Posts Tagged ‘Belgica’

Nuevos productos en cooperación con Oxfam

martes, septiembre 19th, 2017
2018 Calendar with picture by Akaash from India

2018 Agenda with picture by Akaash from India

Estamos muy contentos con los 2 nuevos productos de FairMail que entran en venta este autono.

Nuestro socio de Bélgica Oxfam seleccionó 4 imágenes de FairMail para su agenda de 2018 y loncheras. Así hacen que sus productos son mas justos y a la vez apoyan a los jóvenes de FairMail.

La agenda y las loncheras con fotos de Julissa, Juan Gabriel, Paul y Akaash están en venta en la tienda web de Oxfam y sus mas que 200 tiendas en Belgica.

Imágenes de comercio justo para postales de Oxfam

miércoles, abril 27th, 2016
fair trade Oxfam card with image by FairMail Peru photographer Yuli

fair trade Oxfam card with image by FairMail Peru photographer Yuli

Somos muy orgullosos poder presentar nuestra nueva cooperación con Oxfam Bélgica. Todas las imágenes para sus 24 nuevos postales de comercio justo fueron tomadas por nuestros jóvenes fotógrafos del Perú y la India.

Además de las imágenes FairMail también proporciono su concepto para los postales de Oxfam. Igual que los postales de FairMail se puede apreciar la portreta, nombre, edad y correo del joven que tomo la foto en la cara de atrás de los postales de Oxfam.

fair trade Oxfam card with image by FairMail Peru photographer Angeles

fair trade Oxfam card with image by FairMail Peru photographer Angeles

Cooperación entre ONG y Empresa social

La cooperación nació durante la visita a Bélgica de las jóvenes Anidela y Angeles de Perú en junio 2015. Durante un de sus presentaciones para los compradores para las tiendas de comercio justo de Bélgica ellas inspiraron a Oxfam para hacer sus postales de comercio justo, comprando las fotos de FairMail.

De esta manera Oxfam puede producir sus postales de acuerdo a su misión para combatir la pobreza mundial. Y a la vez apoyar a FairMail para combatir el trabajo infantil mientras la arte de la fotografía. Esperamos que esta cooperación inspirara a otras ONG’s para seguir el ejemplo de Oxfam.

fair trade Oxfam card with image by FairMail Peru photographer Luis

fair trade Oxfam card with image by FairMail Peru photographer Luis

Los postales están disponibles para las tiendas de comercio justo de Bélgica mientras la tienda web de Oxfam.

Para más información sobre la compra de los postales sírvase comunicarse con Oxfam vía teléfono +32 (0)2 412 12 52 o correo electrónico:

Resultados del giro por Europa con 2 jóvenes del Perú

miércoles, julio 15th, 2015
Anidela and Angeles, the stars of the European tour

Anidela and Angeles, the stars of the European tour

En julio 2 jóvenes fotógrafos de FairMail hicieron un giro por Europa para contar la historia sobre sus postales a más personas posibles. Y para conocer más sobre el mercado de postales. El giro fue una aventura muy grande para Anidela y Angeles, porque que nunca han viajado por avión y que eran recibidas como estrellas en Alemania, Bélgica y Holanda.

Tour d'Europe

Tour d’Europe

En los 17 días viajaron más que 3.000 kilómetros de los cuales 25 en bici, algo que nunca van a olvidar. No solo porque se cansaron manejando bici, sino también porque se dieron cuenta que te relajas manejando bici y ayuda para despegar la mente. También se impresionaron con la creatividad de la gente en Europa en cuanto la decoración de sus casas. Y que las cosas en Europa son tan ordenadas. También que hay muchos, varios tarjeteros en las tiendas con los cuales, sus postales tienen que competir.

Meeting their customers for the first time

Meeting their customers for the first time

Para lograr ganar la competencia hicieron un PowerPoint con los resultados más importantes de su investigación de marketing, juntos con recomendaciones concretas para sus compañeros fotógrafos en el Perú. Así esperamos que logran aún más adaptar sus fotos al gusto del cliente.

Haga clic acá para ver fotos del viaje.

