Posts Tagged ‘voyages du photographie’

Sessions d’information sur les voyages photographiques FairMail

lundi, février 4th, 2013
Helping out on a photography trip

Helping out on a photography trip

Etes-vous à la recherche d’une destination de vacances originale pour cette année ? Pourquoi ne pas envisager de s’inscrire à une des Voyages photographiques de FairMail?

Voyager ensemble avec les adolescents de FairMail en dehors des sentiers battus traditionnels vous procure une immersion unique dans la vie réelle de l’Inde et du Pérou. Le plus de cette initiative est qu’en parallèle de vous offrir de très belle vacances, vous donnez la même possibilité à un des adolescents grâce à votre sponsoring lors de votre réservation.

Pour plus de renseignement, cliquez ici pour participer à l’une des 2 sessions d’information le 09 février ou le 25 mai en Hollande. Pour plus d’information ou pour s’inscrire à une des rencontres, cliquez ici.

La première vidéo stop motion réalisée au cours d’une excursion photographique.

lundi, février 4th, 2013

Le but principal des voyages photographiques de FairMail est de prendre de nouvelles photos pour les collections de carte. A chacun d’entre eux, nous essayons de réaliser quelque chose de différent pour garder les adolescents en éveil et développer leur créativité. Avec plus de 250 photos à chaque fois, deux groupes de photographes ont réalisé deux vidéos animées différentes : une sur la nature avec une fleur dont ils sont tombés amoureux et une comédie sur un transsexuel qui tente de conquérir le cœur d’une jeune fille. Allez sur le site YouTube de FairMail pour les découvrir toutes les deux !

Pour plus de photos du voyage précèdent dans le Chachapoyas au Pérou, dirigez-vous sur le site Facebook de FairMail

Cliquez ici pour regarder les 2 vidéos.

Nouveaux voyages photographiques au Pérou et en Inde

mercredi, novembre 28th, 2012
FairMail Photography Trip

FairMail Photography Trip

Voyagerez-vous l’année prochaine avec des adolescents Péruviens et Indiens, à la recherche des meilleures photos? Les quatre voyages pour l’année prochaine sont maintenant disponibles en ligne. Au delà de vous inscrire dans un voyage unique, vous donnez également la même possibilité à un adolescent de FairMail. Cette association leur offre l‘opportunité de mieux connaitre leur propre pays et de prendre de nouvelles photos pour leurs cartes de vœux.

Le 09 février, une rencontre d’information a lieu à Oegstgeest à 15h (en Hollande) pour ceux qui veulent en savoir plus.

Cliquez ici pour plus d’information ou pour vous inscrire.

FairMail Photography Trip

FairMail Photography Trip

Rapport de voyage de photographie à la forêt nuage péruvienne

lundi, octobre 22nd, 2012
Taking coffee photo's

Taking coffee photo

In August a few of the FairMail teenager travelled to the Peruvian cloud forest to take pictures of the organic coffee harvest for the German Coffee producer Rapunzel. Below you can read the trip report by photographer Betty.

In 2013 4 photography trips to Peru and India are scheduled. Would you like to learn more? Then register for the information session on Saturday the 9th of February by clicking here.

What was the best part of the trip for you?

The best part of the trip is the coopration with the other photographers, volunteers and the people we meet during the trip. But also the beautiful places of our Peru that we get to know. And of course the most important: take many great pictures!

What did you like about the destination compared to where you live in Trujillo?

What I like so much about Sicches is the peace and quiet and the nature. But also the friendliness of the people who live in the small village and give us a place to stay in their house.

Betty taking pictures of organic sugar

Betty taking pictures of organic sugar

Why would you like more foreigners to come on a trip with you in the future?

I would like more foreigners to travel with us so we can learn more from them. But also because they give us the opportunity to travel and that way get to know more about other parts of our Peru. Thanks to them and to FairMail we get to know our own culture better and we can identify with it. And then take great pictures of the cultural things we see.

What did you work on this time during the trip?

During the trip we worked for a company that requested our services to take pictures of organic coffee. Of the production process  the drying and the families that work in coffee production. But we also worked on general card themes like love, Christmas and light etc.

Which photo did you take during the trip which you think might make it to a FairMail postcard?

This one:

Betty's new postcard?


What will you do with the money you earn if it actually becomes a FairMail card?

With the money I would continue to pay for my education (business administration) to become a good professional. And that way not let my family down.

Why did only 3 teenagers get to go on the trip this time?

