Ángel Nicolás Gonzales Ludeña

Career earnings
€ 0.00
27 February
In FairMail

Career earnings: € 0.00

Angel in May 2024

My name is Ángel Nicolás Gonzales Ludeña. I am 12 years old and I live in Cerrito de la Virgen in Huanchaco. I live with my parents and my siblings: 2 sisters and 3 brothers. My father works as a builder and my mother has a shop.

When I grow up, I want to be an architect. My passion is playing the piano and playing football, and I also listen to Peruvian rock music. I feel happy and proud to have joined FairMail as it was a great achievement to be selected as a photographer. It has been a couple of months since I joined the group, and I can say that we are all fun and I love them like family.

My goal is to create my first postcard and take many photos like my brother who was here.


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