Visiting Greetz headquarters

Visiting Greetz headquarters

Los resultados más importantes durante el viaje eran:

4 artículos en los medios

7 visitas a socios comerciales de FairMail

8 visitas a tiendas que venden tarjetas de FairMail

6 presentaciones sobre FairMail al público en general

2 aperturas de exposiciones fotográficas

1 experiencia inolvidable para Anidela y Angeles.

Programa del Tour Europeo con dos adolescentes peruanos listo

viernes, mayo 1st, 2015
FairMail Peru photographer Angeles

FairMail Peru photographer Angeles

FairMail is organizing its 5th European promotional tour! This time guest starring FairMail Peru’s teenage photographers Anidela (16) and Angeles (17).

We are now ready to announce an action packed programme for their visit to Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. During their 17 day visit they will be telling their personal story behind their unique fair trade greeting cards to as many people as possible, plus investigating “their” greeting card market. And not to forget, making their trip of a lifetime as they have never been outside of Peru or in an airplane before!

FairMail Peru photographer Anidela

FairMail Peru photographer Anidela

Below you can find their scheduled photography exposition, school visits, photography workshops, meetings with their clients, festival attendances and trade fair presentations. Please feel free to join along and meet Anidela and Angeles in person. Also if you have any tips and suggestions on how to get their story across in local or national media, please contact us here.

Below you can watch the video we made for the 2013 promotional tour. The video for this year will come out soon!

Program FairMail Promotional tour 2015

Date Activity Comments
Tuesday 16th of June 20.15 Departure from Lima, Peru
Wednesday 17th of June 15.40 Arrival in Amsterdam
Thursday 18th of June 10.00 sightseeing Amsterdam and interviews

15.00: Visit customer in Amsterdam

Opportunity for interviews with press
Friday 19th of June 17.00 – 19.30 Official kick-off event at Naarden photography festival Opportunity for interviews with press
Saturday 20th of June 7.00 Driving to Bad Hersfeld, Germany

14.00 Presentation at fair trade fair in Bad Hersfeld

Sunday 21st of June 10.00 Driving to Hamburg, Germany

15.00 meeting with FairMail Distrubution partner in Hamburg

Monday 22nd of June 10.00 Marketing workshop with FairMail distribution partner

Sightseeing Hamburg

Opportunity for interviews with press
Tuesday 23rd of June 10.00 Drive to Ludwigsburg

18.00 – 19.30 Opening FairMail photo exhibition Ludwigsburg

20.00 Photo excursion Ludwigsburg

Opportunity for interviews with press
Wednesday 24th of June 10.00 Visit Mörike-Gymnasium

13.30 Visit Weltladen

15.00 Driving to Rosmalen, the Netherlands

Opportunity for interviews with press
Thursday 25th of June 11.00 Presentation to buyers of fair trade shops in FairPlaza, Culemborg, The Netherlands

13.00 Visit Dutch logistic center and visit selling points with Dutch sales representative in Culemborg, The Netherlands

Opportunity for interviews with press
Friday 26th of June Free day Opportunity for interviews with press
Saturday 27th of June Festival photography and card sales at Festival Mundial in Breda the Netherlands Opportunity for interviews with press
Sunday 28th of June Festival photography and card sales at Festival Mundial in Breda the Netherlands Opportunity for interviews with press
Monday 29th of June Drive to Gent, Belgium

Photo exhibition Gent

Opportunity for interviews with press
Tuesday 30th of June Drive to Fair trade Municipality in Tervuren, Belguim

10.00 Visit Oxfam fair trade store in Tervuren, Belgium

12.00 Sightseeing in Tervuren and Brussels, Belgium

19.00 Opening of FairMail photo exhibition in Tervuren

Opportunity for interviews with press
Wednesday 1st of July 11.00 Presentation at FairCraftCentre in Bierbeek, Belgium and sightseeing in Leuven Opportunity for interviews with press
Thursday 2nd of July Write marketing report and make presentation
Friday 3rd of July 12.30 Departure from Amsterdam
Saturday 4th of July Arrival back in Lima

FairMail en la televisión nacional de Bélgica

viernes, diciembre 5th, 2014
Photoshooting with TV presenter Arne

Photoshooting with TV presenter Arne

En octubre FairMail salió en 4 episodios de un programa para niños en la televisión de Bélgica llamado “Eerlijk Waar” (La verdad sobre productos justos). La serie de 4 semanas salió en el canal comercial VTM y se trató de contar la historia detrás de 8 productos de comercio justo como el cacao, plátanos, naranjas y flores. Claro que los postal de comercio justo de FairMail no podían faltar!

