Posts Tagged ‘Postales para San Valentino’

Show your love with a sustainable card!

lunes, enero 22nd, 2018

Nothing says “I love you” like a fair trade card!

Thanks to the talent and creativity of our teenagers from Peru, India and Morocco, FairMail can offer you a wide range of Valentine’s cards to tell the people you love how much you care for them.

It’s amazing to think of all the things that our teenagers used to make beautiful hearts: from flowers to matches, from cups to corn, not to forget newspapers, hands, balloons, pastels and stones. There is really no limit to creativity! Also, we are proud of the fact that in most of the cases the props that our photographers use are almost always free or cost very little money.

So why should you go for a fair-trade Valentine’s card this year? There are several reasons and we feel the most important are:

1)      You’re actively contributing to the empowerment of our teenagers in terms of education and housing conditions;

2)      You’re contributing to the economic development of the host country on a larger scale;

3)      You’re helping FairMail invest in photography gear;

4)      You’re sending a great message to the person that will receive the card.

So, what are you waiting for? Shout out your love with a fair-trade card, you’ll make the world a better place!

Quien recibirá un postal de comercio justo para San Valentin este ano?

miércoles, febrero 15th, 2017
Fair Trade Valentine Card

Fair Trade Valentine Card

A lot of nervous giggling: That is what you can count on hearing when you ask a Peruvian FairMail teenager who they will send a Valentine card this year. Double the amount of giggling is you even suggest the idea that they might receive a Valentine card this year.

FairMail’s teenage photographers were a lot cooler while shooting the pictures for this year’s new fair trade Valentine cards. You are still in time to order a real Valentine card with one of their photos with this link. Greetz will take care of the printing and sending off of your personalized card . You can even ask them to send along some flowers, chocolates or a big balloon.

Besides that we have a large selection of Valentine cards available in FairMail’s webshop. Click here to order.

Nuevas tarjetas de comercio justo

viernes, enero 30th, 2015

En los últimos meses hemos trabajado muy duro, junto con nuestros editores, para preparar 3 nuevas colecciones de postales de FairMail para usted.

Valentine card by Sandhya

Valentine card by Sandhya

Especialmente para el Día de San Valentín diseñamos 8 nuevas cartas de amor en corporación con Greetz. En total ahora usted puede elegir entre 43 diferentes fotos románticas de FairMail. Haga clic aquí para diseñar y personalizar su propio tarjeta de San Valentín de comercio justo para decir a alguien especial lo mucho que se preocupa por él o ella!

Happy Birthday card by Angeles

Happy Birthday card by Angeles

También tenemos 17 nuevas tarjetas FairMail doblados disponibles para ocasiones populares como cumpleaños, nuevo bebé, que te mejoras y condolencia. Esta colección internacional ya está disponible en la tienda online de FairMail.

Valentine card by Anidela

Valentine card by Anidela

Los diseñadores del FairMail Alemania han diseñado una hermosa colección de 20 cartas nuevas en alemán con las mejores y más auténticas imagenes de nuestros adolescentes. Esta colección incluye tarjetas dobles, postales simples y tarjetas de regalo a partir de 1,60 euros cada una. Haga clic aquí para ver las nuevas tarjetas en tienda online de FairMail.

Nueva coleción de postales de San Valentin

lunes, febrero 3rd, 2014

New FairMail Fair Trade Valentine Card

Even though 2014 is only 1 month old we can already announce the launch of 3 new FairMail card collections!

Especially for Valentine’s Day 11 new FairMail cards can be personalized and ordered to print online via the website of FairMail partner Greetz.


New FairMail Fair Trade Valentine Card

In cooperation with our Belgian distributor «Fair Trade Original» 12 new FairMail cards are available for the Belgian Fair Trade shops.

Our German publisher «FairMail Distribution Partner GmbH» started the year well with 27 new card designs to offer to their clients.

Have a look at the new cards that are now available in FairMail’s webshop.


New FairMail Fair Trade Valentine Card