Posts Tagged ‘maria_flor’

Maria flor: premier diplômé de l’université de FairMail

mercredi, septembre 7th, 2016

This year FairMail is celebrating its tenth anniversary. We got the biggest gift of all from former FairMail Peru photographer Maria flor who became the first FairMail teenager to get a university degree! And also the first in her family. In July she defended her thesis successfully and finished the 5-year communications sciences degree at the UCV private university.

Stand out from the rest
When Maria flor started studying she had a very clear goal: to stand out from the rest. As this would be the best guarantee for a better future. A clear example of this is the story she told about her best memory over the past 5 years:

250MF1At my private university the monthly fees are very high. When I went to pay for my second semester the secretary told me I didn’t have to pay anything as I got the highest grades of all during the first semester. I was sure it had to be a mistake. So I asked her to check again please. But it was true. I was in shock and couldn’t think at all. But later in the bus back home I was very happy that all my effort, dedication, determination and invested time had been worthwhile.

In many of the following semesters Maria flor repeated this performance and received more scholarships for her high scores.

Finding a job in Peru
Even with a university degree finding a good job is not easy in Peru. A lot depends on who you know amongst potential employers so they can recommend you. Moreover, most employers are looking for employees with experience. And usually the first years you have to deal with being lowest in the hierarchy so your next job can be better. To increase your chances to find a job it is also very important to have various degrees.

Plans for the future
So it looks like Maria flor isn’t finished studying yet. She wants to complement her degree with studying English, graphic design and audio visual techniques. And she wants to work as Au Pair in the USA for one year.

Perhaps it sounds a bit crazy because normally after finishing university people look for a job. But I want to try something different as I like learning new things, work on my English and feel that I can do something by myself as I have always lived with my mother, brothers and sister. When I return I want to study “international business” and travel to Canada as there are opportunities for Peruvian students to do an internship there.

That’s Maria flor, always working on new goals.

The next generation
With Maria flor out of university we currently have two Peruvian teenagers in University: Yuli and Anidela. Actually three as Juan Gabriel just started studying communication sciences at the UPAO private university in August. On his way to become FairMail’s first male university graduate?

MariaFlor remporte le prix du meilleur étudiant

mercredi, octobre 29th, 2014
Mariaflor (r) after the ceremony with her friend Cinthia

Mariaflor (r) after the ceremony with her friend Cinthia

We are very proud of the fact that FairMail Peru photographer Mariaflor was awarded with the prize for being the best student of her faculty over the past semester. As special as this news sounds, it is actually already the third time that Mariaflor, who is 23 years old by now, managed to achieve this!

With her hard work when she was still taking pictures for FairMail she already earned 7.379 euro. Money which she is investing to study communication sciences at the Cesar Vallejo private university in Trujillo. With her first prize she won a scholarship which means she has to pay only 45 euro per month instead of 110 euro. A discount that is more than welcome to allow Mariaflor to have enough funds to finish her career at the expensive private university. Her mother was present during the award ceremony at the university. According to Mariaflor, her mother says she is proud to have a daughter like Mariaflor. And we are very proud to have a FairMail teenager like her!

It comes as no surprise that Mariaflor works very hard to achieve this incredible result. She understand and fully makes use of this chance to get ahead in life. Therefor she spends an average of more than 50 hours per week on her study.

Can you believe she even manages to combine all that hard work with her part-time job as co-manager of FairMail Peru? She doesn’t make a big deal of this herself. She just points out the unique opportunity she is grasping to be able to practice what she learns at university, while getting paid job experience at the same time.

Her next goal is to specialize her career abroad as this increases opportunities for finding a job afterwards. If anybody has an idea for an organisation where Mariaflor can do her practical period abroad, please let us know. They won’t regret working with a smart and ambitious girl like Mariaflor!

We have a lot of faith that Mariaflor will achieve this and are very grateful to have such a lighting example for the new generation of FairMail teenagers in our Peruvian team!

If you want you can send Mariaflor an email here.

Le nouveau défi de FairMail

lundi, février 3rd, 2014
4 new FairMail co-managers

4 new FairMail co-managers

En plus d’être une entreprise sociale où les adolescents gagnent de l’argent en même temps que d’apprendre, nous avons décidé d’élargir la portée de notre impact social auprès de certains anciens photographes « à la retraite» qui ont quittés l’entreprise à l’âge de 19 ans. En Janvier 2014, à la fois au Pérou et en Inde, la gestion quotidienne de FairMail a été placée entre les mains d’anciens membres qui ont manifestés le désir et la capacité de professionnellement s’émanciper. C’est un grand pas pour eux d’accepter ce nouveau défi et cette nouvelle responsabilité. Et c’est un énorme défi pour nous de décider d’investir dans la formation des nouveaux gérants en interne au lieu de recruter à l’extérieur comme FairMail l’a fait jusqu’ici.

