Posts Tagged ‘adolescentes’

Sandhya: Nuevo talento de la India

miércoles, diciembre 7th, 2011


Soy Sandhya Rao, un de los fotógrafos de FairMail India. Yo he trabajado en FairMail por los dos últimos anos y ha sido un gran ayuda para mi vida y mis estudios. FairMail es una empresa muy buena que me ha dado muchos talentos en la fotografiá y creatividad. Yo trabajo en este equipo con 10 hermanos y hermanos lo cual da la posibilidad de disfrutar de trabajar en un equipo y ayudarnos entre nosotros.


En este empresa he tenido la oportunidad de viajar a una montana que se llama Pachamarhi lo cual fue el primero viaje en mi vida! Disfrute de ver un sitio muy bueno y tambien de la fotografia. Tambien tengo la oportunidad de trabajar con nuevos voluntarios quien nos ensenar bien en la fotografia. Es bueno conocer a muchas personas y trabajar.


Los dos ultimos anos han sido muy bien para mi y voy a hacer todo lo posible para poder quedarme en FairMail por mucho mas tiempo Voy a estar muy triste el dia que tengo que salir. Yo realmente quiero quedarme porque me brinda tanto.

En cuestion de finanzas tengo mi fondo de ganancias que uso para pagar mis estudios y mis planes para el futuro. Tambien use el fondo para ayudar a desarollar la empresa de mi padre. Tambien tengo un fondo medico para mi y mi familia para cuidar nuestro salud.


Quiero a agradecer a todo el equipo de FairMail y tambien a los compradores de los postales de FairMail que nos apoyan.

Gracias y amor

Sandhya Rao
Quieres leer mas sobre Sandhya, ver sus postales, votar por sus fotos o mandarla un correo? Haga click aca!

Cinthia Vega nos cuenta su historia de exito

viernes, diciembre 2nd, 2011
Cinthia Vega Inga

Cinthia Vega Inga

Hola mi nombre es Cinthia y soy ex-participante de FairMail Perú.

Yo ingrese a los 15 años aproximadamente, les cuento conocimos a janneke y pèter  de nacionalidad holandesa, ellos eran voluntarios  en una ONG que se llama ACJ (asociación cristiana de jóvenes del Peru), y mundo de niños.

Al observar que nosotros,  teníamos curiosidad de tener una cámara en nuestras manos  llego una gran idea a sus cabecitas  que les decía «estos chicos necesitan tener una cámara en sus manos», así  que este sueño se cumplió…

The first FairMail teenagers, including Cinthia

The first FairMail teenagers, including Cinthia

Que paso? Este pensamiento se hizo realidad y iniciamos con 14 o 15 chicos la cual solo quedamos 4, quien escribe esto, una compañera que se llama Rosita, dos amigo llamados David y Luis, quienes  aprovechamos a lo grande esta oportunidad, las personas que nos brindaban información de fotografía ósea nuestros profesores.- al principio eran ellos mismos  después fueron llegando voluntarios de diferentes  partes del mundo claro mas de Holanda. Bueno, paso un tiempo salíamos de viaje para lograr muchas tomas fotográficas. Estas fotos  dieron  una gran giro convirtiéndose en postales, y llegando a exportarlas al extranjero obteniendo ganancias pero con algunas condiciones. Ya que los chicos que participamos en esta empresa que se llama FairMail (correo justo) somos de bajos recursos económicos, y este dinero se dividía en partes como: un fondo de educación, fondo de ropa, fondo de vivienda, fondo de salud.

Cinthia's graduation as tourist guide

Cinthia's graduation as tourist guide

Gracias a esta ayuda de las postales y gracias a las personas que las adquieren  podemos lograr muchas cosas  que derepente nuestros padres no pudieron dar a su tiempo.

Yo Cinthia vega  agradezco grandemente a janneke, Peter, y a todos los que nos apoyan,  y gracias  ala venta de mis postales y las ganancias obtenidas logre comprar mi computadora que me sirve mucho para hacer mis trabajos del instituto, claro que también ingrese a estudiar turismo en un instituto de Trujillo llamado ”Cevatur Trujillo” la cual después de tres años termine mi carrera  ahora estoy realizando mis practicas en  huaca del sol y de la luna, un centro turístico, y trabajo como guía para los viajes de FairMail.

Cinthia's new own bedroom

Cinthia's new own bedroom

Pero eso no es todo les cuento que cuando se cumple los 19 años pues termina tu participación en FairMail, pero me dieron la oportunidad de seguir como asistente de gerencia. Así logre pagar los 1.100 soles (300 euros) para la construcción de mi propio cuarto y seguir ganando de las ventas de mis postales.

