Posts Tagged ‘results’

Kzanier invests his earnings in graphic design and Macbook

Wednesday, November 1st, 2017
Kzanier with his new Macbook

Kzanier with his new Macbook

A great example of a teenager who is working well towards his goals is 17-year-old Kzanier from FairMail Peru. In September 2017 he started his second semester at the private ITN institute in Trujillo where he is studying a 3-year career in graphic design. With the Apple laptop he just bought from his FairMail money he is already better equipped than FairMail’s inhouse designer!

Getting up early

Kzanier started studying at the ITN in March 2017. It is regarded as one of the best private institutes in Northern Peru to study graphic design, with experienced teachers and up-to-date equipment. Combining his new studies with his classes at FairMail and his part-time job in a shoe shop, the first months weren’t easy for Kzanier. “What hit me most in the beginning was getting my schedule organised as I was also working. I also had to get up really early but now I am used to that” he explains.

Kzanier with his new DSLR camera

Kzanier with his new DSLR camera

Step by step

Kzanier is working very focussed on his future, taking one step at a time. He has it all worked out. With his FairMail earnings he already bought his own DSLR camera and is now saving up to buy different lenses he needs for his future work. He hopes to be able to combine working as a graphic designer with doing professional photography. He already did his first paid wedding photo shoot! With the MacBook he bought from his FairMail money he can edit his pictures and turn them into great looking designs.

Studying Marketing and International business afterwards

That way he hopes to have everything set up to earn a living. And pay for his marketing and international business study he hopes to continue after finishing at the ITN. Have a look at Kzanier’s cards here to see if you can give him a helping hand to get there. One step at a time.

Kzanier with his family

Kzanier with his family

First former FairMail India photographer admitted into national university

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017
Former FairMail India photographer Anil Rao

Former FairMail India photographer Anil Rao

Ever since FairMail India had to close its doors there has been less news about the teenagers who used to be part of the FairMail India team. But this time we have some huge news: Anil Rao managed to pass the entrance exam and get admitted to study chemistry, zoology and botany at the BHU University in Varanasi! Passing the entrance exam is normally already a huge achievement but Anil managed to do so with even bigger challenges in his personal life.

Anil’s father passes away

Anil entered FairMail India at the age of 14 and was always somewhat the professor of the group, aiming to become a big man as he called it by studying at the BHU university. Just before finishing high school his father passed away due to tuberculosis, leaving his family behind with Anil as the oldest son. At that moment, we were all terribly worried he would have to give up his academic aspirations in order to earn a living for his family. Luckily his mother managed to earn some money and Anil could work as assistant manager for FairMail India at the time.

Anil with his family

Anil with his family

Fighting tuberculosis

When FairMail India had to close his doors our partner Asha Deep employed Anil by making him responsible for the teenagers’ money withdrawals from their FairMail funds. Then tragedy struck again, this time his sister got TBC causing new stress and of course the fear the disease would continue to spread within the family. Eventually it did and Anil was also diagnosed with TBC.

After fighting the disease during more than a year Anil’s health improved and he could focus full force again on his study and prepare for the entrance exam with private tuition.

A dream comes true

With as result that Anil passed the entrance exam. On the 20th of July 2017, his dream came true and he will start his 3 year bachelor study at the public university, aiming at specializing in chemistry after 2 years. As it is a public university the costs of studying are quite low, so Anil hopes to save the earnings from the continued sale of his FairMail cards for his master’s study in the future.

It goes without saying that we are extremely proud of Anil and hope that his success is a source of inspiration for the other former FairMail teenagers in his surroundings.

Second FairMail teenager graduates from University

Wednesday, July 12th, 2017
Yuli at the moment of her graduation

Yuli at the moment of her graduation

11 years after FairMail started, former photographer Yuli (23, Peru) gave us the best birthday present of all by graduating from University.

An amazing achievement if you consider that as a little girl Yuli had to help her parents select stones and gravel at the quarry to help make ends meet after moving from the mountains to the big city. One generation later their daughter got a bachelor title in Languages from the highly ranked national university of Trujillo. And Yuli is not planning to stop right there.

