Every year it is becoming easier and easier to reward both our moms and fair trade on Mother’s day with fair trade chocolate, flowers, fashion and of course fair trade Mother’s day cards. Celebrate now with a 20% discount!
Fair trade Mother’s day cards
This year FairMail has 41 different fair trade Mother’s day cards to choose from. You can choose between 12 different pictures on the Greetz website. Here you can personalize your card online and have Greetz take care of the printing and sending off of your card. Even in combination with a box of fair trade chocolates or flowers if you want! Click here to design your fair trade Mother’s day card online.
In FairMail’s webshop there are 29 different FairMail mother’s day cards to choose from. On the back of each card you and your mother can see the face, name, age and email of the Peruvian or Indian teenager that took the picture. And who is able to finance his or her own education thanks to your celebration of Mother’s day…. the fair trade way!
20% discount on all Mother’s day cards!
To celebrate the difference that mothers around the globe are making we are giving a 20% discount on the cards in FairMail’s webshop. Just add the code “mothers make the difference” at the end of your order to get the discount! Offer valid from the 28th of April until the 5th of May 2016.
Tags: card collection, discount, greetz, mothersday, webshop