Mil gracias a todos. Los quiero mucho

Atte.: cinthia vega

Si quieres leer mas sobre Cinthia, ver sus fotos o comprar sus postales: haga click aca.

Cinthia's old bedroom

Cinthia's old bedroom

The inside of Cinthia's new bedroom

The inside of Cinthia's new bedroom

Fotografa Anshu esta ahorando para ser doctora

jueves, noviembre 10th, 2011
Anshu with FairMail volunteer Elaine

Anshu with FairMail volunteer Elaine

Namaste! Hello! I am Anshu, I am one of the teenagers in FairMail India. I am so happy to be in FairMail because I can learn lots of new skills, have fun and also earn some money (FM: 1.292 euro so far). I would not have had the chance to earn some money for myself if I wasn’t in FairMail India. Now I am very happy because during the last quarter I have earned the most profit of all of the FairMail India teenagers with the sales of my cards and that has made my family very proud of me!

Anshu with her family in front of her house

Anshu with her family in front of her house

My family is very big. There are 12 people so the money I make will help us a lot. I have already bought a big storage cupboard for my house so now we have more space for my family. The rest of my money is saved for my education in the future. One day I hope I will be a doctor. I want to help people and care for people who are sick. I will have to go to University first and that is very expensive. If I didn’t have my savings from FairMail I would never be able to go to university and become a doctor. So I am very happy that FairMail has given me this chance for my future.

Anshu in action during classes

Anshu in action during classes

I really like to learn photography. I like to take photographs of flowers the most. I like the flowers in the park because there are so many different colours to take photographs of and I think that people like to buy cards with nice flowers.

I love to see new places too. Last year I went to the photography trip with FairMail to Darjeeling. I liked to see the new places and the scenery and I made some nice photographs there. One day I would like to see some more places in India like Mumbai and Delhi and make some more nice photographs. Maybe when I am a doctor I can buy my own camera!

I want to say thank you to everyone who buys a card from me and from the other FairMail teenagers.


(FM: read more about Anshu, vote for her pictures or order her cards by clicking here)

FairMail Peru pierde a fotografo Pasquel

miércoles, octubre 5th, 2011
Pasquel with one of his cards in front of his house

Pasquel with one of his cards in front of his house

At the end of September we received the sad message from the manager of FairMail Peru that Pasquel Saldaña Rodríguez had definately been expelled from the FairMail Peru team. Unfortunately the 15 day suspension, the help of a psychologist and different sanctions did not have the desired effect: that Pasquel would be a responsible member of the team. We asked Renato Cerqueira Nunez, manager of FairMail Peru to explain how this was able to happen.

Why was Pasquel fired?

It is always a very difficult decision to take when you have to tell one of the teenagers there is no future for them within FairMail. But it is a decision that has to be taken in order to be consequent about the rules and treat everyone the samen. In the case of Pasquel this was necessary because he was not attending the two photography classes per week regularly enough. Before the definit seperation of Pasquel he had been suspended for 15 days as a warning and so he could think over for himself if he wanted to continue with FairMail or not. When afterwards he did not show up for classes a third time without warning it was clear he would definately be fired.

Why are the rules so strict at FairMail?

We want FairMail to be a valuable working experience for the teenagers. This way FairMail is not only an important instrument for their personal development and to acheive their (financial) goles. But it is also the place where they learn to see and value the unique possibility they have in hands. At FairMail they can learn that through their own motivation, dedication and honesty it is possible that day by day they can work towards a better future for themselves.

What are the most important rules for the teenagers that participate in FairMail?

Because we want to offer work experience our rules look like the ones within any company. That means showing up on time for the activities that the volunteer photographer trainers organize. And give advance warning if they can’t make it . This is important for our operations to function normally. So we can acheive our common goals.

How long was Pasquel member of the team and what memories does he leave behind?

Pasquel was member of FairMail Peru for 1,5 years when he had to leave for disciplinary reasons. After his own request to be reincorporated he got a last chance until his definit exclusion last week. We will remember him for his hapiness, enery and the creativity he had when dealing with his tasks. He will leave behind many friendships. Like with all photographers that leave FairMail the doors will always be wide open for him too. We will remain connected through his cards which we will keep selling (and he will keep receiving 50% of the profits made with them) and the friendship that will surely last. The rest of the group is sad that Pasquel has left the group, but are aware that is is part of the professional education that we try to give them. Also the rules we have are set collectively and democratically decided upon by the entire team.

