerkerinnen ausbilden, so dass diese schließlich alle Aspekte des Unternehmens unabhängig verwalten können. Unser Produktionszentrum in Casi Casa, dem Öko-Zuhause von FairMail, ist das Herzstück dieser Reise – ein kreativer, nachhaltiger Raum, der jeden Tag inspiriert.
Wir haben kürzlich eine Spendenkampagne auf Indiegogo gestartet, um diese Vision Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen. Indem Sie uns unterstützen, tragen Sie zur Stärkung der Rolle der Frau, zum Erhalt des kulturellen Erbes und zur Schaffung sinnvoller wirtschaftlicher Möglichkeiten bei.
Bauen Sie mit uns einen Weg zu nachhaltigem Wachstum und kultureller Resilienz für die Kunsthandwerkerinnen aus Huanchaco.
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A special thanks amidst the Covid-19 pandemic
The Covid pandemic is hitting Peru hard.
Due to lockdown, the parents of the FairMail teenagers had to stop working and can provide no income to their familes.
To face this unprecedented crisis, FairMail has reached out for support and thanks to the generosity of many of you, we were able to raise enough funds to provide food for the 13 FairMail families for the weeks to come.
This is out thank you.
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Mundo Munay - Threads of Hope
Mundo Munay is a newly founded social enterprise based in Huanchaco, Peru. Our mission is to empower local women artisans by creating a sustainable line of handmade textile products, all crafted with deep respect for Peruvian tradition. Born from FairMail, which has long supported educational and economic opportunities for youth, Mundo Munay now focuses specifically on helping women gain financial independence and community support. Inspired by the Quechua concept of "Munay", we are building a space where artisans can earn fair wages, preserve their textile heritage, and promote mindful consumption.
Our work goes beyond creating beautiful products; we aim to offer the skills, resources, and market access needed for long-term growth. From textile and business training to quality control, project management, and more, we equip artisans to eventually manage all aspects of the enterprise independently. Our production center, located in Casi Casa, the eco-home of FairMail, is the heart of this journey—a creative, sustainable space that inspires every day.
We recently launched a fundraising campaign on Indiegogo to help make this vision a reality. By supporting us, you contribute to women’s empowerment, the preservation of cultural heritage, and the creation of meaningful economic opportunities.
Join us in building a path to sustainable growth and cultural resilience for Huanchaco's women artisans.
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A message for our Scottish friends
We fight against child labor, one picture at a time.
FairMail is a social enterprise based in Trujillo, Peru that
produces fair trade greeting cards with pictures taken by a
group of photographers aged 14 to 19 that come from
critical backgrounds.
Our mission is to fight against child labor in Peru one picture at a time and we do that in 3 simple steps:
1.The FairMail photographers receive free photography classes.
2. FairMail sells the pictures taken by the teenagers to European publishers that produce fair trade greeting cards out of them.
3. 60% of the profit from the sales of the cards goes to the
teenagers and it is divided into 3 funds: education, support
to the family, and clothing.
Learn more: www.fairmail.info
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Amazon Adventures
FairMail Photography Trip - January 2020, Amazonas, Peru
- Music by Bensound -
Twice a year FairMail organizes photography trips in beautiful and unexplored areas of Peru. We invite to the trips anyone who’s up for an adventure off the beaten path and wants to experience first hand what life in Peru is really like. Included in the price to join the trip, there is the contribution for one of our teenage photographers. This means that thanks to our fellow travelers, one of our photographers will have the chance to come to the trip and be able to take new pictures and earn money for his/her education. As for food and accommodation, we only support family run businesses to maximize social and economic benefits for local communities.
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FairMail Photography Trip - Chachapoyas 2019
FairMail is a social enterprise based in Peru that produces fair trade greeting cards with pictures taken by underprivileged Peruvian photographers aged 14-19.
Twice a year we go on photography trips to explore remote areas of Peru and we invite travelers from all over the world to join our adventure.
In January, we spent 10 days in the Amazonas region exploring the heritage of the Chachapoyas people.
To know more about our trips: https://fairmail.info/travel
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Bleach Tie-Dye Workshop
Huanchaco, September 2019.
Creativity comes in many shapes and forms.
We took a break from photography and we realized that we might actually be dealing with a bunch of clothing designers!
FairMail is a social enterprise based in Peru that produces fair trade greeting cards with pictures taken by underprivileged teenagers.
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We are FairMail
FairMail is loud and creative.
FairMail is fun.
FairMail is growth.
FairMail is empowerment through photography.
FairMail is future.
FairMail is family.
Learn more about us: www.fairmail.info
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Jungle Adventures - August 2019
Twice a year FairMail organizes photography trips in beautiful and unexplored areas of Peru. We invite to the trips anyone who’s up for an adventure off the beaten path and wants to experience first hand what life in Peru is really like.
On this trip we explored the Nothern Peruvian Amazon with the FairMail photographers and 7 fellow travelers from Germany, The Netherland and Italy.
We traveled across the three Peruvian climate zones, we left the desert cost behind, climbed the high Andes and reached the green, humid Amazon forest where we spent a full week learning about local culture and enjoying the beauty of the uncontaminated nature.
We relaxed in thermal baths, sailed the Huallaga River on a wooden lancia and we learned all about the processof chocolate making, from beanto bar.
If you want to join our next adventure: https://fairmail.info/travel
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