La estrella principal de los episodios sobre FairMail era Yomira (17 años) de Trujillo, Perú. El presentador de la televisión llamado Arne encuentra a Yomira mientras que está buscando las sillas de playa que salen en un postal que el compro en Bélgica. Luego de explicarlo sobre FairMail Yomira lo ensena algo sobre la fotografía y lo lleva a excursiones de fotografía a Chan Chan y el festival de la Marinera en la plaza de armas de Trujillo. Luego Arne quiere visitar a la casa de Yomira y conocer el relleno donde Yomira antes trabajo cerca juntos con su abuela. Este sitio deprimido impresiona mucho a Arne y se queda aún más impresionado con lo que Yomira ha logrado hasta ahora.

Abajo se puede ver los reportajes sobre FairMail que salen en el mismo episodio con una finca de naranjas de comercio justo de África del Sur.

Dos adolescentes del Peru visitan a Europa para hacer promoccion

lunes, marzo 18th, 2013
FairMail India teenager Dhiraj during 2012 Promotional tour

FairMail India teenager Dhiraj during 2012 Promotional tour

For the fourth time FairMail is organizing a European promotional tour with the assistance of two of our teenage photographers. The goals are to spread the unique story behind FairMail’s greeting cards and to take valuable knowledge about the European card market back to the other photographers in Peru and India so they can adapt their product even better to the wishes of their customers. Who could do this better than the teenagers themselves?

That is why after a difficult selection procedure two Peruvian teenagers were selected to make the trip of their life to 5 European countries in August and September of 2013. Yuli and Yomira where selected on the basis of their English skills, their motivation and their ability to communicate the story behind their cards.

Yomira showing her FairMail Cards

Yomira showing her FairMail Cards

The tour will start on the 23rd of August in Amsterdam and end on the 12th of September in Amsterdam again. We are still working on the definitive program, but the idea is to promote their cards and visit their customers in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland and Germany. Stay tuned to our Facebook and this blog for the latest details about the program.

Yuli showing her FairMail Cards

Yuli showing her FairMail Cards

To make the trip a success we are still looking for people who can help us with:

PR and Marketing advise. We could use the help of a professional PR agency to help us make the tour more effective. We are investing a lot of money in getting the teenagers over here, but how do we make it a good investment?

– Television and media contacts. We are looking for journalists and other media contacts in Germany, France, Belgium, The Netherlands and Switzerland to give them the opportunity to interview the teenagers.

Things to do for our teenagers during Promotion tour. We are looking for places to visit and people to guide us. Places that are interesting for the teenagers to see (schools, cities, landmarks), but also places where they can promote their cards (festivals, shops, fair trade towns). Do you live in Germany, France, The Netherlands, Belgium or Switzerland and would you like to help make this the teenager’s trip of a life time, then please get in contact with us!

If you have any suggestions, please get in contact with us by clicking here.

Tarjetas de FairMail conquistan a Europa!

jueves, junio 30th, 2011
Elmer and Maria flor make it to the Eiffel tower!

Elmer and Maria flor make it to the Eiffel tower!

In June FairMail organized a European Promotional tour with two of our Peruvian photographers Elmer and Mariaflor. In 21 days they travelled from Berlin to Paris and from Brussel to München. The goal was to promote FairMail and to conduct market research to the teenage photographers can adapt their pictures even better to the different wishes from the market FairMail is now active in.

It was a unforgettable trip for both of the teenagers, who had never even been on a plane, but also for Peter and Janneke and all of the ex volunteers who helped out along the way.

You can find a photo impression through this link

The trip summarized in a few numbers:

12 interviews given by Elmer and Mariaflor

3.440 driven kilometres

4 different countries visited

8 FairMail selling points visited

7 distributors and publishers visited

29 ex-volunteers met on the road

photo shoot for fair trade banana promostunt

photo shoot for fair trade banana promostunt

Interview for Dutch Ode Magazine

Interview for Dutch Ode Magazine

photo shoot for German newspaper

photo shoot for German newspaper