Because we didn’t have enough foreign travellers to support us. That’s why there wasn’t enough budget to take more teenagers to enjoy this great trip! Through a selection process 3 teenagers where chosen who could go.

Aide FairMail et gagnez un voyage de photographie GRATUIT pour le Pérou ou l’Inde

dimanche, août 26th, 2012
Helping the teenagers during a photography trip

Helping the teenagers during a photography trip

Yes, you are not mistaking. By helping FairMail you have the chance to win a free FairMail photography trip in Peru or India worth 600 euro.

All you have to do is give us the golden tip about who is in charge of the Christmas cards or e-cards at your employer and give us their personal details. Then we can approach him or her to lay down our offer to make tailor made Christmas or e-cards for your employer.

With a FairMail Christmas card you send a message that really touches people: showing how deprived teenagers work on their own future in a positive way using their creativity. With the chosen Christmas picture comes the personal story about the photographer and the direct link to who is being supported with the purchase of the card.

You can find more information about the tailor made Christmas and e-cards in this digital flyer.

From all the tips that end up in an assignment for FairMail we will select one person who can come for free on an all expenses paid 10 day FairMail photography trip with one friend. (You do have to pay for your own airplane ticket to the starting point of the trip in Peru or India).

Voyage avec les adolescents: 4 nouveaux voyages au Pérou et en Inde

jeudi, juillet 12th, 2012
FairMail's photography trips


A unique way of getting to know the country because by travelling with the FairMail teenagers you don’t feel like a tourist at all and you get into very special situations where you can take great pictures.

This is what an ex-participant of FairMail’s photography trip said when asked to explain what is so good about travelling together with the FairMail teenagers. Besides treating yourself to a unique holiday you also help the teenagers to take pictures for their cards. Both by sponsoring the costs of their trip, but also by giving your opinion (as an consumer from the west) about their pictures and what has to be improved so people like you will buy them on a FairMail card. Read more about the trips here.

Four trips to Peru and India are planned for the next 12 months. All with guaranteed departure! Click below to read about the new destinations.

If you want to learn more please feel free to visit the photography trip information session on Saturday the 25th of August in Amsterdam from 15.00 until 17.00.

To register for this event please click here:

Trip 1: India: Darjeeling: Queen of the Himalaya – 20 October to 5 November 2012 – 17 days – 1.195 euro

In cooperation with Commundo (in Dutch).

Read travel description here

Trip 2: Peru: Chachapoyas, The Lost Empire – 7 to 18 January 2013 – 12 days – 600 euro

Read travel description here

Trip 3: India: Nanintal: Gateway to the Indian Himalaya – 1 to 12 April 2013 -12 dagen – 600 euro

Read travel description here

Trip 4: Peru: Tarapoto, The Northern Peruvian Jungle – 29 July to 9 August 2013 – 12 dagen – 600 euro

Read travel description here

(English) New video of FairMail photography trips

mercredi, avril 25th, 2012

(English) Info meeting photography trips on 28th of April 2012

vendredi, février 10th, 2012

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English, Nederlands et Español.

Travelling with the locals

Travelling with the locals

In de zomer/najaar van 2012 organiseert FairMail weer 3 fantastische fotografiereizen in Peru en India. Hierbij krijg je de kans om samen met de FairMail tiener fotografen te reizen door hun land en zo van dichtbij in contact te komen met het land, de inwoners en FairMail. Hier lees je meer over de FairMail reizen.

Om geïnteresseerden hierover te informeren organiseert FairMail op 28 april 2012 in Amsterdam ‘s middags een voorlichtingsbijeenkomst over de reizen door Peru en India.

Van te voren opgeven is noodzakelijk en kan via dit contactformulier.

(English) FairMail India lost in the jungle?

lundi, décembre 19th, 2011

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English, Nederlands et Español.

First group meeting with the team

First group meeting with the team

Mid March FairMail initiator Peter den Hond went for a three week visit to FairMail india. Read below about his most marvelous day, how he helped to clear a path through the jungle and found Tibetian treasures hidden in the Himalayas.

After a 12 hour train journey I arrived in the holy city of Varanasi on the borders of the Ganges river. At the train station I was picked up by our managers Akshay and three of the FairMail photographers to take me to the new office of FairMail India. I felt straight away that there was a lot of good energy, fun and friendship between the team members. « Great to see, but if everything was already going so well in India, what was my role going to be here the coming weeks? »

Lost in the jungle?

