Posts Tagged ‘betty’

Ex-fotógrafa trabaja como nueva co-gerente en FairMail Perú

miércoles, abril 27th, 2016
Betty during the weekly

Betty during the weekly «social circle» meeting

El experimento que iniciamos hace 2 años, que era para emplear ex-fotógrafos como co-gerentes en el Perú, está funcionando muy bien. Tan bien que decidimos emplear a Betty (22) como la nueva co-gerente para FairMail Perú a partir de Abril de 2016.

Así que FairMail no solo trabaja para pero también por jóvenes de bajos recursos.

Ahora me siento muy feliz de estar trabajando con jóvenes fotógrafos, como un día yo también lo fui.” dice agrada la idea de estar compartiendo momentos lindos, experiencias que en su momento también los tuve. Pero también veo que estar trabajando no solo voy a compartir, sino que también voy a ganar mucha experiencias y muy buenas para mi futuro, porque ahora tengo más responsabilidad en la empresa.”

Betty in action as teenage photographer

Betty in action as teenage photographer

El mejor ejemplo

El experimento nos demuestra que ex-fotógrafos como gerentes es muy motivadora para los actuales chicos, como ellos son el mejor ejemplo de que se puede lograr con FairMail si uno aprovecha bien las oportunidades brindadas. También sirve mucho que nuestros nuevos gerentes entienden aún mejor las situaciones y dificultades los actuales chicos tienen que manejar para salir adelante en la vida. Esto hace la guianza que FairMail brinda más relevante y legitima.

O como Betty lo dice, lo que podría contribuir es mi apoyo como en aconsejarles. orientarles y a motivarles a que puedan seguir tomando buenas fotos, porque sé que será un buen apoyo para ellos mismo, como también para su familia, ya que la mayoría provienen de una zona que no está en una alta calidad de vida

Betty as a teenager with one of her cards in front of her house

Betty as a teenager with one of her cards in front of her house

Desarrollo personal para jóvenes

Claro que se requiere bastante capacitación para que nuestros nuevos gerentes tan joven y con tan poco experiencia pueden asumir el cargo. Unos de los retos es poder ganarme la confianza de cada uno de los chicos así como también de los padres o ONG donde algunos chicos se albergan..” según Betty. También tendré que aprender a organizar muy bien mi tiempo y a la ves aprender a tener más responsabilidad con mis obligaciones en mi trabajo ya que también esto me servirá para otros trabajos en el futuro. Pero esto es algo que nos gusta hacer y lo vemos como algo que encaja perfectamente en la misión de FairMail para ofrecer posibilidades para su desarrollo personal a jóvenes de bajos recursos. Los más talentosos y responsables ahora también tendrán la oportunidad de obtener experiencia laboral que pueden combinar con sus estudios superiores. Verles crecer profesionalmente solo nos llena con más satisfacían!

Usted puede leer más sobre nuestra experiencia empleando a ex-fotógrafos como gerentes locales aquí.

Yuli during her time as FairMail co-manager

Yuli during her time as FairMail co-manager

Gracias Yuli!

El nuevo puesto para Betty significa que nos despedimos de Yuli luego de 2 años trabajando para FairMail. Durante este tiempo ella hizo un excelente trabajo para FairMail. Pero luego de regresar de 3 meses en los EE.UU. ella decidió que ya no pudo combinar su labor para FairMail con sus otras actividades. Ella está estudiando para ser profesora de idiomas, trabajando como asistente y además estudiando Inglés y Francés! Extrañaremos mucho a la inspiración y alegría que Yuli nos dio. Pero no tenemos duda que ella nos visitara frecuentemente.

Nuevas inversiones panadería de exgresados de FairMail

miércoles, octubre 23rd, 2013
Patricia and Betty showing their cakes

Patricia and Betty showing their cakes

Patricia y Betty, ex participantes de FairMail Perú llegaron a su etapa final como fotógrafas, Ellas estaban muy tristes por dejar atrás las fotografías, pero a la vez muy felices por emprender el negocio planeado y soñado: crear una micro empresa de pastelería llamada PatyBet (lee mas sobre sus planes aca) 

Patricia finishing off a birthday cake

Patricia finishing off a birthday cake

Pues ahora lo están logrando, gracias al señor Pieter Parmentier de Holanda, la cual viendo la necesidad que PatyBet tenía para seguir creciendo, este señor decidió invertir en el negocio, con el dinero obtenido se pudo realizar algunas compras como: harina, azúcar, mantequilla, quequeras chicas y grandes, productos de limpieza entre otros insumos que se necesita para la preparación  de los pasteles.

Ahora la empresa PatyBet está produciendo mucho más, aproximadamente 20 a 23 queques por semana. Los clientes están muy satisfechos por el buen producto y servicio que se brinda, todo los queques salen calientitos  directo del horno a las manos del cliente.

PatyBet ahora se está enfocando en hacer queques decorados para cumpleaños (tortas), siempre con un paso más al frente, Patricia y Betty esperan  que  su microempresa  siga creciendo mucho más. Ya saben cuándo visiten Perú no se olviden de contactarse con PatyBet.

Betty and Patricia delivering a fresh cake

Betty and Patricia delivering a fresh cake

Adolescentes de FairMail empiezan su proprio negocio de pasteleria

lunes, febrero 4th, 2013
Patricia and Betty putting their cakes in the oven

Patricia and Betty putting their cakes in the oven

Two of the Peruvian FairMail teenagers who left FairMail at the end of 2012 (due to reaching the age limit) have started on a new endeavor: starting a bakery business together. Patricia used her FairMail earnings to study gastronomy and with the help of one of FairMail’s partners ACJ she also followed a bakery course. Betty used her earnings to study business administration. With Patricia’s creativity and entrepreneurial spirit and Betty’s structured way of working and understanding of finances they could be the perfect match. We asked them how they came up with the idea and what they are up to:

How did you get the idea to start a cake bakery business?

Patty explains: “At first I wanted to start a restaurant in our home where all the mothers from the neighborhood could come and eat. But we didn’t have enough money to invest so we started selling snacks. Unfortunately that didn’t go very well. I also made cakes for me and my family now and then. The neighbors who would join us said the cakes where delicious and asked why we didn’t start to sell cakes. At home I have a small oven, but it is too small. But at a nearby NGO (ACJ El Milagro) they have a professional bakery kitchen and they let me use their oven. Also they helped me with a bakery course where I learned a lot of things which I am using now.

Betty making some delicious dough

Betty making some delicious dough

And how did you end up joining Betty?

Betty explains: “Patty asked me a long time ago if I wanted to help. She was looking for someone that could assist her, or would be her business partner. But at that time I had problems at home so I didn’t say yes then. But now I have decided to join her and now we do everything 50/50.

So what is the name of your company?

We don’t know yet unfortunately. All ideas are welcome!

Check FairMail’s facebook to join in the online discussion and voting for a new name for Betty and Patty’s company.

How is business going for you now?

At this moment we are baking about 10 cakes per week. We sell them at 10 soles (about 3 euro) while they cost us around 5 soles to make. It is a lot of work because we make the batter by hand. First we bought small amounts of ingredients, but now we have invested in buying a big bag of flower and sugar so the production price goes down and we make more profit. We also want to buy more cake molds as now we have only 4. We want to grow so we hope that everyone in the neighborhood knows about us soon and orders with us!

Proud Patricia showing her soon-to-be-cak

Proud Patricia showing her soon-to-be-cak

Even though Patricia and Betty are no longer active as photographers for FairMail they keep earning money with the sale of their cards and photo’s. Over the coming months they will invest their earnings in their business. We wish Patricia and Betty all the best with their new endeavor and many more cakes to come!

