Photographe indien adolescente rencontre des clients en Europe

Dhiraj giving a television interview in Wurzburg

Dhiraj giving a television interview in Wurzburg

From the 11th of June until the 3rd of July FairMail organized its third European promotional tour. Guest of honor during the 3 week road trips was FairMail India Photographer Dhiraj Kannaujia. FairMail invited him to come to Europe to tell the unique story behind his cards and to learn more about his greeting card market.

Both goals where achieved with success. Dhiraj gave no less than 12 interviews for the television, radio, newspapers and magazines in the Netherlands, Germany and France. To learn more about the market he visited 5 of FairMail’s publishers in the same countries plus Switzerland. During the tour we also visited business customers like the Dutch ethical ASN Bank, a consumer festival in the Netherlands and 5 FairMail selling points in Germany. In France Dhiraj presented FairMail during three regional meetings of the sales representatives of La Carterie who will be promoting their new range of ethical cards and calendar.

Click here to see the slideshow about the trip.

Below you can read or click and view a few of the media that reported on Dhiraj’s visit like:

• Dutch Trouw Newspaper interview (see below)

• German Television Report

• Dutch World Broadcasting service interview

• Dutch Article in One World Magazine

• German Newspaper articles 1&2 (see below)

• German Magazine articles 1&2

• Dutch Greetz interview

• Dutch article in My World

• Dutch article in India NU

Dutch article in National Trouw Newspaper

Dutch article in National Trouw Newspaper

German Newspaper Article

German Newspaper Article

Second German Newspaper article

Second German Newspaper article

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