Posts Tagged ‘competition’

FairMail wins Transparency prize

Monday, October 26th, 2015
FairMail founders Janneke Smeulders and Peter den Hond receive the cheque

FairMail founders Janneke Smeulders and Peter den Hond receive the cheque

Yes, we did it! FairMail won the first prize for the social enterprise with the most transparent website about its social impact. During the award ceremony in The Hague on the 30th of September the president of the jury, Mr Herman Wijffels, handed over the cheque of 10.000 euro to FairMail founders Peter and Janneke.

The prize is an initiative of Price Waterhouse Coopers to stimulate social enterprises to communicate transparently about their social impact. PwC investigated the websites of 60 social enterprises and judged them along criteria like communication about their business model, their social impact, the risks involved and the use of storytelling. In the end FairMail, from the 3 finalists, was chosen as the winner by an independent jury.

You can read more about why FairMail won by clicking here.

FairMail wins the Transparency Prize 2015

FairMail wins the Transparency Prize 2015

The prize money will be used to invest in adapting FairMail’s website to mobile devices and to find the necessary new business leads at international trade fairs next year.

We are very happy with this result. We couldn’t have made it without people helping us: we want to give a big THANK YOU to UNITid for making the interaction design of the FairMail website, TOOK Web development for actually programming the site and the Social Capital Foundation for providing the loan to invest in our new and transparent website.

Vote for FairMail in yoga photography competition

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014
Participating yoga photograph

Participating yoga photograph

We are very proud that 26 yoga pictures by Peruvian and Indian FairMail teenagers made it to this year’s semi-finals of the “Children’s Yoga Photography Competition”.

Together with selected images by photographers from all over the world they are competing to make it to the final selection for this year’s Devayani Yoga’s Children’s Charity Calendar.

During one month the images are posted on Devayani’s Facebook page. Only the 12 images with the most likes by the end of July make it to the calendar. 100% of the profit made from the sale of the calendar will be distributed amongst 12 different children’s charities, amongst which the education funds of the different participating FairMail teenagers. That is why they need your votes now!

Participating yoga photograph

Participating yoga photograph

To vote all you have to do is:

1. First like Devayani Yoga’s Facebook site here.

2. Like all the separate yoga images you like here.

You can vote for was many pictures as you want. Thank you so much for your support!

Peru: Urbanization of poverty and its toll on children like me

Sunday, October 28th, 2012

For this years Unicef photo competition I, Elmer Machuca Chacon (19 years, Peru) have chosen to tell my story about “How children are the victim of the poverty”.

FairMail Peru photographer Elmer Machuca Chacon

FairMail Peru photographer Elmer Machuca Chacon

Sometimes life can be so difficult for parents that the children end up just as much a victim of poverty as them. This is a story I lived myself, but of course couldn’t take pictures of at that time.

During times each day is a nightmare. My niece hopes for daily bread, but sometimes there is none.

During times each day is a nightmare. My niece hopes for daily bread, but sometimes there is none.

That is why in these photos I choose to tell MY story through the eyes of my 5 year old niece called Annabel.

Enjoy while it lasts, because nice tastes of life come and go.

Enjoy while it lasts, because nice tastes of life come and go.

I want to show how she lives in poverty in the dessert on the outskirts of Trujillo.

Step by step reflecting on the injustice in life

Step by step reflecting on the injustice in life

Together with her mother and my alcoholic brother.

The best moment, because god came to her house and blessed her with food.

The best moment, because god came to her house and blessed her with food.

What her actual situation is and how she survives and maintains herself in a very complicated world filled with a lot of sadness.

Sadness starts when the perspective for a better life is lost

Sadness starts when the perspective for a better life is lost

But despite the sadness I also see her strength.

Trying to regain the right to study

Trying to regain the right to study

The strength to survive and to get out of her situation in a country where there is little support for children.

Below the look is the pain inside.

Below the look is the pain inside.

Through my pictures I like to show this inner strength many children do have.

A sweet look in times of sadness.

A sweet look in times of sadness.

I want to show that children, with the help of organizations and other children can utilize this inner force to break the chain of poverty and create a better life for themselves and their families.

Happiness comes like opening the water tap once a week.

Happiness comes like opening the water tap once a week.

Because the world should be a happy place for everyone.

FairMail Peru photographer Elmer Machuca Chacon

FairMail Peru photographer Elmer Machuca Chacon

I hope to become a lighting example for other children that this is possible, as it is my dream to study Cinema and Photography. I want to become a famous director and make a film like Slumdog Millionaire!

FairMail needs your vote to expand to Morocco!

Thursday, July 7th, 2011

Eind 2011 wil FairMail beginnen met het opzetten van een nieuwe productieafdeling in Marokko. En ook daar, net als in Peru en India, 10 kansarme tieners in dienst nemen en opleiden tot fotograaf.

Dit vergt een investering van minstens 10.000 euro aan camera’s, computers, kaartendruk, kantoor huur etc. Om het benodigde geld bij elkaar te verdienen doen we mee aan de ASN Bank Wereldprijs 2011.

Alleen als we genoeg stemmen krijgen verdienen we 10.000 euro in de categorie “Eerlijke Handel”.

Dus door te stemmen op het project FairMail Marokko maak je het mogelijk dat we meer tieners de kans geven om mbv. FairMail hun dromen waar te maken!

Hieronder lees je hoe je kunt stemmen.

1/ Klik op: en druk op de groene “STEM” knop.

2/ Vul je naam en email adres in, klik dat je akkoord gaat met de voorwaarden en druk op “Profiel Aanmaken”.

3/ Je krijgt een bevestigingsmail in je mailbox.

4/ Klik vervolgens op de link in de mail om je aanmelding te bevestigen.

5/ Je komt vanzelf weer op de site van, vul twee keer hetzelfde wachtwoord naar keuze in en klik helemaal onderaan de pagina op “Opslaan”. (de andere informatie waar om gevraagd wordt hoef je niet op te geven)

6/ Ga boven in naar het tabblad “Acties” en klik op de rode knop “Bekijk Deze Actie” in het vierkant van de ASN Bank Wereldprijs 2011.

7/ Je kunt nu stemmen door in de derde categorie “Eerlijke Handel” te klikken op de groene knop “STEM” bij ons project: “FairMail: faire foto’s door jongeren in Marokko”. KLAAR!

8/ Door op de titel te klikken van het project, kom je op de project pagina met tekst en uitleg. Je kunt ook Fan worden. En zijn ook sociale netwerk knoppen die je kunt gebruiken om te laten zien dat je op FairMail gestemd hebt. En zo anderen aan te moedigen om ook op ons te stemmen. Hoe meer stemmen hoe groter de kans dat we echt naar Marokko kunnen!

Mocht je toch nog problemen hebben kun je mailen met of via twitter @VDWVM

Ontzettend bedankt voor je stem! Peter en Janneke