Posts Tagged ‘B2B’

Dernière chance de devenir un héros

mercredi, novembre 1st, 2017

Since our last newsletter the first orders for tailor made corporate Christmas cards are coming in.

Did you already tell your boss how he or she can spice up their end-of-year communication making use of one of FairMail’s fair trade Christmas pictures? And at the same time help the dreams of one of our teenage photographers come true?

Click here for instant hero status!

Aidez votre employeur à remplir sa politique RSE

mercredi, septembre 20th, 2017

Nowadays most companies and organisations are aware of their Corporate Social Responsibility and actually have a CSR policy in place. However they find it is often not so easy to communicate this to the outside world. That’s where FairMail comes in. We made it very easy for your employer to fulfil and express its social engagement by using a FairMail photo for corporate Christmas cards, e-cards, social media, website or publications.

Make a visible difference with a fair trade photograph
It is really easy to make your message fair trade and show the rest of the world that you care. All you have to do is:

1) Find the pictures you want in our on-line photo gallery. (click here for the Christmas photographs)

2) Send us the text or logo you would like on the card.

3) Tell us the size of the card (ex. A5 or A6) or other product you are interested in.
Then we get to work on the design for you. You will receive a digital sample of the design for your approval before we send it to the printer.

FairMail, trusted by:
Many other companies and organisations have chosen to express their social involvement making use of a tailor made FairMail product, like these companies for example:

Previous customers of FairMail's tailor made corporate cards

Previous customers of FairMail’s tailor made corporate cards

According to Elly Bal, communications officer at the ASN Bank “With photos from FairMail you help children in Peru build a good future for themselves.

Click here if you would like to receive a price quote.

Read all the details about our B2B offering in our digital flyer.

Cartes de Noël d’entreprise

mercredi, octobre 26th, 2016
Corporate Christmas card for Pink Chocolate

Corporate Christmas card for Pink Chocolate

Big chance your employer is brainstorming these days on what Christmas card to send out to all contacts this year.

Why not suggest a FairMail card this year?

A fair price for a quality photo with an inspiring positive story behind each photograph. Plus FairMail can cater for all needs: e-cards, printed cards, photography for social media posts, you name it.

You can read more in our digital flyer or on our website. Or just contact us and tell us what you are looking for.

Aidez votre employeur à remplir sa politique RSE

mercredi, septembre 7th, 2016

Nowadays most companies and organisations are aware of their Corporate Social Responsibility and actually have a CSR policy in place. However they find it is often not so easy to communicate this to the outside world. That’s where FairMail comes in. We made it very easy for your employer to fulfil and express its social engagement by using a FairMail photo for corporate Christmas cards, e-cards, social media, website or publications.

Make a visible difference with a fair trade photograph
It is really easy to make your message fair trade and show the rest of the world that you care. All you have to do is:

1) Find the pictures you want in our on-line photo gallery. (click here for the Christmas photographs)

2) Send us the text or logo you would like on the card.

3) Tell us the size of the card (ex. A5 or A6) or other product you are interested in.
Then we get to work on the design for you. You will receive a digital sample of the design for your approval before we send it to the printer.

FairMail, trusted by:
Many other companies and organisations have chosen to express their social involvement making use of a tailor made FairMail product, like these companies for example:

Previous customers of FairMail's tailor made corporate cards

Previous customers of FairMail’s tailor made corporate cards

According to Elly Bal, communications officer at the ASN Bank “With photos from FairMail you help children in Peru build a good future for themselves.

Click here if you would like to receive a price quote.

Read all the details about our B2B offering in our digital flyer.

FairMail cherche collègue

mardi, juin 28th, 2016
FairMail Vacancy Sales Agent

FairMail Vacancy Sales Agent

Are you, or do you know FairMail’s new sales agent for the corporate market?

We have a vacancy for an entrepreneurial, commercial and persuasive person with an optimistic spirit and excellent customer service skills to come join FairMail’s international team.

In return for helping new corporate customers all over the world express their corporate social responsibility by making use of FairMail’s affordable fair trade photography products we offer guaranteed job satisfaction and a competitive commission.

Thank you for sharing!