Interview with Renato by: Cinthia Vega – Assistent manager FairMail Peru

Fotografo Akash de la India retorna a colegio

miércoles, octubre 5th, 2011
Akash with his family

Akash with his family

Hi, I am Akash Ram, one of the Photographers of FairMail India. I am 18 years old. It is my third year in FairMail India and I have improved a lot in my photography and also in my study. I left my school in my childhood and I started to learn to become a motor mechanic so I did not think about my study.

When I joined FairMail I was inspired to take a private tuition so I stared going there. In the first few months I did not like it because I knew nothing and I was grown up boy so I felt embarrassed to go there. But because of FairMail I kept doing my study and now I know many basic things like reading, writing and doing maths. Now I plan to write my high school exam next year so I am very thankful to FairMail.

Akash with his tutor

Akash with his tutor

Through FairMail I learn many things in photography and I take good pictures. And there are my cards too so with that I earn good amount of money (red.: 1.200 Euro so far). Some of my money I was able to invest in my business to improve my motor mechanic shop which is getting better and I have saved some of my profit fund for my future study.

So thanks to the FairMail India team and also those who are involve with FairMail and also those who buy our cards.

Many greetings
Akash Ram

(Red. Read more about Akash, watch his pictures, buy his card or send him an email by clicking here. Check out Akash’s three new Christmas cards by clicking here)

Akash in the motor workshop he shares with his father

Akash in the motor workshop he shares with his father

Fotografo Kaushal hace realidad de sus suenos

miércoles, agosto 31st, 2011
Kaushal in action

Kaushal in action

Hello… Namaste… I am Kaushal and I am a photographer at FairMail India.

I am 15 now and I joined FairMail two and a half years ago. Before that I didn’t know anything about cameras. First I wanted to learn a lot and try to take some nice photographs to earn some money and help my family, but now that I understand it more I have a dream to become a professional photographer and take many creative photographs all around the world. I have lots of creative ideas and sometimes I have to spend a long time on my picture until I am happy it is perfect. I have four more years to study at my school and then I hope I will be able to study a Bachelor of Fine Arts course at the University here in Varanasi and use my photography skills.

Kaushal with his family in front of his house

Kaushal with his family in front of his house

In my family I have only sister, my grandmother and my mother. My father died when I was at the age of ten so it was a big burden for my mother to care for me and my whole family. I did not have any hope in my life because of my families’ situation. But in February of 2009 I was been selected to work in FairMail India. There I learnt how to be creative by taking picture and I was also encouraged to think about a dream for my life so now my dream is to become a good photographer and become a psychologist. Now I am very positive that I can reach my goal.

From the sales of my first card at FairMail I was able to earn 5.000 Rupees and I used the money to build a second room at my house. I live with my sister, my mother and my grandmother and before I had the money we all lived in one room together, now there is a little more space for my family.

Kaushal with his new laptop

Kaushal with his new laptop

This year I bought a laptop for my study as I am in high school and for my sister to use. She has a job typing in Hindi but before we had the computer she had to walk far in the dark to another computer and I thought it was dangerous for her and I was always worried about her. Now I have bought my laptop she can type at home and earn some more money for our family. I never thought that I will ever own a laptop in my life but FairMail made my dream full fill. Now I am saving my FairMail money to pay for my University course and I will also finish the building of my house.

One day I hope I will be a very famous photographer and when I am I would like to say thank you to FairMail for teaching me and go to FairMail in Peru as a volunteer to teach more teenagers how to be good photographers. I hope you like my photographs.

I want to thank FairMail and also to all who buy cards of FairMail because this makes our dream full fill.


Kaushal Das

(To watch the video of Kaushal in action taking pictures in Varanasi, click here. To buy Kaushal’s cards, click here)

Los suenos locos de fotografo Juan Carlos

jueves, junio 30th, 2011
Juan Carlos with his family in front of his parents house

Juan Carlos with his family in front of his parents house

Hola, mi nombre es Juan Carlos Gonzales Cabellos y tengo 17 años

Nací en paiján, yo vivía con mis padres, mi mamá María cabellos,  mi papá, Severino Gonzales y mi hermanito William Gonzales cabellos.

Les cuento que cuando era niño  vendía caramelos en las calles, ya que mis padres eran de bajos recursos económicos y no se abastecían para darnos estudios, comencé a trabajar en las calles sabiendo que era peligroso pero tenía que hacerlo  para poder apoyar a mi familia, y en el transcurso de los días empecé a relacionarme con chicos que también trabajaban en la calle, conocí a un amigo que sabía sobre una casa hogar llamada “Mundo De Niños”  la cual ayudaba a niños que no tenían recursos para salir adelante.

