Cinthia Vega Inga

Career earnings: € 13,087.00
Cinthia in 2014:
Cinthia retired as a FairMail photographer in 2009. She graduated as a tourist guide in 2010 and worked for FairMail Peru as assistant manager until December 2013. She also prepares and guides some of the FairMail Peru photography trips.
Cinthia in 2007:
Hi, my name is Cinthia Vega and I live in El Milagro, a young village in northern Peru. I live with my parents Freddy and Eliza, a sister, and 3 brothers. My father is a taxi- and truck driver and my mom works in a recycling fabric. She let me work there in the mornings because in the afternoon I go to school. I couldn’t realize my homework because of the work but I had to work to help my parents. In the last year of secondary school I got worried because my parents didn’t have enough money to pay for school for me and my brothers. But I had to go on.
In this situation, I met Janneke, who had the idea to set up a company named Fairmail, where we work in a group of youngsters. We take photos showing the happiness and sadness in life. To take good pictures we also realize excursions. We transform the pictures into postcards and by selling these cards to many people we can grow into a bigger company. I am grateful for this support that helps us move on forward in our lives. With the money I earned in FairMail I started a 3-year study to be an English-speaking tour guide.