Posts Tagged ‘résultats’

Des adolescentes FairMail du Perou démarrent leur micro-boulangerie

lundi, février 4th, 2013
Patricia and Betty putting their cakes in the oven

Patricia and Betty putting their cakes in the oven

Deux adolescentes du Pérou ont quitté FairMail fin 2012 ayant attend l’âge limite pour participer au programme. Elles ont démarré une nouvelle aventure: la création d’une micro-boulangerie. Patricia a utilisé ses économies gagnées avec FairMail pour étudier la gastronomie et avec l’aide d’un des partenaires de FairMail, elle a également suivi des cours de boulangerie-pâtisserie. Betty a quand à elle employé son argent à étudier la gestion d’entreprise. Elles ont associé leurs compétences de créativité pour Patricia et l’esprit d’entreprenariat, de gestion financière et de méthode pour Betty pour une parfaite complémentarité de fonctionnement. Nous leur avons demandé comment leur est venue cette idée et quelles sont leurs perspectives.

Comment avez-vous eu l’idée de créer une micro-boulangerie?

Patty explique « qu’au début, j’ai voulu créer un restaurant dans notre maison où toutes les mères du quartier pourraient venir et se restaurer. Mais nous n’avions pas assez d’argent à invertir donc nous avons commencé par vendre des snacks. Malheureusement, ceci n’a pas très bien marché. J’ai toujours réalisé des gâteaux pour moi et ma famille. Les voisins qui venaient nous rendre visite trouvaient les gâteaux délicieux et m’ont demandé pourquoi je ne les vendais pas. J’ai à la maison un tout petit four mais une association toute proche (ACJ El Milagro) possède une cuisine professionnelle et ils m’ont proposé d’utiliser leur matériel. Ils m’ont aidé à prendre des cours de boulangerie-pâtisserie où j’ai appris de nombreuses techniques que j’utilise maintenant ».


Betty making some delicious dough

Betty making some delicious dough

Et comment Betty a-t-elle rejoint l’aventure ?

Betty explique que « Patty m’avait demandé depuis longtemps si je souhaitais l’accompagner. Elle cherchait quelqu’un pour l’aider ou pour devenir son associée. A cette époque, j’avais des problèmes à la maison donc je n’ai pas tout de suite accepté. Aujourd’hui, j’ai décidé de la rejoindre et nous partageons tout à 50/50 ».

Quel est le nom de votre entreprise ?

« Nous n’en avons pas pour le moment. Les idées sont les bienvenues ! »

Rendez-vous sur la page Facebook de FairMail pour la discussion en ligne et votez pour le nouveau nom de l’entreprise de Betty et Patty.

Comment se porte votre entreprise ?

Actuellement nous cuisons environs 10 gâteaux par semaine. Nous les vendons 10 soles (environ 3 euros) et ils nous coutent 5 soles. C’est beaucoup de travail car nous faisons la pâte à la main. Au début, nous avons acheté de petites quantités d’ingrédient mais maintenant, nous investissons dans des grands sacs de farine et de sucre donc notre prix de revient diminue. Nous réalisons ainsi plus de bénéfice. Nous souhaitons également acheter plus de moules à gâteaux car nous n’en avons que 4. Nous aimerions grandir donc nous espérons que bientôt, tout le monde puisse nous connaitre dans le quartier et nous commander nos produits !

Proud Patricia showing her soon-to-be-cak

Proud Patricia showing her soon-to-be-cake

Même si Patricia et Betty ne sont plus actives dans le programme FairMail, elles continuent de recevoir de l’argent avec la vente de leurs cartes et de leurs photos. Dans les prochains mois, elles pourront investir leur argent gagné dans leur entreprise. Nous souhaitons à Betty et Patricia le meilleur pour le développement de leur entreprise et surtout de très nombreux gâteaux… !

Le photographe Dhiraj de FairMail Inde a réussi ses examens!

mardi, novembre 27th, 2012
Dhiraj with his family

Dhiraj with his family

Vous vous rappelez de Dhiraj, le photographe indien qui a voyagé cet été en Europe pour la tournée de promotion de FairMail et pour découvrir le marché des cartes ? Lors de ses rencontres avec le public, il racontait souvent qu’il attendait les résultats de ses examens de sciences politiques. Après 7 mois d’incertitude, il a finalement reçu ses résultats. Comme nous supposions que nombre d’entre vous seraient curieux de les connaître, nous lui avons demandé de nous en parler. Voici ses propos :


1. Quels sont les résultats de tes examens ?

Les résultats ont été bons. La durée totale de la série des examens a été d’un mois, alterné de parties orales et écrites. Mon objectif était d’atteindre 53% de réussite et c’est ce que j’ai obtenu.


