Posts Tagged ‘giro de promoción’

Aporta sus ideas para el tour de promoción en Europa con dos adolescentes Peruanos

viernes, diciembre 5th, 2014
interview for German television

interview for German television

Con una carta de motivación y una entrevista (parcialmente en inglés) los adolescentes de FairMail Perú están concursando para ser seleccionados para el tour de promoción de FairMail en Europa entre el 17 y 30 de junio 2015. ¡Ellos están muy emocionados por la posibilidad de hacer el viaje de sus vidas! Hasta ahora solo se pueden imaginar la emoción de despegarse con un avión por la primera vez en sus vidas.

Una de las metas de su viaje será hacer una investigación de marketing de “su” mercado de postales en Europa. La otra meta será de promocionar la historia única detrás de sus fotos a lo más gente que posible en Holanda, Alemania y Bélgica.

Su usted tiene alguna idea para el programa de su viaje, ahora es hora pare decirnos! Para su inspiración detallamos algunas posibles ideas aquí:

Ready for the auction

Ready for the auction

* Organiza una exposición de fotografía en una gallería que usted conoce.
* Visita a una escuela secundaria para un intercambio cultural con alumnos Europeos de la misma edad.
* Una presentación de sus vidas y de FairMail a un grupo de voluntarios de comercio justo.
* Un taller de fotografía por los jóvenes.
* Un encuentro con un fotógrafo profesional
* Vender sus postales en un festival de música
* Dar entrevistas a periodistas o para la televisión.
* Presentarse a organizaciones que puedes ser interesados en la compra de sus fotos en el futuro.
* O otra cosa más que usted puede pensar para ayudarles para entender mejor a sus clientes, como funciona comercio justo en Europa o que les facilita transmitir la historia detrás de los postales de FairMail.

meeting clients

meeting clients

Por el momento todas las ideas que usted puede tener son bienvenidas. Sírvanse comunicarse con nosotros para compartirlos haciendo clic aquí.

En el inicio de enero haremos una selección de las mejores ideas para hacer un programa más definitivo. ¡De hecho que les mantendremos informados sobre cómo y donde usted puede encontrarse con los adolescentes de FairMail en Europa!

Visiting selling points

Visiting selling points

meeting clients

meeting clients

Presenting FairMail

Presenting FairMail

interview for the newspaper

interview for the newspaper

Joven fotografo de la India encuentra clientes en Europa

miércoles, julio 11th, 2012
Dhiraj giving a television interview in Wurzburg

Dhiraj giving a television interview in Wurzburg

From the 11th of June until the 3rd of July FairMail organized its third European promotional tour. Guest of honor during the 3 week road trips was FairMail India Photographer Dhiraj Kannaujia. FairMail invited him to come to Europe to tell the unique story behind his cards and to learn more about his greeting card market.

Both goals where achieved with success. Dhiraj gave no less than 12 interviews for the television, radio, newspapers and magazines in the Netherlands, Germany and France. To learn more about the market he visited 5 of FairMail’s publishers in the same countries plus Switzerland. During the tour we also visited business customers like the Dutch ethical ASN Bank, a consumer festival in the Netherlands and 5 FairMail selling points in Germany. In France Dhiraj presented FairMail during three regional meetings of the sales representatives of La Carterie who will be promoting their new range of ethical cards and calendar.

Click here to see the slideshow about the trip.

Below you can read or click and view a few of the media that reported on Dhiraj’s visit like:

• Dutch Trouw Newspaper interview (see below)

• German Television Report

• Dutch World Broadcasting service interview

• Dutch Article in One World Magazine

• German Newspaper articles 1&2 (see below)

• German Magazine articles 1&2

• Dutch Greetz interview

• Dutch article in My World

• Dutch article in India NU

Dutch article in National Trouw Newspaper

Dutch article in National Trouw Newspaper

German Newspaper Article

German Newspaper Article

Second German Newspaper article

Second German Newspaper article

Viaje de promotion listo para arancar!

viernes, mayo 18th, 2012

FairMail is ready to get started with it’s European promotional tour that will take place from the 11th of June until the 3rd of July 2012. Special guests are two of FairMail India’s teenage photographers, Dhiraj and Anil. We just thought «Who is better at explaining the unique story behind the FairMail Cards and the impact it has on the life of its teenage photographers than the photographers themselves?»


During the three week tour they will be visiting The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, France and Belgium (download the itinerary here). In each country they will be promoting FairMail via interviews with the media, meetings with the shops and sales people that sell their cards and of course directly with the people that buy their cards at public music festivals. Besides promotion the other goal of the trip is that they investigate «their» Western greeting card market. What kind of pictures sell well, what are the latest trends and what is the competition doing? Back home in India they will present and share their valuable market knowledge with their fellow young photographers so the whole team is better equipped to sell to their main market. Besides these «serious» goals the trip will simple be the trip of their lifetime and a chance to meet up with former photography volunteers and participant of the photography trips to India in the past. What an experience!

Meet the teenagers

For you it is a unique possibility to meet the teenagers in person, hear their personal story and ask any questions you want. Feel free to hook up with us anywhere along the road. Find out when we will be close to you by downloading the travel itinerary here.

On the 12 of June we are also organizing a kick-off event for the tour in Amsterdam. The teenagers will present themselves, we will be showing a movie about their life in India and what there work for FairMail looks like, opening of a photography exhibition and an American auction of one of their photographs. It will be a big party and a great chance to meet them. You can download your invitation here.

For more information about the promotional tour, meeting the teenagers of for organizing an interview with them please contact Peter:
