Anidela Rios Pizan

Career earnings: € 15,409.00
Anidela in February 2017:
My name is Anidela Rios Pizan and I am 19 years old. In 2016 both good and bad things happened to me. The first thing was that my mother was sick with headaches, and pain in her back and body. My entire family was worried. That was a bad thing that happened in my family. Also on a personal level, we had some problems in my family. That affected me a lot and I started to get distracted from the university. It was something that I was able to overcome thanks to the help of people who care about me. Those were the bad things that happened to me.
But not all things are bad. There were also many happy moments with my friends and family. The positive things that happened to me also helped me become a better person. Firstly I was able to finish the fourth semester at my university with good grades. I also got to participate in a project for young entrepreneurs. This had to do with coming up with an innovative business idea and I participated in it. It was something new for me, but it helped me to become more outgoing and to continue to participate in other projects.
On a family level something nice that happened was that as my father and mother both work I started helping them in their work. That was I was able to talk more with them and share happy moments, laughing like we never did before.
And finally my goal for 2017 is to finish my next semester with good grades as I am halfway now. I want to push forward with all the goals I have set for myself. And also start studying English as it is important for my career. Other goal is to be more outgoing with all the other people and to set goals for myself to keep growing day by day.
Anidela in December 2015:
Hi, my name is Anidela Rios Pizan and I'm 17 years old. In conclusion you could say that last year many good things happened to me, like starting to study in university. I am learning new things and still adapting as everything is very different from secondary school. I chose to study business administration which is something I like a lot.
Some thing else exciting was the trip to Europe thanks to FairMail. The goal was to promote FairMail and to get to know how things work over there. I was very happy and excited as I never thought that I would get to know these countries. I also had a few bad experiences. For example my mother was very sick and had to be operated. My father also suffered an accident and hurt his hand very bad.
I am currently studying in the second semester. During this time I learned many new things, made new friends and learned to be more communicative.
I had the opportunity to execute a project in university about making a business plan. I have had the wish to start my own bakery since a long time and after presenting it to my fellow students it was actually selected. Now we have to make a proper business plan and we will get feedback and extra ideas about it. I am sure this will help me in the future.
My goals for the future is to learn more about working with computers as this is something that is necessary. I also wanted to study English this year, but was too busy with university which was my number one priority. During my school holidays I hope to study English. I also set as goal for myself to express my opinion more and to not be afraid of what others will say about it.
Next year I want to start and finish the new semester well as I had some problems during the present semester. But thanks to the advice of people I love so much and who support me I got the force to keep fighting to get ahead in life.

Anidela in January 2015:
Hi my name is Anidela Rios Pizan. I was born on the 1st of January 1998 and I am 17 years old now. I live together with my parents Julio and Anastecia and with my two sisters Marie and Diana. My father works at a chicken farm and my mother is a housewife. In my free time I like to listen to music, play volleyball, help my mother and write poetry.
I am very happy that all the goals I have set for myself are becoming reality. One of them is that I finished high school with excellent marks and now I am in the academy preparing myself to enter university. I will study business management there. So I can get ahead in life. I know that by working hard and with the support of my parents, my sisters, my family and friends I will manage to do so.
I am now starting a new phase in my life, but I like to take on challenges and never give up. Even though it isn’t always easy because there are problems. But I never compare myself to others and just focus on thinking that I can make it and keep fighting to achieve my goals.
A bad thing that happened to me last year is that I lost my grandmother. But I know that she always supported me and that she will take good care of me from above.
My family and I have a dream, or a goal to fulfil which is to buy a piece of land soon to build our house. As right now we are living in a rented house.
I am very happy that I will travel to Europe thanks to FairMail. I will have the opportunity to travel to promote FairMail and get to know something new. I am very happy because I never thought I would go to Europe, but now that I got the opportunity I am very excited and happy.
So all in all, 2014 was a good year for me as little by little I am achieving my goals.
Anidela in August 2014:
I am 16 years old now and I still live with my parents Julio and Anastacia and my 2 sisters Maria and Diana. This year I am finishing my secondary school. This year all my courses are going well. I am also learning how to bake cakes and pies and bread in the school bakery and that will be useful for me in the future.
My goal this year is to finish my secondary school with good grades and to get first place in my class.
Anidela in January 2012:
This year in FairMail I learned a lot like taking good pictures and I managed to get my first greetingcard. I'm proud that I have entered into the FairMail family and I hope to get more cards so I can help my family.
My best moment of 2011 was when I was accepted in FairMail because I felt proud of myself and like this want to move forward, working hard together with my family to make their dream come true: to have their own house.
My worst moment was when my mom was very sick...but luckily my mom did not have a very dangerous disease.
By 2012 I want to get many more cards to be able to help with the household expenses and I also want to become a more professional photographer.
Anidela in 2011:
My name is Anidela Jesús Rios Pizan, I was born on the 1st of january 1998 in Uchucuayo. When I was 2 years old we came with my whole family to Trujillo so that my father could search for a job. When we arrived we stayed in the house of my aunt and several years passed. My father found work as a guardian on a farm and we moved to that farm as we have no house ourselves.
I am going to the school called: Corporación de Educación Popular, and in this school they gave me the opportunity to participate in FairMail, and I was in a trial period for 1 month. After that month they told me that I was selected out of the candidates, I was surprised and very happy! My family also was very excited and they shared in my happiness. They support me in my choice to develop myself.
I want to use this opportunity to help my parents with the cards and photos that I will sell because the money that my dad earns is not enough for us. Also I want to work to help him to buy a house for us.
But also I want to learn more about photography and study. I want to go on fighting for my goals and reach all my dreams.
Thank you friends of FairMail