Akaash Ram

Career earnings: € 6,238.00
Akaash in Octobre 2013:
Akaash in April 2012:
Last year my goal was to develop my mechanic shop by making it bigger and more profitable. I was able to use money from my Fairmail profits to buy six old bikes. I then fixed them up and sold them. Making 50,000 rupees per bike and continuing the cycle of finding old bikes to fix up to sell. Through this I doubled my business.
This year I am retiring from Fairmail. I never thought that I would be able to own my camera but through my sales this year I am able to. I wanted to buy my own camera so I would not forget what I learned during my three years in Fairmail. This way I can continue practicing. Fairmail helped me achieve my goal of growing and expanding my bike shop.
Akaash in 2009:
I like being part of FairMail because everyone does the same work and that is boring for me. Being a photographer allows me to do something different. I can now go to places and meet people. In the future I dream of being a good mechanic as well as a photographer. I like doing both photography and working as a mechanic because if one doesn’t work out I will always have the other to fall back one. The reason for this is because my father is a mechancic and I watched him struggling his whole life when business is bad.
There are so many things I would like to do with the money I earn. Both of my two sisters and brothers still have to be married and this is very expensive. However my first priority is helping my father pay for an eye operation. After this I would like to build a proper mechanic shop that is stronger than the plastic tarp and wooden frame that me and my father currently work in.
In my spare time I like helping my father at the shop, but I do not have time for anything else. In fact I have to work very fast at the mechanic shop so that I have time to go to photography lessons. I hope that someday there will be enough time for my whole family to sit around and talk over meals instead of always having to be working.