2. Pendant combien de temps as-tu du attendre les résultats ?

J’ai du attendre 6 à 7 mois pour recevoir les résultats.


3. Pourquoi est-ce si long ?

Uttar Pradesh a la plus grande population d’étudiant  et mon établissement a en parallèle différentes disciplines diplômantes au même moment. Ceci prend du temps de tout traiter.


4. Quelle est ta prochaine étape pour devenir un officier d’état ?

Je dois passer un examen d’entrée. Si je le réussis, je devrais me présenter à l’oral. Dans les prochains 6 mois, je vais me préparer à cet examen dans une école spécialisée et ensuite me présenter en mai ou juin.


5. Quel montant a tu encore besoin de gagner pour finir tes études d’officier d’état ?

Pour la préparation, je dois financer environ 50 000 roupies (725 €).

Photographe Anil du FairMail Inde investit dans son avenir

lundi, octobre 22nd, 2012
Anil Kumar

Anil Kumar

Last month we received the following message from FairMail India photographer Anil Kumar:

« Hi
I am Anil Kumar, a photographer of FairMail India. I have been working in FairMail for the past three and half years and it has been a great privileged to work in this company. For that me and my family are thankful to FairMail.

I did not know how to read and write when I started in FairMail in 2009. With the money I earned in FairMail I started private tuition. And after that I joined an English spoken course. Now I can read and write English and I can also understand and speak English. I am continuing with both courses and keeping my hope to grow in the future.

Anil in action

Anil in action

I also bought my own DSLR camera with my FairMail earnings. I am very happy with that as my future dream is to become a professional wild life photographer and I believe that I will achieve my goal. Thanks. »

FairMail Inde photographe Ankita obtient la première place dans les examens!

dimanche, août 26th, 2012
FairMail India photographer Ankita

FairMail India photographer Ankita

« Hi I am Ankita Dinkar, a FairMail photographer working in FairMail for three and half years. I leaned so much in FairMail as I was not keeping myself in discipline. But in FairMail I leaned so much to keep myself in discipline, working hard, being on time and listening to my parents.

I wrote my board examination of the 10th year and got the result. Guess what? I got first class in this examination. Now I got a new admission in 11th and am looking forward to fulfilling my dream as I want to become photographer. So I want to go to take a degree in photography in BHU (Benares Hindu University) so I am very much positive to realize my dream. »

Want to read more about Ankita, see her pictures, send her an e-mail or order her cards on-line, then click here.

FairMail Pérou photographe Patricia regarde arrière et avant

dimanche, juillet 8th, 2012
Patricia in front of her mother's house.

Patricia at her home

In September FairMail Peru photographer Patricia Mariseta will turn 19 years old and therefor retire as an active photographer for FairMail. Of course she will be earning money with her pictures FairMail will keep trying to sell for her. Time to look back with her on the past four years she has been participating in FairMail and ask her how she sees her life as a retired FairMail photographer.

What do you like most about FairMail?

“What I like most is the teamwork which we always do. I like to share new ideas and challenges with my friends at FairMail. Also because they give suggestions and constructive ideas to me.”

What was the most beautiful moment in FairMail for you?

“The most beautiful moment was when I joined the group because in FairMail I found new challenges and new goals. But also unforgettable travel memories that I will never forget, friends that will always be there to support me and a family in which I can count on today and in the future.”

Were people around you ever jealous of you being in FairMail? And if so how did you react?

“Yes, there were friends who told me I was lucky and came up to tell me that they wanted to enter, but I told them there where only a limited amount of spaces in FairMail. When my friends talked in a jealous way about FairMail I just smiled and said: thank you God for letting me know about FairMail, meet new friends and have new dreams.”

What have you learned in FairMail, besides photography?

“I learned that life is not easy. It has many obstacles. But I also learned that I am a girl with dreams and goals. I can achieve what I want as long as I put much effort and strength into it. I learned to develop myself as a person and have values. That is the most important.”

Patricia at her school to become chef

Patricia at her school to become chef

What will you spend your time on when you leave FairMail?

“When I leave FairMail, I will devote my time on starting my own business. Either a restaurant or a little corner store. It will start as my own small business and of course it will grow little by little.”

What are your long term future plans?

“My long term plan is to organize events like weddings and get to travel everywhere. But first I will have to achieve my goal of having my own restaurant and making it well known and established.”

What you still need to make your dreams become reality?

“I need to learn more about the business of organizing events so I can continue to work on achieving my goal.”

Nouveau Video: Decouverte de FairMail Inde – 2012

dimanche, juillet 8th, 2012

(English) FairMail India photographer Dhiraj promoted to assistant manager

mercredi, mai 30th, 2012

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English, Nederlands et Español.

