Ankita Dinkar

Career earnings: € 2,497.00
Ankita in July 2016:
I am in college now, it is called the Dhirendra Mahila p.g College. After I graduate I want to get a government job but I do not know yet what exactly. I have to pass a test to be able to get a government job. For example, I just did a test to get a job for the railway. So if I’m lucky I will get a job there.
Ankita in April 2012:
This year I learned so many news things about photography. For example, I learned more about aperture and shutter speed. Different volunteers taught us in different ways and now it is clear. So now I can shoot all my photos on manual mode of my camera. I also learned about know what kinds of background are good for photos, how to create good photos by using everything the volunteers have taught us.
With my money I earn through FairMail, I can pay my school fees and recently I got into tuition. I am very proud that I can pay for my school fees myself and not my parents. If I would not have taken tuition, my English would not be as good as it is now. I think this is really important, because in these days everybody speaks English. And you cannot get a good job without knowing English. I also want to see more of the world than only India and then English is the only way I can communicate. In the coming year, I have two goals to keep improving my English and to learn more functions of my camera. The more I know, the better my photos will become. At this moment I am waiting for results of some big exams. If I pass, I will apply for my next year of school. Then I am one step closer of my dream of going to University.
Ankita in 2009:
I like being part of FairMail because I get to do something I would have never had the chance to do- learn about photography! I like taking photos so I can take all the natural things and save them. Then I can look at them afterwards and see these things better. Taking photos allows me to have a better look at everyday life.
In the future I would like to become a social worker and help others. I plan to spend the money I earn from FairMail on school supplies as well as save it for higher education.
In my free time, I like to watch TV when I can and play with the other kids.