An amazing path
Yuli entered FairMail in 2008 at the age of 15 years, after being scouted from the YMCA project that works with at risk teenagers near the Trujillo land-fill. Back then she was a very shy girl but it was already clear that she wanted to achieve more in life.

She reached her goal of passing the entrance exam for the National University on her second try in 2013, the same year she travelled to Europe for FairMail’s promotional tour. She soon got the hang of travelling, going to the United States for the past 2 winters to practice her English while working in resort hotels.

Read more about Yuli’s path on her personal profile page or in this video:

Next steps
Yuli wants to keep on studying to get a MSc. degree in Education. “I am checking to see if I can do my master degree in another country through a scholarship or something like that. I always believed that investing in education is the best step towards success” she says. No doubt that the income she keeps earning from the sale of her FairMail cards, on top of the 8.744 euro she already earned, will come in handy for that.

Yuli next to her very proud mother

Yuli next to her very proud mother

Shining example
Yuli’s success is not only benefitting herself. She has also become a shining example for her surroundings. 2 of her brothers and sisters are now also in university. And during her 2 years as co-manager of FairMail Peru she inspired many of the current FairMail teenagers to believe in their own dreams. “I always told everyone that you have to do what you really like if you want to pick the fruits of your efforts.” Yuli says.

Wise lessons from Yuli
Yuli has more lessons for all of us: “I also believe that is very important to never disappoint the people that believe in you, that support you and that love you. It doesn’t matter what your goal in life is, what really matters is how much effort, dedication and affection you put into achieving it.

This way she shows great respect to her parents who greatly sacrificed themselves so their children could have a better future. And also making the best possible use of the assistance FairMail gives to underprivileged teenagers.

Mission Possible: Paul and Dante on their way to become soccer stars

Wednesday, July 12th, 2017
Paul and Dante with their new team mates

Paul and Dante with their new team mates

Remember the news about the “Mission Possible” project aimed at helping the FairMail teenagers identify and chase their own dreams?

Only a few months later, Paul and Dante have already achieved their goal by getting admitted into a soccer academy. Step one according to them to follow the steps of their soccer heroes Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar.

Paul managed to get into a local soccer academy

Paul showing off his skills

True empowerment
The core of the Mission Possible project is that the teenagers have to come up with their OWN dreams and their OWN action plan with steps that THEY can take. It would probably seem a lot easier if FairMail took them by the hand to undertake the necessary actions. But real empowerment according to us is to guide them from one step behind, leaving all the action and decisions to them, and of course their parents.

Perhaps taking some wrong decisions along the way. But hey, you can only learn from your mistakes right? And if in the end they achieve their goals they can feel extra proud and generate even more self-esteem as the success was really thanks to their own efforts!

How to get to play for Real Madrid or Barcelona?

In the case of Paul and Dante their dream is to become a professional soccer player. That way they hope to be able to help their families and make them proud. Both love soccer and play every day with the other kids at the Mundo de Ninos boys’ home where they both live. To get to a higher level and possibly be scouted by professional soccer clubs they needed to enter a soccer academy. Which is not as easy as becoming member of a soccer club in Europe for example. Through their own effort and asking help from people around them, they got a chance to show their talent at FC Cantera in Trujillo. They apparently impressed their coaches as both got admitted!

Dante wants to get admitted in a soccer academy

Dante’s dream is winning the golden ball

Hopefully in the next newsletter we will have more news about other teenagers achieving their Mission Possible. Stay tuned.

Anidela: Photographer of the year

Wednesday, February 15th, 2017
FairMail Peru photographer Anidela

FairMail Peru photographer Anidela

In the beginning of February 19 year old Anidela was chosen as photographer of the year. During the annual election all FairMail members casted their vote for the teenager who represents FairMail’s values best according to them. In the end the majority decided that Anidela is the most motivated during classes, shows the most responsible behaviour, is always on time, honest and the most helpful towards the other team members.

The title “Photographer of the year” is a form of recognition, but also a signal for the others that Anidela’s example is to be followed. Not without a reason a few of the other teenagers have set as their goal for this year to become Anidela’s successor.