Check out the vacancy here

Images du commerce équitable pour les nouvelles cartes de voeux d’Oxfam

mercredi, avril 27th, 2016
fair trade Oxfam card with image by FairMail Peru photographer Yuli

fair trade Oxfam card with image by FairMail Peru photographer Yuli

We are very proud to announce our new cooperation with Oxfam Belgium. All the images for their 24 new fair trade photo greeting cards have been taken by the Peruvian and Indian FairMail teenagers.

Besides the images, FairMail also provided the FairMail concept for Oxfam’s new cards. Just like with a normal FairMail card you can also find the picture, name and email of the teenage photographer on the back of the Oxfam cards.

fair trade Oxfam card with image by FairMail Peru photographer Angeles

fair trade Oxfam card with image by FairMail Peru photographer Angeles

Cooperation between NGO and social enterprise

The cooperation was born during the Belgian visit of FairMail Peru photographers Anidela and Angeles in June 2015. During one of their presentations for the buyers of the Belgian fair trade shops they inspired Oxfam to switch to the use of fair trade images for their cards.

Allowing them to further align their products to Oxfam’s international mission to fight global poverty. While at the same time helping FairMail to combat child labour through the art of photography.

We hope this cooperation will inspire other NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organisation) to follow Oxfam’s example.

fair trade Oxfam card with image by FairMail Peru photographer Luis

fair trade Oxfam card with image by FairMail Peru photographer Luis

The cards are available for the Belgian fair trade shops in Oxfam’s retail webshop.

For more information on purchasing the cards you can also contact Oxfam by phone+32 (0)2 412 12 52 or e-mail:

de la boue à l’argent

jeudi, février 4th, 2016
Angeles' winning fair trade photograph

Angeles’ winning fair trade photograph

The building site of FairMail’s future office in the Casi Casa complex already proved useful as background for a tailor made card order from one of our corporate customers.

The Dutch eco-building company “Building Traditions” asked our teenagers to come up with an image transmitting the company’s values: diversity, sustainability and cooperation. As Building Traditions offers eco-friendly mud built housing solutions to its clients the FairMail teenagers needed a nice and quiet place with a lot of mud to work on their ideas!

After drawing their ideas on paper and presenting it to their fellow team members they got to work, often inviting little brother, sisters and neighbours as models for their fair trade photographs. Besides using Casi Casa as photography set the kids also took pictures at local archaeological sites (the world’s largest mud city Chan Chan), at a mud brick factory and in their own neighbourhoods.

FairMail Peru photographer Angeles

FairMail Peru photographer Angeles

In the end 18 year old Angeles shot the winning image of her niece playing with mud in the street where they live. Christo, Building Traditions director, choose this fair trade image for their corporate card to send to their customers and relations. Angeles received 60% of the profit FairMail made to invest in her own education. Money that  was very welcome as she is currently preparing for the university entrance exam to study Social Work.

Building Traditions fair trade E-card

Building Traditions fair trade E-card

If you would also like the FairMail teenagers to go on a photography assignment for you, please contact us here so we can send you more information.

Des cartes de Noel sur mesure pour votre patron?

lundi, octobre 26th, 2015
Fairtrade Tailor Made Christmas Card by 15 year old Kzanier from Peru

Fairtrade Tailor Made Christmas Card by 15 year old Kzanier from Peru

C’est maintenant votre dernière chance cette année de convaincre votre patron de se procurer les cartes FairMail sur mesure! En trois étapes simples, nous pouvons le ou la conduire à obtenir des cartes équitables pour les fêtes de fin d’année avec un message personnalisé et le logo de l’entreprise et ce, dans un choix de plus de 1.000 images prises par les adolescents de Fairmail. En passant, nous offrons également des cartes électroniques pouvant être postées sur les média sociaux pour Noel!

Suite à notre dernier fil d’actualité, 4 de nos lecteurs ont réussit le pari de convaincre leur patron. Vous pouvez être notre prochain héros en appuyant Fairmail. Trouvez toute l’information en cliquant ici.

Back of tailor made fairtrade Christmas Card

Back of tailor made fairtrade Christmas Card

Un énorme merci!

