Jefferson Joel Flores Agurto

Career earnings: € 131.00
Jefferson in May 2021
I am entering my third year in FairMail and I am very proud to have reached one of the goals that I had set for myself: being nominated Photographer of the Year. I am very happy that fellow FairMail photographers saw in me a role model and an inspiration, this motivates me even further to work hard and take good pictures. I have also managed to have several cards for sales, which is something that validates my work and the effort that I put into it.
I am now in 5th grade, but because of the Covid-19 pandemic, we stopped going to school in March 2020. Online classes are much more boring than in-person classes and everyone gets distracted very easily. I can't wait to go back to real classes!
My father and my 3 younger brothers are all good. Sometimes it's not easy to coordinate things with everybody but do our best.
In FairMail things are very good, I have a very good relationship with all the fellow photographers and this makes me very happy, especially now that school is closed.
My goals for 2021 are to successfully graduate from High School, have much more cards for sale, and be happy with myself.
My message to all the FairMail supporters around the world is: live your life fully and love unconditionally, all the best to you, dear FairMail friends!

Jefferson in January 2019
My name is Jefferson Joel Flores Agurto, I’m 14 years old and I live in “La Pampa”, a neighborhood in the upper side of Huanchaco. I live with my parents and my 3 siblings Walter, Tomas and Elias. I’ve just finished the second year of high school at the Colegio Dean Saavedra. In my free time I love playing basketball and riding my skateboard.
Joining FairMail was one of my goals and I am very happy that I was able to achieve it. Now that I am in, my goal is to learn a lot about photography and to become a professional photographer.