For Anidela it is already the third time she becomes photographer of the year. This time the election was held during her goodbye party. As she turned 19 years old in January she is now ready for her FairMail retirement. We will greatly miss her great example, but hope to see her back on the team soon. More news about that in the next newsletter….

The impact that really matters: life after leaving FairMail

Wednesday, September 7th, 2016
A unique FairMail soccer ball made in Mariluz' soccer ball factory

A unique FairMail soccer ball made in Mariluz’ soccer ball factory

In our earlier newsletter you read about FairMail’s impact expressed in numbers. And personal stories about FairMail’s impact on the lives of our current teenagers. But perhaps the most important is the life our former photographers are living years after leaving FairMail.

As this year FairMail is celebrating its 10th birthday we can now provide you with that insight, based on the stories of Pasquel and Mariluz. Both of them left FairMail over 5 years ago and are now leading an independent life as entrepreneurs.

Iconic fair trade image
Mariluz was one of FairMail’s first 6 teenage photographers way back in 2006. She was nearly 16 years old back then. We got to know her through ACJ, a local branch of the YMCA, working with families who make a living of recycling on the nearby garbage belt.

Mariluz' iconic FairMail photo of local beauty

Mariluz’ iconic FairMail photo of local beauty

With this iconic FairMail picture of a butterfly in a flower, taken in front of her house, Mariluz showed us the potential of finding and commoditizing local beauty even in places where you would not expect it.

Mariluz’ bumpy road
Her FairMail career wasn’t the smoothest in the beginning. We even had to suspend her for a couple of months due to motivational problems. But she got the message and worked on her behavior. We gave her a second chance which she grabbed with both hands. This way becoming a valued team member until she retired in 2009 at the age of 19. Her mother being diagnosed with cancer didn’t help her to pursue her educational dreams. However in the end her mother recovered and Mariluz managed to finish studying to become a bank clerk with the 2.352 euro she earned from the sale of her cards.

Mariluz operating one of the soccer ball machines

Mariluz operating one of the soccer ball machines

The smallest soccer ball factory
Since she moved in with her boyfriend, she has combined studying with running a small soccer ball factory. Together with the rest of the family they can produce around 200 soccer balls a week. They even do personalized soccer balls like this ball Mariluz made especially for FairMail.

At the moment Mariluz is studying Marketing & International Business with which she hopes to help her soccer ball factory grow further.

Running away from home

Pasquel with his family when he was 15 years old

Pasquel with his family when he was 15 years old

Pasquel was one of FairMail’s second generation photographers who joined FairMail in 2009 at the age of 14. After school and during his holidays he worked on the rubbish dump, collecting cardboard and plastic to sell. His father lived and worked elsewhere.

At the age of 16 Pasquel left Trujillo and FairMail to search for his father. After finding him Pasquel stayed with his father and they worked in construction together for a couple of years in the jungle and we kind of lost touch of him.

Starting a family business


Paquel at a livestock fair

Paquel at a livestock fair

Until earlier this year when Pasquel called us. By now he was living with his girlfriend in the South of Peru. He wanted to quit his job in an agricultural processing plant and set up his own business trading livestock. His new girlfriend’s uncle was experienced in the business and wanted to help him. Together they made a plan for Pasquel’s business as this is one of the criteria if the teenagers want to use their FairMail earnings to invest in a business.
In the end the business plan was approved and Pasquel was able to withdraw the money from the sale of his cards which FairMail saved for him over the past few years. He invested this in purchasing 3 calves, their food and medicine. From the sale he has been able to reinvest in his business and he managed to make a profit.

Lessons learned
Of course every teenager has a unique and personal story. What we can learn about the lives of Pasquel and Mariluz is the positive impact of finding a partner coming from a stable and welcoming family. Especially after the lives they have led as kids in broken families, these new surroundings provide them with needed support, advise and stability. Surroundings in which Pasquel and Mariluz are now able to make full use of the earnings and life lessons they learned in FairMail. Both of them remember the fun times when they were part of FairMail and often mention that they learned that you have to grab opportunities when they are presented to you in life.

