Angeles Acevedo Bobadilla

Career earnings: € 9,397.00
Angeles in January 2016:
Hi, I am Angeles, I am 18 years old and I live in El Milagro, Peru together with my mother, my sister and niece (2 years old). At this moment I am preparing for the university entrance exam to studio social work. I am part of FairMail for 2 years and 4 months now, which makes me the oldest photographer of them all.
During this time a lot of cool things have happened to me, especially in 2015. I travelled a lot and got to know very nice people of which some turned out to become good friends. For example in January I travelled to Huamachuco with FairMail. We do these trips to take postcard pictures. Normally only 5 teenagers get to go. In March I did my entrance exam, but unfortunately I didn’t manage to get in. However in the last few months of 2015 I am preparing for my partial exams (3 in total) to get in. And I am doing well.
In June 2015 one of my best moments was my trip to Europe (The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany!). During that month I turned 18 years old and the next day I set off to Amsterdam with Anidela (also a FairMail photographer). Both of us got to travel thanks to the application contest FairMail organizes every 2 years. All the teenagers can participate, but only 2 get to travel. Luckily we won and enjoyed a great experience. It was very special to travel and get to know everything “over there”. One of the places I liked most was Tervuren (Belgium) and the couple who took care of us there and set us up for the night. I loved them. I become happy when I think of them!
In August I became a “volunteer” for YMCA. Now I am helping the younger kids and got to go to Lima for a spiritual retreat. There I also learned to design a “multiplying learning” for the involved kids in Trujillo in order for them to get a better life. I love having this role. Taking into account that I used to be one of the kids, but now I am a “volunteer”.
There were some problems in my home. Stuff that always happens, but who doesn’t have problems? There is always a solution. Sometimes it takes a while, but the solution will appear.
Angeles in January 2015:
I am Angeles and I am 17 years old. I live in El Milgaro with my mother. I like to read, listen to music and take pictures. I also like to learn a lot from all the things around me. What I like most is have fun and be happy and the people around me are happy too.
In 2014 I got much good news. One very good new announcement was that in 2015 I will travel to Europe with FairMail. I hope nothing bad happens to me during my trip. I am also in the academy preparing myself for the entrance exam of the national university in Trujillo. On the 15th of March 2015 I will do my entrance exam to study social work. I also travelled with FairMail to Cajamarca, Piura, Huamachuco, Otuzco and Canoncillo. I took many pictures of coffee in Piura and I shot 3 postcards on the trip to Cajamarca. One picture was selected by an important bank for their year report. My pictures were also selected for postcards on Greetz and our German publisher. I thank god and will work very hard to get into university and take more good pictures for postcards that will sell very well.
The past few months my mother was ill, but nothing very dangerous luckily. Unfortunately, my father divorced his second wife, but his 2 small sons still visit him. Everything is okay now they are getting along again like friends. My sisters and their children didn’t have a lot of problems. Everything went fine for them.
This was all that happened. I am hoping for good things this year. Thanks to everyone for helping me!
Angeles in August 2014:
In the past months my expectations for my future have changed in many ways. In January I went to Cajamarca with the FairMail team and it was a new experience. Then I entered the academy to prepare for the entry exam for the university. And I received much good news because I had my first postcard for Mother's Day. Also I was told I got selected to go on the FairMail trip to Piura in August. I hope it will be the best.
Within 6 months I hope to study a lot and learn a lot in the academy. I want to give all of me to go to college. I also hope that during the FairMail trip I get new postcards, in order to pay for the academy and all my education costs such as books and exams. But I will not forget my family, I want good things to happen to them based on all my efforts. And I hope to have the courage to keep fighting so everything goes well!
Angeles in 2013:
Hallo, my name is María de los Ángeles Acevedo Bobadilla, I am 15 years old and I live in El Milagro. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. I live with them, my mother and my niece. Since 3 years I am studying in the “Julio Gutiérrez Solari” school in El Milagro and I am also a member of the Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes (ACJ).
I have taken part in ACJ for 4 years now. There I got to know many good people and they teach us things like bakery skills, educational workshops amongst others. After some time Mrs. Pilar from ACJ told us that FairMail had a few vacancies. A bit later she told me that I was one of the selected teenagers to take part in the FairMail company. I loved the idea and accepted the offer. I will try my best to make it work. I know it will work out because I already got some photography lessons at ACJ and I am sure I will learn much more in FairMail.
My dream is to be able to fulfil my mother’s dreams. She is a very hard working woman. She always gets up early to start the day. She loves the idea that I am now part of FairMail. My mother and I dream of having our own nice house made of strong building materials that has everything a house should have. We will make it by working hard and managing with the means we have available. I know I am still in my trial period for FairMail but I know I will be able to extend my stay for much longer than 3 months. I thank everybody for this opportunity and I am happy to be here.