Jovenes fotografos hacen fotos a pedido

Patricia working on UK's corporate Christmas card picture

Patricia working on UK's corporate Christmas card picture

More and more FairMail’s  teenage photographers receive concrete photo assignments from organizations looking for a certain image. The past few months they have been working on assignments for three corporate customers. A day care organization and institute providing mental care who where looking for a picture for their corporate Christmas card. And a publisher of a children’s yoga calendar.

Both for the teenagers and for the photography teachers it is very nice to work demand driven on a concrete assignment. With the idea in mind that the teenager with the best pictures gets paid for his or her photo everybody is really motivated to work hard.

Volunteer Elaine with her gang of young photographers and yoga models

Volunteer Elaine with her gang of young photographers and yoga models

According to Elaine, currently one of the two volunteer photography trainers in India, “All of the teenagers worked really hard on our yoga project. We went out into the community and worked from the teenagers rooftops with lots of younger children from the area. All the kids were very happy and excited to help out and we all had alot of fun! The deadline for the competition gave them something to focus on and it was great to see them so motivated and eager to take great shots, it also forced them to develop great ideas quickly and be really creative.”

Photographer Kaushal in action on his roof top

Photographer Kaushal in action on his roof top

A selection of the best pictures has been sent to the three different clients who are evaluating the pictures. You can imagine just how excited the teenagers are to find out if their picture will be selected or not. And how happy he or she will be when they hear that a professional organization picked their picture.

It is still possible to have the teenagers take pictures for you on a no cure no pay basis. For instance for your employers corporate Christmas card. You can learn more about this option by clicking here or by contacting us directly.

Click here to watch the restults of the childrens yoga photoshoot and to vote for your favourite.

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