Cette nouvelle démarche a 4 grands avantages :

Premièrement : aider les anciens adolescents sélectionnés à se développer sur le plan professionnel. Par exemple, au Pérou, les nouveaux responsables étudient la gestion des ressources humaines et l’enseignement. Dans ces deux domaines, ils seront en mesure d’une mise en pratique à temps partiel dans FairMail de ce qu’ils apprennent en parallèle,  à l’université.

Deuxièmement : les nouveaux gestionnaires seront des exemples stimulants pour les adolescents actuels de ce qu’ils pourront réaliser dans la vie en travaillant dur, en étant créatif et responsable , tout en venant d’un milieu difficile .

Troisièmement : en collaborant uniquement avec d’anciens membres, nous sommes sûrs d’avoir des « pilotes » à bord qui comprennent parfaitement l’essence et la philosophie de FairMail, qui sont heureux de pouvoir de contribuer à l’organisation qui les a aidé à améliorer leur vie .

Last but not least : l’argent versé pour les salaires fini maintenant dans les mains de ces anciens adolescents qui en ont encore vraiment besoin. De cette façon, ils peuvent participer directement à leur revenu familial ou encore plus investir dans leur propre éducation.

Cette politique comporte aussi des risques. Nous avons choisi de travailler avec une équipe qui a peu d’expérience en gestion. Diriger une entreprise est une réalité totalement nouvelle pour eux. Ceci  signifie beaucoup de temps et d’efforts mis dans leur formation sur le tas. Les fondateurs de FairMail, Peter et Janneke, passeront cette année plus de temps au Pérou et en Inde pour donner cette formation et les orienter.

En savoir plus sur nos nouveaux gestionnaires péruviens Mariaflor Alvarado Reyes ( 22 ) et Yuli Silva Acuna ( 19 ) ici.

Et plus de détails au sujet de nos nouveaux gestionnaires indiens Dhiraj Kannaujia ( 21 ) et Anil Rao ( 17 ) ici.

(English) Great academis results for teenagers in Peru

mercredi, avril 25th, 2012

(English) Mariaflor wants to reach her goal: end university

jeudi, décembre 8th, 2011

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English, Nederlands et Español.

Mariaflor and her family

Mariaflor and her family

Hi my name is María flor Alvarado Reyes I an 20 years old and live with my mother, 2 brothers and sister in El Milagro.

I got to know FairMail through and NGO called ACJ (Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes) and through this NGO I managed to enter FairMail.

For mi FairMail is a big opportunity in my life. Why? Because they taught me how to dream and set goals for my future. In FairMail I learned to love photography and learned to see the world through the eyes of a photographer. In FairMail I learned a lot about photography like: techniques, details, portraits and much more. With FairMail and the pictures that I take I have many opportunities as my postcards are sold and exported. The earnings go into a personal fund that each participant has. With this money I was able to improve my house, by doors and even build my own room. And the most important thing is that I was able to pay for my preparations for university.

The room Mariaflor built for herself

The room Mariaflor built for herself

During my time in FairMail we made many beautiful trips with the volunteers and foreigners. These trips are great. We share fun, smiles, fears, etc. And of course the most important: take picturs and that way have more postcards. Until now I still can’t beleive that with FairMail I was able to see the things differently (if you set a goal for yourself you can achieve it). I set as goal for myself to save my money that I earned in FairMail to go to university.

Mariaflor during classes

Mariaflor during classes

Ah, I forgot to mention that I entered the Cesar Vallejo University to study communication sciences. In the first trimester I feel very happy to be achieving my goals that I set a long time ago. In university I am taking many courses. Amongst them the course « audiovisual processes » where they taught me to work with film cameras, angles, movement etc. Now I am making a mini program with me colleagues. I thank god for having put FairMail in my life.

Mariaflor with her friends at the university

Mariaflor with her friends at the university

I also want to thank all the people that help us in one way or the other. And to FairMail both in Peru, India and soon in Morocco.  FairMail is expanding a lot. We are very happy to be achieving all of this. Thank you!

Atte. María flor Alvarado Reyes

(Read more about Mariaflor, vote for her pictures, send her an email or buy her cards with this link.)