Young photographer Elmer tells his own succes story

FairMail Peru photographer Elmer

FairMail Peru photographer Elmer

Hi, I am Elmer, am 18 years old and live in the Casa de Jovenes (teenagers house) in Trujillo. The house belongs to Mundo de Ninos which is a boys home for children who have problems and helps them with studying, housing, food, etc. It is cool too live in this house which is helping us a lot.

Before Mundo de Ninos I, Elmer, worked in the streets of Trujillo selling sweets or singing in the public transport. Until I decided to go to Mundo de Ninos so they could help me with my studies and to have a place to live. And feel like there is a family at home waiting for you. And thanks to Mundo de Ninos I found FairMail. In FairMail they taught me many things about photography, about how to take my pictures, composition and many other things which helped me as a person.

FairMail Family

FairMail Family

It is already three years that I am in FairMail now and in that time I learned a lot from the volunteers, sharing nice moments and adventures that, I think, after I leave FairMail next year, will never repeat themselves. But these things are very cool and I like to be in the FairMail family. I have friends there with which I can share many things like brothers.

Thanks to FairMail I was able to study computer skills buy a laptop, practice and graphic design. This helps me a lot with my homework but will also be useful in the future when I do my advanced studies.

My new room at my families house

My new room at my families house

I was also able to build my own room in my mothers house in Alto Trujillo (new settlement on the border of Trujillo) and bought a stove for my mother so she does not have to cook on wood any more which produces toxic gases which is harmful for her health.

Elmer with his certificates and laptop

Elmer with his certificates and laptop

At the moment I am in my last year of secondary school Next year I will go to the university. I would love to study something related to photography or graphic design. The perfect study would be Communication Sciences I think.
To be honest FairMail has influenced my life a lot and helped me a lot. I will never stop to thank for all the opportunities it has given me. I also won a trip too Europe in June. This for me is something extraordinary and a one of a lifetime experience.

My goal is to finish my career and be a professional. And that my family is proud of me and that I will be able to live again together with my mother and brother in the centre of the city.

Thanks and Greetings, Elmer

(for more information about Elmer, to send him an e-mail, watch his pictures and to order his cards, click here)

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