Posts Tagged ‘película’

Video: El camino de una postal navideña de FairMail

lunes, octubre 26th, 2015
Video: The path of a fair trade Christmas Card

Video: The path of a fair trade Christmas Card

“¿Quién realmente toma las fotos en las postales de FairMail?”

A veces nuestros clientes nos hacen esta pregunta. Este video corto muestra los pasos de una postal, desde la idea creativa inicial de la ex fotógrafa Aradhana de la India, vía el consumidor en Holanda comprando su postal, hasta que Aradhana puede invertir su parte de las ganancias en su educación.

FairMail firma convenio con productor de postales mas grande de Francia

miércoles, abril 25th, 2012

Logo-La-carterieFairMail is very happy and proud to announce the exclusive partnership it has signed with card publisher “La Carterie SAS”, which is the number one brand in the French greeting card market.  The company owns famous brands such as Hallmark, Yvon and Hazan. In the partnership FairMail will provide the pictures and FairMail concept which the product developers of La Carterie will convert into tailor made «solidarity products» for the French market. The first French FairMail Calendar for 2013 is ready to be sold to the first French shops!

French FairMail Promotional video

In order to explain how FairMail works to the employees of La Carterie the teenagers from Peru and India made a special French promotional video in which they tell their story in their best French! Have a look below:

A word from La Carterie’s CEO: Mr Olivier Draeger:

As part of La Carterie’s sustainable development program, it is very important for La Carterie to work with a partner like FairMail which proposes a concrete action to build a better world. “We have been very touched by FairMail project and its activities based on fairtrade” according to Olivier Draeger, CEO of La Carterie. “We think that this partnership will strengthen our knowledge and will enable us to share our mutual experiences. Our objective, from a business perspective, is to be an actor helping to decrease poverty.  We also aim to increase our employee’s awareness of the role and potential they have to contribute to society, thanks to their work”. La Carterie buys photos taken by teenagers to develop products such as greeting cards & calendars. 35% of the photo’s purchase price is directly transferred to teenagers for their education and housing.

FairMail in front of the La Carterie office last year

FairMail in front of the La Carterie office last year

In June two Indian FairMail teenagers will visit La Carterie’s headquarters in Paris and two regional sales meetings in the north of France so the teenagers can meet their new customer.

Nuevo video de los viajes de fotografia de FairMail

miércoles, abril 25th, 2012

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to travel together with the Peruvian and Indian teenage photographers through their own country and share the joy of taking pictures together?

Then have a look at this short video of last month’s photography trip to the foot of the Indian Himalaya. It gives an impression of the trip that 5 Dutch tourists made during 10 days with 5 Indian FairMail teenagers, the two founders of FairMail, one long term volunteer and the manager of FairMail India.

Interested to know more of perhaps join us on one of our next trips? Then visit one of the information sessions we have organized on the 28th of April or 2nd of June in Amsterdam for interested people who want to learn more.

Click here to contact us for more information.

Click here for an overview of the 4 planned trips to Peru and India in 2012 and 2013.