Mariluz in her home, together with her boyfriend

Mariluz in her home, together with her boyfriend

Maria flor: FairMail’s first university graduate

Wednesday, September 7th, 2016

This year FairMail is celebrating its tenth anniversary. We got the biggest gift of all from former FairMail Peru photographer Maria flor who became the first FairMail teenager to get a university degree! And also the first in her family. In July she defended her thesis successfully and finished the 5-year communications sciences degree at the UCV private university.

Stand out from the rest
When Maria flor started studying she had a very clear goal: to stand out from the rest. As this would be the best guarantee for a better future. A clear example of this is the story she told about her best memory over the past 5 years:

250MF1At my private university the monthly fees are very high. When I went to pay for my second semester the secretary told me I didn’t have to pay anything as I got the highest grades of all during the first semester. I was sure it had to be a mistake. So I asked her to check again please. But it was true. I was in shock and couldn’t think at all. But later in the bus back home I was very happy that all my effort, dedication, determination and invested time had been worthwhile.

In many of the following semesters Maria flor repeated this performance and received more scholarships for her high scores.

Finding a job in Peru
Even with a university degree finding a good job is not easy in Peru. A lot depends on who you know amongst potential employers so they can recommend you. Moreover, most employers are looking for employees with experience. And usually the first years you have to deal with being lowest in the hierarchy so your next job can be better. To increase your chances to find a job it is also very important to have various degrees.

Plans for the future
So it looks like Maria flor isn’t finished studying yet. She wants to complement her degree with studying English, graphic design and audio visual techniques. And she wants to work as Au Pair in the USA for one year.

Perhaps it sounds a bit crazy because normally after finishing university people look for a job. But I want to try something different as I like learning new things, work on my English and feel that I can do something by myself as I have always lived with my mother, brothers and sister. When I return I want to study “international business” and travel to Canada as there are opportunities for Peruvian students to do an internship there.

That’s Maria flor, always working on new goals.

The next generation
With Maria flor out of university we currently have two Peruvian teenagers in University: Yuli and Anidela. Actually three as Juan Gabriel just started studying communication sciences at the UPAO private university in August. On his way to become FairMail’s first male university graduate?

Juan Gabriel’s impact accelerator: Paying-it-forward

Monday, June 27th, 2016
FairMail Peru photographer Juan Gabriel (17)

FairMail Peru photographer Juan Gabriel (17)

Imagine what would happen to the world if all people who benefit from a good deed by others, do a similar fevour to 3 others instead of repaying the original benefactor.

Just like in the “Pay it forward” movie, FairMail Peru photographer and former street child Juan Gabriel (17) decided to make use of the skills he learned at FairMail to support a Peruvian charity supporting children with Down syndrome.


Juan Gabriel submitted this yoga picture of his for the 2016 Devayani Children’s Yoga calendar. With the sale of the calendar Juan Gabriel’s picture earned 192 euro which he decided to donate to Proyecto Yannick. Proyecto Yannick helps children with Down syndrome and their parents in Celendín, Peru by providing information, education and medical assistance.

Juan Gabriel's Yoga picture

Juan Gabriel’s Yoga picture

We are very proud of Juan Gabriel not forgetting to help others while he is working on improving himself. He is currently preparing himself for his entrance exam to the UPAO private university on the 8th of July were he hopes to study communication sciences.

To learn more about Juan Gabriel and get in contact with him, click here.

Social Impact Measurement 2015

Wednesday, April 27th, 2016
Angeles earning money while learning photography

Angeles earning money while learning photography

We are proud to present the results of FairMail’s third annual Social Impact Measurement. Below you can read which actual impact you are creating by sending FairMail’s fair trade greeting cards and purchasing our fair trade images.

“Earning while learning”

In 2015 the 55 teenage photographers earned a total of 23.601 euro to invest in their own education, their families’ housing and medical care. Money they earned while learning photography for free in the self-funded “youth centre” that FairMail is for them. This means that one year before FairMail’s 10th anniversary we passed the 165.000 euro mark in total direct earnings by all of the teenagers.

Anidela in front of the university where she is studying

Anidela in front of the university where she is studying

The top earning teenagers in 2015 were Anidela and Kzanier from Peru, with 1.666 and 1.132 euro in year earnings last year. Anidela (18) is presently studying business administration at a private university and Kzanier (16) is saving to start studying graphic design at a private university next year after he finishes high school.

