“FairMail allows me to combine my passions of photography and traveling”

Posted on 13 December 2013
The FairMail Peru team

The FairMail Peru team

One of the strengths of FairMail is that the free photography training for our teenagers is given by volunteer photography trainers from different countries. Each one of them with a passion to share their different experiences, skills and perspectives with our teenagers. Like Basile Longin, a French volunteer who just finished helping out in Peru for 2 months. We asked him to share his experiences as volunteer for FairMail Peru:

“My name is Basile Longin, I am 27 years old. I’ve just finished my studies in France. With my girlfriend, we wanted to travel across South America with some volunteering along the way. When she saw the FairMail volunteer position to teach photography to a group of teenagers, I directly applied. It was the perfect mission for me because I have been passionate about photography for many years.“

What are your activities as volunteer?

“Working with FairMail is not a full time volunteer job. But that is perfect for me because I can discover the region. There are two classes a week, one on Thursday for theory with half of the group in the morning and half in the afternoon. And the second class is on Saturday morning to take pictures with the entire group.”

“I manage the class as I want. I can tackle a lot of photography themes and present them the different aspects of photography. I also added facultative classes to take photo’s during the night and the kids loved it.”

“The job is not only giving classes, but I also have to prepare classes and I spend time to find good examples, in order to explain the different themes best. Another part of my work is to look at all the photos taken with each teenager, choose which ones are the best or to explain them how they can improve them.“

“Volunteer for FairMail takes me two days and half a week. That is very reasonable and gives me time to go surfing, visit the region, and to enjoy Peru!”

Photo shoot in the botanical garden

Photo shoot in the botanical garden

What do you like about volunteering for FairMail?

“I like FairMail because it’s was the unique possibility for me to combine two of my passions: photography and traveling.  The second very important aspect that I like is that you can see the effect of your work. I mean that the volunteering has an important impact on the life of each teenager who does not have much money to live. Last but not least the group is really nice and lovely. It will be hard for me to leave them at the end of the month.“

What is the most challenging for you?

“The most challenging part for me is the Spanish, I studied it 2 years in high school but I was so bad. I started again to study it 2 months before coming in South America so it was hard at the beginning but now it’s better, I still have some problems with the vocabulary.“

What kind of capabilities do you need if you want to have a good time volunteering at FairMail?

“In order to have a great time in FairMail, it is important to speak Spanish to understand and to be understood. The second most important thing is to like sharing your passion for photography. It is also important to have creativity and ideas, to give them ideas to make them taking pictures with a different point of view, to explain them what is wrong, what is good… “

What do the teenagers still need to learn from future volunteers?

“For the future volunteer who wants to join to the great FairMail adventure, it is important to share your best photos, to explain them how to make them and to try to do the same with them. It is would be good to teach them how to develop an opinion about a picture. And to come with plenty of ideas and creativity!”

“Don’t hesitate to contact me if you want more information about my experience with FairMail or about the life in Huanchaco. If you are interesting to see more photos that I make, you can join me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BasileLonginPhotographe or on my travelling blog https://rencontresudamericaine.fr/ (in French).“

For more information about volunteering for FairMail in Peru or India click here.


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