Resultados de viaje de fotografia a bosque de nubes

lunes, octubre 22nd, 2012
Taking coffee photo's

Taking coffee photo

In August a few of the FairMail teenager travelled to the Peruvian cloud forest to take pictures of the organic coffee harvest for the German Coffee producer Rapunzel. Below you can read the trip report by photographer Betty.

In 2013 4 photography trips to Peru and India are scheduled. Would you like to learn more? Then register for the information session on Saturday the 9th of February by clicking here.

What was the best part of the trip for you?

The best part of the trip is the coopration with the other photographers, volunteers and the people we meet during the trip. But also the beautiful places of our Peru that we get to know. And of course the most important: take many great pictures!

What did you like about the destination compared to where you live in Trujillo?

What I like so much about Sicches is the peace and quiet and the nature. But also the friendliness of the people who live in the small village and give us a place to stay in their house.

Betty taking pictures of organic sugar

Betty taking pictures of organic sugar

Why would you like more foreigners to come on a trip with you in the future?

I would like more foreigners to travel with us so we can learn more from them. But also because they give us the opportunity to travel and that way get to know more about other parts of our Peru. Thanks to them and to FairMail we get to know our own culture better and we can identify with it. And then take great pictures of the cultural things we see.

What did you work on this time during the trip?

During the trip we worked for a company that requested our services to take pictures of organic coffee. Of the production process  the drying and the families that work in coffee production. But we also worked on general card themes like love, Christmas and light etc.

Which photo did you take during the trip which you think might make it to a FairMail postcard?

This one:

Betty's new postcard?


What will you do with the money you earn if it actually becomes a FairMail card?

With the money I would continue to pay for my education (business administration) to become a good professional. And that way not let my family down.

Why did only 3 teenagers get to go on the trip this time?

Because we didn’t have enough foreign travellers to support us. That’s why there wasn’t enough budget to take more teenagers to enjoy this great trip! Through a selection process 3 teenagers where chosen who could go.

Un nuevo principio para fotografa Betty

lunes, diciembre 19th, 2011
Betty from FairMail Peru

Betty from FairMail Peru

Last week we received a message from one of our Peruvian photographers: Betty. Because of domestic problems she had to leave her house with her mother, sister and two brothers. Despite that though she is determined to bring the new beginning to a good end. This is the translation of her message:

Hello friends, my name is Betty.

I live in El Milagro (name of the outscirts of Tujillo where the cities garbage belt is situated) with my mother, sister and two brothers. Due to domestic problems my mother had to get seperated from my father. Now we only live with my mother. I am 17 years old and member of the asociación de jóvenes cristianos del Perú (ACJ red. Peruvian version of the YMCA).

Well, my family and I have always worked on the garbage belt to find materials which we could recycle and which I would have to sell. I was totally fed up with this work. When I participated in a ACJ workshop I heard people talk about an interesting company called FairMail. Unfortunately I did not know how you could get a job there, but I knew that one day I would succeed.

Betty preparing the mirror for a friendship post card

Betty preparing the mirror for a friendship post card

By now I am working for FairMail for almost 2 years. Itis cool because we work together like brothers and sisters. I am using the money I earned with my card sale to pay for things to finish my secondary school and for the admission acadamy I am studying in now. I want to take the exam to get admitted to the National University of Trujillo where I want to study communication sciences. I am happy with FairMail and that this way I was able to pay for my own study. And not have to be a burden for my parents now that they don’t have the money to support me in this.

Betty working on her new `New Home` card

Betty working on her new `New Home` card

Right now I am living with my mother, brothers and sister in the house of my grandma. There we built a little room for ourselfves out of reed mats so we have a place to sleep. I know that with the sale of my cards I will make progress in life and acheive the goals I have in mind for me and my family. So we can all live in happines.

Thanks to everyone. I invite you to buy the cards of FairMail India and FairMail Peru. I hope there are some cards that you wil like.

Thanks, Betty Chanta
(red. For more information about Betty, her cards and photos, click here)