FairMail dropout rate is much lower than national average

Their earnings are crucial for the teenagers to be able to fulfil their dreamed future plans. But money alone is no guarantee, as success also depends on their own perseverance, family situation and personal motivation.

Due to a mix of these reasons, 22% (21% in 2014 and 20% in 2013) of the teenagers who started FairMail did not make it to the retirement age of 19 years old. These 12 teenagers either lost motivation along the way, were drawn back into problems by “old friends” or faced such big personal problems that they could not continue with FairMail. In 2015 FairMail had to say good bye to 2 teenagers because of similar reasons. Both are still getting money from the sale of their cards to finance their current education. One of them is still in high school, the other one is studying to become an accountant.

Diana, Jorge and Angeles after finishing high school

Diana, Jorge and Angeles after finishing high school

47 of the 55 kids that started FairMail either finished or are still in secondary school (that was also the case in 2014 with a similar 85% and 86% in 2013). Not bad considering the background of the teenagers FairMail works with. Also if you compare the percentage to the national average of 42% of all Indian teenagers who finish high school (or 62% of the poorest quintile of Peruvian teenagers finishing high school). Unfortunately 8 FairMail teenagers did drop out of high school due to a mix of reasons like having to earn money to supplement the family income or lack of motivation for school.


97% of FairMail teenagers continue learning after finishing high school

Of the FairMail teenagers who finished high school, 59% (52% in 2014 and 40% in 2013) has continued on to (pre-) university. It seems like the will for academic education is becoming more and more contagious in FairMail’s positive group atmosphere. 38% (43% in 2014 and 47% in 2013) of them have continued with some sort of vocational training. In total that adds up to 97% of FairMail teenagers continuing with learning after finishing high school. We are very proud of this nearly 100% score! Only 1 teenager decided not to continue studying anything at all after finishing high school. He started his own business (buying and selling of livestock) which doesn’t require vocational training as his father-in-law taught him the necessary tips and tricks. So we are also very proud of him!

The teenagers aiming for a better future

The teenagers aiming for a better future

94% of “retired” FairMail teenagers have broken the chain of poverty

At this moment 69% (65% in 2014 and 68% in 2013) of the FairMail teenagers are still studying something. Of those not studying anymore 65% (77% in 2014 and 55% in 2013) has a decent job (varying from tourism to teaching to sales). 5 teenagers (29%, just like in 2014 and 23% in 2013) have their own business or are self-employed (varying from a bakery to producing soccer balls and from photography to mechanic). This way they have broken the chain of poverty and can start building a family that will provide much better opportunities for their children than the families where they grew up in. (7% of the ex-FairMail teenagers already have kids of their own!)

Not all is success though. One (17% in 2014 and 22% in 2013) of the former teenagers has a rather bad situation having to perform household chores and one teenager has passed away due to illness. Also we lost 12 teenagers along the way, dropping out of FairMail before reaching the retirement age of 19. We continue to sell their cards though and try to keep in contact with them to help however we can. Luckily all 12 of them are doing pretty well at this moment, either still being in school, investing in their own business or working.

Visual showing FairMail's input, activities, output, outcome and impact in 2015.

Visual showing FairMail’s input, activities, output, outcome and impact in 2015.

Visual showing FairMail’s input, activities, output, outcome and impact in 2015. Click to view large version.

The high´s, lows and future plans of our Peruvian teenagers

Thursday, February 4th, 2016
FairMail Peru photographer Paul telling about his highs and lows

FairMail Peru photographer Paul telling about his highs and lows

For the Peruvian teenagers 2015 was a year full of broken bones, broken friendships, getting first place, getting promoted, valuable lessons in life and many other things.

Especially for you, we asked the teenagers to update their personal profile pages with last year’s highs and lows. Plus their plans for the coming year, explaining how they plan to use their part of the earnings from the sale of their fair trade FairMail cards to enter university, study English and start a new business among other things.

Click here to read their own stories.

We also uploaded short new videos of the 4 newest FairMail teenagers presenting themselves which you can view below: