Posts Tagged ‘janneke’

Nuevos dueños para FairMail

sábado, diciembre 9th, 2017
The current and future owners of FairMail

The current and future owners of FairMail

Take a seat while reading this huge news: after more then 11 years FairMail founders Peter and Janneke are ready to take a step back and hand over “their baby” to new owners. “We noticed that our energy for some of the business aspects of the company was diminishing. And that this also blocked our inspiration for new creative ideas in business development. We believe that FairMail deserves new oxygen and energy to keep on unleashing its potential. Apart from that we also felt that both of us had a craving for some new personal development, outside of FairMail.”

“This is a huge step for us which we have been working on for quite some time now. After some investigations we found a team of 3 young women who will take-over FairMail per 1/1/2018. They are super motivated and all three of them know FairMail from the inside, as former volunteer photography trainers in Peru. 2 of them are German and 1 is Italian. They will set up a new FairMail company in Germany. As founders we plan to stay involved from the side in a Board of Advice. The 3 women will take over all of the daily work and we trust and believe they will follow the philosophy and ideas on which we based the FairMail concept.”

FairMail founder Janneke being thanked by the teenagers

FairMail founder Janneke being thanked by the teenagers

“It feels very strange to leave the company and at the same time it feels healthy, for two main reasons.  Firstly because with this take-over FairMail is able to continue and hopefully to keep growing with the 3 new shareholders and their new energy and ideas. Secondly because of the new freedom we will have to develop ourselves in new areas. Peter wants to work more with his hands, build wooden surfboards and eco-homes, while Janneke wants to continue specializing as an adolescent coach and -trainer.  We won’t be the “father and mother” of FairMail any longer but assume a new role as “grandfather and grandmother”. We are very grateful that things worked out this way!”

“To make sure that the hand-over goes smoothly and that neither our customers nor the teenagers are affected negatively we have been training the new owners for the past months already. From December to February we will continue the training while working together in Peru during the actual hand-over.»

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us by clicking here. Peter and Janneke can be contacted for private messages after the first of January via and

Fundadora de FairMail regresa a su origen

martes, diciembre 8th, 2015
FairMail Peru founder Janneke Smeulders

FairMail Peru founder Janneke Smeulders

Hace tres semanas la fundadora de FairMail, Janneke Smeulders, llego al Peru para su visita a FairMail Peru. Nos parecio una buena oportunidad para preguntarla sobre su vision a cerca de los ultimos desarollos en FairMail y que exactamente ella piensa hacer en el Peru en los cuatro meses que vienen.

Janneke having breakfast at the FairMail office

Janneke having breakfast at the FairMail office

What does your FairMail working day look like in Peru?

“Let’s take last Wednesday for example. I got up around 6:45 and did my morning meditation from 7 to 8, while Peter did some yoga, watered the plants and made breakfast. After a really nice breakfast with freshly made mango/passionfruit juice and oatmeal, it was time to check my email and work on my pending Christmas card orders. I worked on some new Christmas cards for on Greetz and designed tailor made corporate Christmas cards for an Italian and a Dutch company. 

When that was done it felt like coffee time so I made a nice one for me and Peter. Over coffee I started watching the photos the teenagers made in November. I always watch all of their photos (an average of 5.000 per month) and then make a selection to put on our website, edit the photos and give them keywords so that our customers can easily find photos per theme. 

For lunch we went to a local restaurant a few blocks down the road. For just under 2 euros they offer a simple but nice lunch of soup, rice with egg or fish, beans and a drink. Back at the office it was time to prepare the office for the “half-group class” with 5 of the 10 teenagers. Our co-manager Maria Flor walked in at 2 pm and although class is from 3 to 6 pm most teenagers knock the door around 2:30 which is nice as it gives some time to talk with them before class starts. 

Our 2 volunteer Analena and Kira, who had prepared the lesson the previous day, came in as well and they started off with nice dynamic: a group game called “Ninja!”. We have to freeze in a Ninja pose and then one by one we have to take another Ninja down with a cool move. The class went nice and smooth, first showing the group a selection of the photos they made last lesson for some feedback and then each teenager worked on his/her own personal card idea while the rest helped out where they could. I was mostly busy with matches and flashlights, helping out Angeles with her Christmas card scene to get the lighting on her photos perfect. While doing that the other teenagers come up to me regularly showing just made photos on their camera: “what do you think about this photo Janneke? Is it ok like this or shall I change anything? What about the composition on this one?”. And I got impressed by their creative ideas and hard work!  

A bit after 6 the teenagers went home and we could wrap up quickly in time to watch the sunset at 6:30 pm at the beach, only 30 metres from the office. What a great way to end such a nice day! In fact, it does not feel like a “working” day at all. “


Janneke during a management retreat with the Peruvian FairMail staff

Janneke during a management retreat with the Peruvian FairMail staff

What are your plans for this visit to Peru?

“As always my goals in Peru are to coach and supervise the co-managers more personally then over email and to give the teenagers new ideas and inspiration for card- and other photographic themes. And to catch up with the teenagers and their families who all have their own challenges to face. 

This time an extra goal is to try and plan in “mirror” talks with each teenager: this is a coaching technique to let them organize their own thoughts and feelings about the personal doubts and issues they have. 

Apart from that I will have to train a new co-manager as one of our current co-managers (Yuli) leaves this month as she got the chance to work in the USA for 3 months. A great opportunity for her and we see it as a nice moment to let another ex-FairMail teenager get some work experience as co-manager of FairMail. We invited former photographer Betty to come and get a trial period to see if she likes the management work and if she is able to handle the responsibilities. 

The cherry on the pie of this visit is the photography trip in January to the cloud forest. We are going with the whole team this time to celebrate our upcoming 10 year anniversary! A trip like this is a perfect means to get even more team spirit and to get loads of great new FairMail photos.”


Janneke helping out during  a photography excercise

Janneke helping out during a photography excercise

How did you encounter the FairMail team after leaving them alone for nearly 6 months?

“This is different each time I come back in Peru. This time I was happy to see that the team of managers and volunteers formed a good staff together. I also noticed that most of the teenagers talk more easily about their personal situations then before: we do a “social circle” once a week in which we all tell about our week at home, at school and in FairMail and each has to give a compliment to one other person. This social circle takes more time each week and what each teenagers says seems more authentic then before. This tells me that the teenagers feel at easy and safe enough to share their issues in the group. This makes me really happy as with FairMail we want to create a space in which teenagers feel safe to show themselves as they really are and to find out about their own talents and dreams. So a big compliment to the whole team for strengthening the safe atmosphere during the past month!”


Which of the teenagers especially impressed you with his or her development the past months?

“As I said all of them impressed me with their open communication but if I had to pick one teenager then I can say that Juan Gabriel is one of the fastest rising stars. Six months ago he was not sure of himself, doubting about what he wanted after secondary school, looking for work without success. Some people around him were pushing him to take more action to find work which seemed to make him more passive then active so the pressure had a negative effect. 

And look at him now: he is studying on the pre-university academy, motivated to go and study communication studies. His dream is to become a sports journalist and-photographer. He seems to be on the right track for that as he succeeded in getting a scholarship for several courses in a well-known photography institute in Trujillo. This experience really boosted his self-esteem and you can tell from the amount of happy Facebook posts how much it motivated him. In the meantime he keeps on improving his English ánd he works hard in FairMail. He is an inspiring example for the younger boys in FairMail and I am very proud of him!”

Janneke painting the FairMail office

Janneke painting the FairMail office

Any plans on expanding FairMail to a new country besides Peru in the future?

“Nope, not for now. After a period of expansion, we now find ourselves in a period of focussing on the quality instead of the quantity. And this suits me well as it gives me more time for things that were always far down on my “to-do-list” but that I find so important and so nice to do: give extra personal coaching to the teenagers, more personal guidance to the co-managers and take more time for product development and finding new markets and sales channels. The last is much needed to ensure that all of the 55 former and current FairMail photographers can finance the education they need to follow their dreams.”

Quiere usted ver con sus propios ojos como van las cosas con FairMail en el Peru? Entonces lee mas sobre las oportunidades de trabajar como voluntario o viajar con los jovenes Peruanos aqui.

FairMail manejado por los nómadas digitales

martes, septiembre 16th, 2014
Digital nomad on camping

Digital nomad on camping

Hace tres años los fundadores FairMail Peter y Janneke decidieron alquilar su casa en los Países Bajos y viajar a tiempo completo como «nómadas digitales» entre los diferentes países de producción y ventas de FairMail. Al igual que muchos otros nómadas digitales hoy en día, que viajan por el mundo facilitado por la tecnología de hoy en día, mientras que ganarse la vida. Éstos son algunos de sus consejos para otras personas que quieren hacer su empresa virtual, ver una gran parte del mundo y experimentar algo de aventura.

Consejo 1: Cambie su oficina para «equipos de Dropbox»

Dropbox es una aplicación bien conocida para el intercambio de archivos y documentos. Justo antes FairMail cerró su oficina en los Países Bajos «equipos de Dropbox» salieró. Esto nos da la oportunidad de sincronizar continuamente todos los archivos en nuestras computadoras portátiles que viajan, con los ordenadores en las oficinas FairMail en Perú y la India. Además, tenemos una copia de seguridad segura en el servidor de Dropbox en caso de que nuestros ordenadores portátiles se estrellan o roban. De esta manera podemos compartir 1 terabyte de datos, leer los informes diarios de nuestros gestores locales, en tiempo real y ver directamente las fotos de nuestros fotógrafos adolescentes. Pero incluso mejor que con otras aplicaciones en la nube, Dropbox nos da la posibilidad de tener siempre acceso a nuestros archivos, incluso cuando Internet o la electricidad se va(bastante común en Perú y la India). A 500 euros al año logramos ahorrar mucho en alquiler por ser capaz de empacar nuestra oficina en nuestros maletines. Lo que por supuesto también se beneficia de los ingresos de nuestros adolescentes.



digital nomad in Moroccan cafe

Digital nomad in Moroccan cafe

Consejo 2: Tome un número Skype-In para que la gente siempre se pueden communicar.

Skype también es muy común por ahora para llamadas gratuitas a través de Internet. Así que tiene sentido que los nómadas digitales hacen uso de este para mantenerse en contacto con sus clientes. Tener un número de teléfono fijo  hace dar a la gente más confianza y es mejor para su reputación que un ID skype. Por eso FairMail compró un número de Skype en línea. Si usted llama al número de teléfono fijo basado Amsterdam 00-31- (0) 20-8.932.239 automáticamente será conectado con uno de nuestros ordenadores portátiles de forma gratuita, sin importar en qué lugar del mundo que estamos, sin que el cliente siquiera notarlo. Excepto, por supuesto, si nos suena un poco de sueño debido a la diferencia horaria.

Digital nomad in the Himalaya's

Digital nomad in the Himalaya’s

Consejo 3: Producir su producto digital cerca de su mercado.

Como un productor de comercio justo debe abarcar los aspectos positivos de las nuevas tecnologías en vez de permanecer atrapados en la vieja usanza de la impresión de las tarjetas donde se toman las fotos y luego enviarlos a nuestros clientes. Las fotografías digitales son tan solo 0’s y 1’s en un ordenador. Así que ¿por qué no enviar los directamente a la impresora más cercana a nuestros clientes para su impresión? Se ahorra una gran cantidad de costos transportables y almacenamiento, acorta su «tiempo al mercado», le permite ser más flexible con su stock y es mejor para el medio ambiente también. Es por eso que FairMail trabaja con editores de distintos países que imprimen las tarjetas FairMail localmente. Los clientes también pueden diseñar una tarjeta FairMail real en linea y recibirlo en su buzón de correo al día siguiente!

Ayuda FairMail en Neuva York

martes, abril 29th, 2014
Peter & Janneke ready to leave to New York

Peter & Janneke ready to leave to New York

A pesar de las historias de éxito FairMail sigue buscando desesperadamente nuevos clientes por lo que los adolescentes más motivados pueden financiar sus planes de futuro. Es por eso que en dos semanas los fundadores de FairMail Peter y Janneke asistirán a la Feria de postales en Nueva York, en busca de nuevos editores internacionales para FairMail.

Además de atender a la inmensa feria, ellos también tienen planeado algunos días para presentar a FairMail a otras organizaciones interesadas.

¿Tiene alguna sugerencia que Peter & Janneke deben visitar mientras en Nueva York? Que háganoslo saber aquí.

Nos gustaría encontrarnos con:

• Las organizaciones o empresas interesadas en postales navideñas corporativas de FairMail.

• Medios de comunicación dispuestos a hacer un reportaje sobre FairMail.

• La galería de arte que desee organizar una exposición fotográfica con imágenes FairMail.

• Las cadenas minoristas interesados en un postales de comercio justo.

• Los socios para promover los viajes fotográficos de FairMail.

Iniciadores de FairMail Peter y Janneke rumbo a Marruecos

domingo, agosto 26th, 2012
Janneke ready to adapt to Moroccan society

Janneke ready to adapt to Moroccan society

By the time you read this FairMail founders Peter and Janneke will be well on their way to Morocco. In Peter’s grandmother’s old car, stashed with camera’s, computer’s, greeting cards and a card spinner they are on their way to drive the 3.500 kilometer from Amsterdam to Essaouira on the Moroccan Atlantic coast. In order to, if all goes well. to set up their third FairMail production unit.

Do you want to stay informed about their adventures then regularly check into their  Facebook and Tumblr page’s.