Juan Carlos with his new lap top in his bed room

Juan Carlos with his new lap top in his bed room

A que no saben? logre ingresar a esta casa hogar donde me brindaba un techo donde dormir, un plato de comida, y cariño pero hay lo más importante es la educación de los chicos y  todos los que pertenecemos a esta casita gracias a ellos estoy estudiando y ahora paso a 4to de secundaria y ya no trabajo en las calles.

Siempre escuchaba de una micro empresa llamada FairMail  donde dos  de mis compañeros asistían, tenia tanta curiosidad de saber y siempre preguntaba y me gustaba lo que ellos realizaban ps era la fotografía  que chévere!!. Y no me quede con las ganas e ingrese a FairMail  y les cuento que FairMail a hora es una empresa y que viene   ayudando  a jóvenes de bajos recursos económicos, por medio de la fotografía, la cual tomamos en diferentes partes del Perú y son exportadas al extranjero para ser vendidas, y luego la mitad de las ventas de las postales son para FairMail y la mitad para el fotógrafo claro aclarando que el 50% es para los gastos de la empresa y el otro 50% es para dividirlo es fondos la cual son fondo de salud, fondo de ropa, fondo de casa, y lo más importante fondo de educación .

Chef Juan Carlos ready for action!

Chef Juan Carlos ready for action!

Gracias a FairMail logre comprarme una laptop la cual me sirve para practicar diseño gráfico y pude ayudar a levantar la pared de mi casa la cual estaba a punto de caerse, y  como me gusta mucho cocinar estudio cocina en un instituto llamado COCINA DE LOS CHEFF, y trabajo en huanchaco en una pizzería llamada MISQUI y yo soy pizzero y pienso en el futuro ser un gran fotógrafo y tener mi propio restaurante

Es algo loco verdad pero el que se la propone la consigue

Espero les guste mi historia y nos apoyen mas comprando nuestras postales de fairmail Perú  y  de fairmail india


Atte. Juan Carlos flores cabellos

(Red. para mas informacion sobre Juan Carlos, para comprar sus postales o ver sus fotos, haga click aca)

Nuevo Video: A Fair Chance at life; our perspectives

jueves, junio 30th, 2011
New FairMail video

New FairMail video

In this latest video FairMail Peru photographer Elmer takes film makers Anna and Veronique back to the streets where he used to live and work.

The five minute video explains the hardships Elmer encountered in life when he was 8 years old, how he himself decided he wanted to make something of his life and how he grasped the opportunities FairMail gave him.

The video gives a great insight into the daily reality of some of FairMail’s teenage photographers. Thank you very much Anna Wilson and Veronica Hansen to for working with Elmer on this documentary.

Ingresos récord para fotógrafos de FairMail

martes, febrero 8th, 2011

Mientras que todo el mundo esta preocupado sobre la recuperación de la economía los fotógrafos de FairMail han obtenido ingresos récord en  2010!


En total los 27 fotógrafos en Perú y la India ganaron 15.985 euro en 2010. Desde el principio de FairMail ahora el total de ingresos obtenido ha llegado a los 46.035 euro.


elmer225El fotógrafo mas exitoso este ano ha sido Elmer Machuca Chacon del Perú con ganancias total de 1.756 euro. El es el fotógrafo mas exitoso de FairMail por el momento! En la India Kaushal y Anshu ambos ganaron bien con ganancias un poco mayor que 500 euro cada uno. No olvidas que los chicos ganan su dinero mientras que toman 5 horas de clases de fotografiá por semana gratis! Nada mal para ganar dinero mientras que estudias.

Si quieres saber cuanto cada chico gano se puede ver sus perfiles personales haciendo click aca.

Fotografo Sonu de la India fallecido

lunes, diciembre 6th, 2010

sonu200A sad week for FairMail and for the inhabitants of Nagwa, Varanasi, India: Sonu died last Monda, the 4th of October…… He was a FairMail photographer from March 2009 until August 2010. He had been ill for many years (he suffered from chronic hepatitis B) and had several treatments, but this time his body could not go on any further.

We will remember him as a sweet, smiling, active boy who always said «I am fine«, who was a great cook and a photographer who liked to take photos of working people, colourful cloths and jewelry.

Here are some of his best photos….. More of his photos will follow, and through his photos Sonu will stay alive!

Volunteer photography trainer Erika also shared her memories of Sonu with us: