(English) New photographer Aradhana refinds hope for the future

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FairMail photographer Aradhana

FairMail photographer Aradhana


I am Aradhana, one of the FairMail teenagers in India. I am very happy to be a part of FairMail as I did not know any things about photography. Few of my classmates were working in FairMail and I was thinking if I also get chance to work in FairMail will be precious things in my life because I heard many good things about FairMail.

Aradhana's family in front of her house

Aradhana's family in front of her house

I was hopeless about my future because I want to become a doctor and my parents are very poor as my father is a rickshaw puller and my mother is a house wife. So I was thinking a lot about my future that how can I achieve my goal and now I see my friends and how much positively they are thinking about their goal that they can fulfill as FairMail helps them to make them to think positive and helps them through selecting a good photos to make them cards so they can earn money for their educations.

So now I think I can also reach my goal by doing hard work in FairMail and my study. I also get as a medical fund for me and for my family through which I can help my parents and now my parents are proud on me so many thanks to FairMail.

Many Greetings
Aradhana Singh.

(If you want to read more about Aradhana or want to send her an email click here. She doesn’t have cards yet that you can buy…)

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One Response to “(English) New photographer Aradhana refinds hope for the future”

  1. Aruna sagt:

    Hello Aradhana,

    I am writing from Scotland and also am a photography and healer. I hope you flourish with Fairmail and can find a path to being a doctor. This is a wonderful dream, and photography is also beautiful. Remember that there are other approaches to health care, for example herbal medicine has been here for thousands of years. As a woman and an artist, integrate the emotions and sensitivity with technologies in both art and medicine.

    I look forward to seeing you photographs. Salaam, Aruna