Common goals set by FairMail team

Common goals set by FairMail team

During the last visit by Janneke in Octobre the whole team identified the collective goals of FairMailIndia (see picture). Earn money, Learn things, Help others, Get a profession and have fun together where the main goals. Since then the team is working hard on the succes of FairMail India. You can visualize it as if they are working hard every day chopping their way through the jungle in the direction of their goal. Then it is good if every now and then a foreigner comes in, climbs into the highest tree to look over the forest and see if we are still going in the right direction to reach our goal.

Ways FairMail India can improve according to the team

Ways FairMail India can improve according to the team

The teenagers aren’t used to openly criticize and evaluate their employer. But with some warming up we managed to get quiet a few examples of things going well or not going so well. And even a lot of ideas of how we can improve FairMail India! For example the kids where happy with the fact that money was actually being earned now  for their eduational and medical needs, but they where disappointed that of a few team members hardly any images where being selected. And according to them FairMail uniforms and ID cards would be a great improvement. (see picture). Now we all know which way we are heading the whole team is back to work together. clearing a path through the jungle again.

Tibetan treasures in the Himalayas

The whole group who travelled to Darjeeling

The whole group who travelled to Darjeeling

Besides the jungle we also went to the Himalayas. During the second FairMail India photography trip we travelled to the foot of the Indian Himalayas for 10 days. We went with 4 of the photographers, manager Akshay and travelling photographer Mr. Henk. We wanted to discover a new part of their country with the teenagers, get to know each other better and of course take great pictures for the new catalogue. In the north east of India there are many Buddhist influences from nearby Tibet and Bhutan. So perfect to take pictures of Buddha statues and Tibetan monks walking in the street.  Take a look at the new pictures the teenagers took and judge for yourself.

Brainstorming about ideas for pictures in front of the fire place

Brainstorming about ideas for pictures in front of the fire place

The promised view of the snow capped Himalaya stayed away for a long time due to the bad weather. For the teenagers who where used to warmer weather it was extremely cold at this altitude. They quickly had to buy glooves, scarves and hats to stay warm. Luckily our hotel had a nice fire place which they had never seen before! (see picture). Watch the small video about the trip by clicking here. We showed it during parent day to all the parents so they have an idea what we do to their kids when we take them away for 10 days!

A great (parent) day for Sandhya

Sandhya could not believe how much she had earned!

Sandhya could not believe how much she had earned!

For me the parent day we organized the last day was great because that way we could discuss the dreams the teenagers wanted to full fill with help of FairMail with their parents too. Despite their background/caste or financial situation. That was very inspiring to see for me! But I think the parent day was even more special for Sandhya. When we discussed the quarterly profit per teenager she learned that she had earned the crazy amount of 46.000 rupees with the sale of her cards in the last 3 months. (as a comparison the local fair trade liveable wage is set at 4.500 rupees per month. And Sandhya earns her money while taking free photography classes 10 hours per week, while her father has to try and repair rickshaws 48 hours per week!). Now FairMail India (like Peru) is starting to earn serious money we have to communicate more with the parents and their kids about finding ways to spend the money in an efficient and effective way. With local customs like arranged marriages, dowries and traditional gender relations this will become a nice challenge for the months to come. We already started « wishing » and discussing the « Creation Spiral » by writer Martinus Knoope.

Like last time the good bye bit was quick and hasty due to the full programme the last day. But that made the relaxation for me in the train back to Delhi all the better. A good chance for me to really feel that the coaching of local production units is the part of my work at FairMail that I enjoy most!

(English) 6 new photography trips online

lundi, décembre 19th, 2011

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English, Nederlands et Español.

Photography traveller showing her DSLR to Betty

Photography traveller showing her DSLR to Betty

Every year FairMail organizes about 6 photography trips in Peru and India. Together with a few of the FairMail teenagers you make a 13 day trip. You take pictures together with these locals  and you share experiences and perspectives.  This is an unique way to get to know a new country. According to former participants you get to take many great pictures without ever feeling like a tourist because you are working together with local kids. For example taking pictures of the colourful local market.  Click here for a short video of our last trip to the Indian Himalayas.

On Sunday the 15th of May 2011 FairMail is organizing a meeting in Amsterdam, Holland, for those interested in knowing FairMail from first hand.

Taking pictures together during a boat ride along the Ganges

Taking pictures together during a boat ride along the Ganges

However if you can’t make it, please (click here for an overview of the trips for 2010 and 2011). If you’re interested in coming to the meeting or want to know more about the trips then contact Peter  by clicking here.