Cinco nuevos adolescentes comienzan período de prueba en el Perú y la India

Juan Gabriel Escobedo Robles

Juan Gabriel Escobedo Robles

Due to different reasons there were 6 vacancies for teenage photographers to be filled in Peru and India. With the help of our local partners (Asha Deep School in India and CEP, Mundo de Niños and ACJ in Peru) we pre-selected 5 responsible teenagers who are motivated to go school but have economic difficulties to do so, for a trial period. During this period they will participate in all of FairMail activities and trainings, trying to show us that they are also motivated to work for FairMail. And that they will be able to make full use of the opportunity they are getting with the camera we borough to them.

Deepa Prajapti

Deepa Prajapti

The vacancies in Peru where created due to three teenagers reaching the age of 19 when they stop taking pictures for FairMail and start to concentrate on their (university) education or personal business with the money they earned so far. One teenager in Peru stopped attending FairMail classes regularly. When after several warnings he didn’t show up another time we were forced to terminate his participation.

Diana cristina Suarez Acevedo

Diana cristina Suarez Acevedo

In India the 2 vacancies where created due to motivational problems of 2 of the teenagers. After several conversations and warnings this convinced us that 2 other teenagers would be able to make better use of the opportunity that FairMail seeks to give to deprived but motivated teenagers. All the 6 teenagers who stopped participating in FairMail, regardless of the reason why they stopped, will keep earning 50% of the profits made to invest in their education and housing. But they won’t be able to submit new pictures to FairMail.

María de los Ángeles Acevedo Bobadilla

María de los Ángeles Acevedo Bobadilla

Krishna Vishwash

Krishna Vishwash

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