Posts Tagged ‘Transparency’

Nouveaux propriétaires pour FairMail!

samedi, décembre 9th, 2017
The current and future owners of FairMail

The current and future owners of FairMail

Take a seat while reading this huge news: after more then 11 years FairMail founders Peter and Janneke are ready to take a step back and hand over “their baby” to new owners. “We noticed that our energy for some of the business aspects of the company was diminishing. And that this also blocked our inspiration for new creative ideas in business development. We believe that FairMail deserves new oxygen and energy to keep on unleashing its potential. Apart from that we also felt that both of us had a craving for some new personal development, outside of FairMail.”

“This is a huge step for us which we have been working on for quite some time now. After some investigations we found a team of 3 young women who will take-over FairMail per 1/1/2018. They are super motivated and all three of them know FairMail from the inside, as former volunteer photography trainers in Peru. 2 of them are German and 1 is Italian. They will set up a new FairMail company in Germany. As founders we plan to stay involved from the side in a Board of Advice. The 3 women will take over all of the daily work and we trust and believe they will follow the philosophy and ideas on which we based the FairMail concept.”

FairMail founder Janneke being thanked by the teenagers

FairMail founder Janneke being thanked by the teenagers

“It feels very strange to leave the company and at the same time it feels healthy, for two main reasons.  Firstly because with this take-over FairMail is able to continue and hopefully to keep growing with the 3 new shareholders and their new energy and ideas. Secondly because of the new freedom we will have to develop ourselves in new areas. Peter wants to work more with his hands, build wooden surfboards and eco-homes, while Janneke wants to continue specializing as an adolescent coach and -trainer.  We won’t be the “father and mother” of FairMail any longer but assume a new role as “grandfather and grandmother”. We are very grateful that things worked out this way!”

“To make sure that the hand-over goes smoothly and that neither our customers nor the teenagers are affected negatively we have been training the new owners for the past months already. From December to February we will continue the training while working together in Peru during the actual hand-over. »

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us by clicking here. Peter and Janneke can be contacted for private messages after the first of January via and

Rapport Annuel du FairMail en ligne

lundi, juin 27th, 2016

As fair trade guaranteed member of the World Fair Trade Organization, FairMail has transparency as one of its core values.

We believe that all our customers, teenagers, cooperation partners and of course YOU have the right to know all about FairMail’s activities, what the results are and the effects of all of this on people, planet and profit. Please feel free to have a look at FairMail’s 2015 Annual Report (in English) by clicking here.

We have also updated the extended Frequently Asked Questions section on FairMail’s website for those who really want to know ALL the details.

Read FairMail’s annual year report over 2015 here

L’impact de FairMail comme vous l’avez jamais vu

lundi, juin 27th, 2016
FairMail's impact from 2006 - 2015

FairMail’s impact from 2006 – 2015

FairMail dreams of a world in which ALL adolescents have equal opportunities to educate and develop themselves.

In our last newsletter you already read about the impact you help to create by purchasing FairMail’s fair trade photo products.

But as an image says so much more than words we asked the JAM Academy to develop this cool visual explaining FairMail’s input, activities, output, outcome and impact so far.

Click here to view the full screen version

FairMail gagnant du Prix transparence du PwC

lundi, octobre 26th, 2015
FairMail founders Janneke Smeulders and Peter den Hond receive the cheque

FairMail founders Janneke Smeulders and Peter den Hond receive the cheque

Nous y sommes arrivés! FairMail a gagné le premier prix dans la catégorie entreprise d’économie sociale avec le site web le plus transparent en regard à son impact social. Lors de la cérémonie de remise des prix qui avait lieu à La Hague le 30 septembre dernier, le président du jury M. Herman Wijffels, a remis en main propre un chèque de 10.000 euro aux fondateurs de FairMail, Peter et Janneke.

Le prix était une initiative de Price Waterhouse Coopers qui avait pour but de stimuler les entreprises d’économie sociale à diffuser de façon transparente leurs impacts sociaux. PWC s’est penché sur les sites web de 60 entreprises d’économie sociale et les a évalué en fonction de divers critères comme la communication de leur modèle de gestion, de leur impact social, des risques encourus et l’utilisation de témoignages. FairMail a finalement été élu gagnant par un jury indépendant.

Vous pouvez en savoir davantage sur comment FairMail a obtenu ce prix en  cliquant ici.

FairMail wins the Transparency Prize 2015

FairMail wins the Transparency Prize 2015

L’argent reçu servira à adapter le site web de Fairmail pour les appareils mobiles et pour développer de nouvelles opportunités d’affaires à la foire internationale du commerce équitable qui se tiendra l’année prochaine.

Nous sommes ravis de ce résultat. Nous n’y serions pas arrivés sans une précieuse aide de plusieurs acteurs, et c’est ainsi pourquoi nous tenons à remercier UNITid pour la conception interactive de notre site web, TOOK Web development pour la programmation du site et la Social Capital Foundation pour le prêt nous ayant permis d’investir dans un nouveau site transparent.