Misión Posible: trabajar en metas personales

Angelica and her goal to get into National University

Angelica and her goal to get into National University

Juan Gabriel and his goal to pay for the first 2 years of his private university himself (before he can get a scholarship)

Juan Gabriel and his goal to pay for the first 2 years of his private university himself (before he can get a scholarship)

Money alone is not enough

The money the teenagers earn with the sale of their cards will get them nowhere without a personal goal for the future which they believe in. Now that FairMail founder Janneke graduated as adolescents coach we started a new project called Mission Possible. During a shared 11-step program each teenager sets a personal goal and works on it, sharing each step in the group and taking their families and other supporters along in the process too.

The goals the FairMail teenagers chose are mostly educational goals, like getting into the National University, ending on first place in class on high school and getting admitted in a football academy. These are ambitious goals, for which you need confidence, persistence and some help along the way.

Paul want to get into a local soccer academy

Paul wants to get into a local soccer academy

Medalit want to get at least an 85% score in high school so her parents will be proud of her

Medalit wants to get at least an 85% score in high school so her parents will be proud of her

The power of a symbol

Each teenager chose a symbol to carry along with him or her as extra motivator and to remind them of the goal they set for themselves. The teenagers made the life size symbols in these pictures themselves. Each expressing what they want to achieve over the coming 12 months.

An important part of this project is about the teenagers becoming more aware of what they have achieved so far and which qualities they already have inside them. Qualities which they can use in reaching their goals. Another step is to think about possible setbacks and make a plan for when those setbacks might come along. They keep track of the progress they make and motivate each other in their challenges.

Positive results

So far the results have been positive: we see their inner motivation grow and little by little also their self-confidence and trust that their goals become within reach, step by step!

You can follow their development by staying tuned into their personal profile pages on the FairMail website.

Yulissa want to get first place in her final year of high school

Yulissa wants to get first place in her final year of high school

Dante wants to get admitted in a soccer academy

Dante wants to get admitted in a soccer academy

Bryan want to get admitted to the National University

Bryan wants to get admitted to the National University

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