Clarita Layza Oloya
“I want to keep stydying because I dream of becoming a nurse”
Career earnings
€ 0.00
21 September
In FairMail

“I want to keep stydying because I dream of becoming a nurse”
Career earnings: € 0.00
Clarita in September 2023
My name is Clarita Layza Oloya, I was born on the 21st of September 2009, I am 13 years old and I live with my mother, my stepfather and my two brothers Wilder, 9, and Angelo, 1.
We live in Cerrito de la Virgen, a neighborhood in the upper part of Huanchaco. I study at the Dean Saavedra High School and in my free time I like reading, playing volleyball, going out with my parents and playing board games like chess.
I have many goals for the future, one of them is to be able to have postcards for sale to be able to pay for my studies - I dream of becoming a nurse - and support my parents financially.
I am very happy to belong to FairMail and thankful for the support that the organization is giving me.
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