Dhiraj in the FairMail India office

Dhiraj in the FairMail India office

On the first of May 2012 FairMail India photographer Dhiraj retired from FairMail after three years working as teenage photographer. Because of his responsible attitude and improved English skills he got a new job as the first assistant manager of FairMail India. We asked him what he thought of his early retirement and the new challenge ahead of him. Here is what he said:

What do you think about your retirement from FairMail as photographer?

« Retirement from FairMail as a photographer its little bit sad because I enjoy taking photos for postcards. I miss that very much. The way I learn photography and English in FairMail was very cool. And also my friends in FairMail have more years then me as I started at an older age. I wish that I could have had more time as a photographer. »

(FairMail works with teenagers until they reach the age of 19. Then they retire, handing over there camera to a new and younger teenager so they can have the same opportunity. This way we prevent dependency from FairMail and make it clear to the teenagers that they only have a certain amount of time in which they have to be very motivated to get out of FairMail what is in it for them. Their « pension » consists of 50% of the earnings of their pictures which FairMail keeps selling for them as long as possible. They can’t product NEW pictures though.)

What did you like most about your time as photographer? What was your best memory?

« As a photographer I like taking photo’s with friends and having fun together. Every day was nice. I always got something to learn and improve myself. But my best memory was when my photo was selected for the HEMA christmas cards. That was my best memory. I was very happy because there was competition from Peru and India and Peru got 4 out of the five pictures selected by the HEMA. »

What was the most valuable thing you got out of your time as photographer for FMI?

« I earned money, photography skills and I learnt English. »

As you can read on Dhiraj’s profile page he earned 2050 euro so far with the sale of his photographs and cards.

What do you think about your new job as assistant to Akshay?

« It is a new experience for me. I have things like translating before during classes, but then I was still a photographer. I like FairMail so much as I said, I wish I could have more time in FairMail as a photographer because I will learn more things. Akshay, our national coordinator, has so many work to do in FairMail and outside of FairMail so I like to help him because he help us lot. »

What do you think you still need to learn to do  better to be a good assistant manager?

« I need to improve my in English, think like a responsible person and be strict but in a cool way. »

Which of your new tasks do you like?

« I like translating the English photography classes the volunteers teach us into hindi for the students because I like to teach people. »

Besides translating the photography classes Dhiraj is also in charge of giving photography classes when there aren’t any volunteers and help manage the pictures the teenagers take and store on FairMail’s computer.

(English) Great academis results for teenagers in Peru

mercredi, avril 25th, 2012

(English) Sandhya’s dream to become doctor still alive!

mercredi, mars 21st, 2012

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English, Nederlands et Español.

FairMail India photographer Sandhya doing her homework

FairMail India photographer Sandhya doing her homework

Hi, my name is Sandhya and I am working in FairMail India. It is my 3rd year in FairMail and I am very happy to be part of FairMail.

In the last (04-2011) I got 40,000 rs ( red. about 650 euro) as my part of the profit, for which I never thought. As I want to become a doctor now I think that the money for my education will not become a stumbling block for my future. And it is just because of FairMail because my parents would never do that for my study as they are very poor.
In my school also I am doing better as I am taking private tuition from my FairMail educational fund. And I am keeping myself positive for my dream. So I am thankful to FairMail that makes me motivated for my dream.

Want to read more about Sandhya vote for her pictures or buy her cards? Click here

(English) Record earnings for FairMail teenagers in 2011

vendredi, février 10th, 2012

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English, Nederlands et Español.

In a year where the word « crisis » was heard way too often FairMail’s teenage photographers in Peru en India proved that with creativity, hard work and having something unique to offer there are still big opportunities. For the fifth year in a row they managed to set a record regarding their earnings from their photography over the year. In 2011 the teenagers earned a total of 25.794 euro for their personal education-, housing- and medical funds! This way bringing their total earnings since the start of FairMail in 2006 to 74.594 euro.

Elmer Machuca Chacon

Elmer Machuca Chacon

The big earner in 2011 in Peru was 19 year old Elmer with a total of more then 10.000 soles (almost 3.000 euro), bringing his total career earnings to 7.654 euro. With this money Elmer is starting his 5 year career in communication sciences at the private UPAO university in Trujillo this March. In January the FairMail Peru team passed the 200.000 soles mark in overall earnings for the first time (almost 60.000 euro).

Sandhya Rao

Sandhya Rao

The big earner in India is 15 year old Sandhya with more then 100.000 rupees (just over 1.600 euro), bringing her career total to 2.027 euro since she started taking pictures for the first time in Febuary 2009. Sandhya is still in secondary school and saving up for her career to become a doctor. In January the FairMail India team passed the 1.000.000 rupees mark in overaal earnings for the first time (almost 16.000 euro).

On behalf of all the teenagers, volunteers and coordinators at FairMail we would like to give a HUGE THANK YOU to all the FairMail customers over the world to help us make these great results possible!