25% de rabais sur les cartes de vœux corporatives sur mesure pour votre employeur

mercredi, septembre 16th, 2015

Imaginez la réaction de vos employés, collègues, clients et autres relations si vous faisiez cette année une différence notable en envoyant vos cartes de vœux!

Que ce soit avec des cartes de Noël imprimées, des cartes électroniques pour le nouvel an ou des calendriers sur mesure équitables, vous êtes assurés de mettre un sourire sur le visage du destinataire quand il découvrira qui a pris les superbes images. Vous êtes également assuré de faire un énorme plaisir au jeune Fairmail qui pourra financer ses études grâce à la vente de ses images à votre employeur.

FairMail teenagers presenting DHV-GL's tailor made corporate calendar

FairMail teenagers presenting DHV-GL’s tailor made corporate calendar

Comme vous pouvez le constater ici, FairMail est heureux de créer avec vous des produits sur mesure incluant votre logo et des messages personnalisés. Il est également possible d’envoyer une requête pour une image spécifique à nos adolescents sans toutefois être dans l’obligation de passer une commande.

Grâce à un coût d’impression moindre cette année, nous pouvons offrir des produits sur mesure avec un rabais allant de 25% à 75% selon la grosseur et la quantité commandé comparativement à l’année dernière. Constatez les prix attractifs et apprenez en davantage en cliquant ici.

Étant donné que FairMail n’a pas la chance de pouvoir rejoindre tous les clients potentiels, nous serions très reconnaissant de recevoir toute suggestion à savoir qui nous pouvons contacter pour faire part de notre offre unique. Vous pouvez soit transmettre notre pamphlet numérique en le téléchargeant ici ou nous fournir directement le nom et les détails de la personne que vous nous suggérez.

Un énorme merci en avance!

De plus en plus de clients corporatifs encourage les adolescents à rester sur les bancs d’école

mercredi, septembre 16th, 2015

Dans l’espoir de diversifier les revenus liés aux photographies des jeunes, nous sommes heureux de voir de plus en plus d’entreprises et organismes demander à Fairmail de leur fournir des images équitables pour leurs communications. Cela ne permet pas simplement aux adolescents de payer leur éducation, mais cela amène également une touche inspirante pour les communications de l’entreprise.

Voici 3 exemples d’entreprise ayant opté pour ce choix:

Fairtrade FairMail photography for ASN Bank year report

Fairtrade FairMail photography for ASN Bank year report

Rapport annuel de la ASN Bank Foundation

La banque éthique ASN a été notre client régulier depuis plusieurs années maintenant. Pour le rapport annuel 2014 de la fondation, il a été demandé à Fairmail de fournir des images des producteurs de café équitable du Pérou. Au cours du séjour en photographie sur la Route du café biologique, Diana et Angeles ont capturé des images de la famille les ayant hébergé durant quelques jours. Cela leur a ensuite permis de payer leur étude à l’université.

Producteurs d’images pour le distributeur de produits équitables El Puente GmbH.

El Puente, avec 800 magasins de produits équitables en Allemagne, est l’un des plus gros distributeurs du pays. Pour faire connaître l’histoire en arrière de leurs produits équitables, ils aimeraient avoir des images des producteurs péruviens. Pour cela, en novembre, 3 jeunes de Fairmail se rendront à Lima pour 3 jours afin de visiter 9 groupes de producteurs. Les images ne montreront pas simplement leur manière de travailler, mais également l’impact que le commerce équitable a sur leur vie.

Juan Gabriel shooting fairtrade photographs for Hostal Naylamp

Juan Gabriel shooting fairtrade photographs for Hostal Naylamp

Le site Web de l’hôtel Naylamp

L’hôtel Naylamp est situé dans le village de pêcheurs péruvien de Huanchaco, tout comme Fairmail Pérou. Quand ils ont voulu mettre à jour leur site Internet, ils ont demandé aux participants de Fairmail de prendre en photo les chambres, le restaurant et les visiteurs de l’hôtel. Guidés par 2 de nos bénévoles instructeurs en photographie, ils ont photographié les lieux durant 4 séances de cours. Cette expérience fut totalement différente des sessions de prises de vue pour la création de cartes de voeux!

Si vous désirez que les participants de Fairmail produisent des images pour la diffusion d’information de votre employeur, veuillez vous renseigner ici.