Posts Tagged ‘Ben and Jerry’s’

Des adolescents péruviens ont pris des photos pour l’entreprise Ben & Jerry pour leur carte de voeux de fin d’année.

dimanche, septembre 15th, 2013
Ksanier being assisted by volunteer Jie during the photoshoot

Ksanier being assisted by volunteer Jie during the photoshoot

Même si c’était la fin de l’été au mois d’aout dans de nombreuses régions du monde, nos adolescents étaient déjà en train de prendre des photos pour la prochaine saison de carte de vœux pour Noël. Parmi leurs clients cette année, l’entreprise Ben & Jerry qui a demandé une photo équitable et sur mesure pour leur carte de Noël d’entreprise. Pour ce faire, ils ont envoyé à nos adolescents au Pérou une boîte remplie de toutes sortes d’accessoires de Ben & Jerry comme des chapeaux, des stylos, des pantoufles, des sacs isothermes, des tasses de crème glacée, etc.


Yomira drawing her idea for a perfect picture

Yomira drawing her idea for a perfect picture

Nos adolescents ont ainsi mis leur créativité au travail. En premier lieu, imaginer une image parfaite qui transmettrait le bon feeling. Après l’avoir déterminé, ils ont présenté leur idée aux autres photographes afin que chacun puisse donner son avis et recevoir des informations précieuses pour la faire évoluer. Ainsi, tout le monde savait quoi faire et est ensuite parti travailler.

Anidela working on her perfect picture

Anidela working on her perfect picture

Après chaque session de photographie, les photos ont été évaluées au cours de la classe FairMail sur l’ordinateur. Avec l’aide des photographes volontaires qui donnent les cours de photographie, des améliorations ont été discutées. De cette façon, en plusieurs tours, les images ont réellement commencé à devenir  » des photos parfaites « . Une pré- sélection de 40 d’entre elles ont été envoyées à Ben & Jerry qui a ainsi choisi son image préférée pour sa carte de vœux de cette année. Excitant !

One of Anidela's pictures for Ben & Jerry's

One of Anidela’s pictures for Ben & Jerry’s

Voulez-vous proposer à votre employeur d’envoyer également des cartes de Noël équitables, sur ​​mesure ou à partir de notre stock? Alors jetez un œil à ce catalogue de ce que FairMail a à offrir.
Laissez-nous savoir qui pouvons-nous contacter au sein de votre entreprise. Un grand merci pour votre aide !

One of Jorge's pictures for Ben & Jerry's

One of Jorge’s pictures for Ben & Jerry’s

FairMail remporte la première édition de la compétition Entrepreunariat Social par Ben & Jerry

dimanche, août 26th, 2012
FairMail Founder Peter den Hond after his pitch

FairMail Founder Peter den Hond after his pitch

Middle in the tropical jungle of Uganda FairMail was chosen as winner in the first edition of Ben & Jerry’s “Join Our Core” competition, aimed at finding the best business plans by young social entrepreneurs from Europe. After a 6 month search and going through all the idea’s the Dutch company FairMail was chosen as The Netherlands’ most sustainable & innovative idea. The company wants to contribute to solving the problem of child labour through a business approach. This means FairMail won the first prize of 10.000 euro, 6 months guidance by Ashoka and that the FairMail logo will be printed on the tubs of a brand new Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavour in 2013.

From the nearly 200 entry’s a qualified jury selected 15 finalist for the final stage in Uganda. During 10 days the finalists lived and worked together with a group of young fair trade vanilla farmers. Together they explored the business possibilities for the farmers to diversify their income and help their communities to develop.

From the Netherlands FairMail was chosen as winner. Besides FairMail the winners where Rubies in de Rubble from the UK, Archipelago from Ireland, Mattecentrum from Sweden and Play31 from Denmark.

According to FairMail founder Peter den Hond it is a great honour that FairMail was chosen from all the great business ideas. “Especially for the ex-street children from Peru that take the pictures on our fair trade greetings cards. With the prize money FairMail can set up a new production unit in Morocco later this year. With the guidance by Ashoka and with our logo printed on millions of Ben & Jerry’s packages it will be possible for FairMail to increase her impact. And give more teenagers the opportunity to finance their own education through the sale of their own pictures. »

FairMail winner Join Our Core Competition

FairMail winner Join Our Core Competition

Besides the jury’s prize FairMail also won the people’s choice award earning another 1.000 euro. Thanks to all the people that voted for FairMail!

Click here to see more pictures from the finals in Uganda.

(English) FairMail makes it to the finals of Ben & Jerry’s Join Our Core Competition

mercredi, mai 30th, 2012

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English, Nederlands et Español.

15 Finalists of Ben & Jerry's Join Our Core Competition

15 Finalists of Ben & Jerry’s Join Our Core Competition

Last Week FairMail learned it made it to the finals of Ben & Jerry’s Join Our Core Competition. Ben & Jerry’s are on the hunt for some bright sparks in the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden & the Netherlands, who are creating cool new models for sustainable business which will help make a difference in communities. To decide who would go through to the finals 25 social entrepreneurs from 5 countries had to pitch for a panel of judges in the « Dragon’s Den » studio in London on Wednesday the 23rd of May. Ben & Jerry’s founder Jerry Greenfield was amongst the judges just like Dutch astronaut Wubbo Ockels.

The five Dutch finalist with Jerry Greenfield

The five Dutch finalist with Jerry Greenfield

That same evening the judges announced that FairMail was one of the 15 finalists battling for the final victory during a 10 day mission in Uganda in August. There FairMail founder Peter Den Hond will have to work alongside young local social entrepreneurs trying to diversify the income of the farming members of the local fair trade vanilla cooperative that is used to make Ben & Jerry’s delicious ice cream.

If FairMail wins it not only means a 10.000 euro cheque to invest in FairMail, but also mentioning of FairMail’s name and logo on Ben & Jerry’s ice cream tubs plus 6 months mentoring by Ashoka. The final result will be on the 22nd of August 2012.

There is also a People’s voting competition. With your vote you can help FairMail win an additional 1.000 euro prize to invest in the setting up of FairMail Morocco. Just click here to cast you vote. Thank you so much!