Archive for the category "Perú"

Encontrando la felicidad, a traves de los ojos de 10 jovenes fotografos Peruanos

miércoles, julio 12th, 2017
FairMail's Finding Happiness photo book

FairMail’s Finding Happiness photo book

According to 16 year old Angelica “The real secret of happiness is to request a lot from oneself and very little from others”.

She and her fellow FairMail photographers probably possess this wisdom through the hardships they have experienced in their young lives, forcing them to learn to turn adversities into forces for positive change. Their finest lessons in finding happiness have now been bundled into FairMail’s newest book, accompanied by the teenagers’ own photographs of course.

Simple happiness
The longer we work with FairMail teenagers, the more we realize that their unique talent lies in teaching us how to be happy with few material goods. This is what we started calling “simple happiness”.

In the areas where the teenagers live they can easily shoot images of people finding happiness in sharing moments with friends, playing with an old tire or having fun with a bucket of water. A huge contrast with teenagers of their age in the west who are often longing for the newest gadgets and fast kicks in pursuit of (often short lived) happiness. Proven by the success of the sale of the teenagers’ pictures on their fair trade greeting cards it seems that our customers like to be reminded of how to find this simple happiness.

Full of quotes and pictures by the FairMail teenagers

Full of quotes and pictures by the FairMail teenagers

How to lead a happy life
Thinking about new products on which we can market the teenagers pictures we came up with the idea to publish a booklet with their own phrases and pictures showing us how to find happiness. During a 4 week period the teenagers brainstormed about what happiness means to them and how to lead a happy life. After that they started thinking about when or how to take the picture to accompany their quotes to bring across the message.

Finding Happiness Book
The result is this new book with the teenagers’ nicest quotes and best pictures. A great gift for a friend who is looking for some support or for yourself if you want to get some inspiration from the FairMail teenagers. It is available as hard-cover in English, German and Spanish through FairMail’s online Blurb bookstore.

The book wouldn’t have been possible without the help of volunteers Alex (lay-put), Cristina and Tom (photography training), Johanna, Ronja, Lukas and Anna (translation). So muuuuuchas gracias to them!

Mision Posible: Paul y Dante en camino para ser estrellas en futbol.

miércoles, julio 12th, 2017
Paul and Dante with their new team mates

Paul and Dante with their new team mates

Remember the news about the “Mission Possible” project aimed at helping the FairMail teenagers identify and chase their own dreams?

Only a few months later, Paul and Dante have already achieved their goal by getting admitted into a soccer academy. Step one according to them to follow the steps of their soccer heroes Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar.

Paul managed to get into a local soccer academy

Paul showing off his skills

True empowerment
The core of the Mission Possible project is that the teenagers have to come up with their OWN dreams and their OWN action plan with steps that THEY can take. It would probably seem a lot easier if FairMail took them by the hand to undertake the necessary actions. But real empowerment according to us is to guide them from one step behind, leaving all the action and decisions to them, and of course their parents.

Perhaps taking some wrong decisions along the way. But hey, you can only learn from your mistakes right? And if in the end they achieve their goals they can feel extra proud and generate even more self-esteem as the success was really thanks to their own efforts!

Dante wants to get admitted in a soccer academy

Dante’s dream is winning the golden ball

How to get to play for Real Madrid or Barcelona?

In the case of Paul and Dante their dream is to become a professional soccer player. That way they hope to be able to help their families and make them proud. Both love soccer and play every day with the other kids at the Mundo de Ninos boys’ home where they both live. To get to a higher level and possibly be scouted by professional soccer clubs they needed to enter a soccer academy. Which is not as easy as becoming member of a soccer club in Europe for example. Through their own effort and asking help from people around them, they got a chance to show their talent at FC Cantera in Trujillo. They apparently impressed their coaches as both got admitted!

Hopefully in the next newsletter we will have more news about other teenagers achieving their Mission Possible. Stay tuned.

Nuevo video explica como FairMail empodera; en los propios palabras de los jovenes

miércoles, julio 12th, 2017

Ya hay varios vídeo explicando como FairMail funciona en nuestro canal de YouTube. Lo que aun faltaba era un vídeo en lo cual los chicos mismos explican como es un día en la oficina de FairMail, que es lo que FairMail significa para ellos y que han logrado con el apoyo de FairMail.

En este vídeo usted puede ver todo esto y mas, en sus propias palabras.

airMail para y por adolescentes locales: Anidela y Angeles los nuevos co-gerentes

lunes, abril 24th, 2017
Our new co-managers Anidela and Angeles

Our new co-managers Anidela and Angeles

Since the 1st of April FairMail Peru has a new co-management team: former teenage photographers Anidela and Angeles take over the tasks of Maria Flor and Betty who are both pursuing new goals to study and work abroad.

For and by local teenagers

We have very good experiences with employing former teenagers for management positions since 2014 when Maria Flor, Yuli and later also Betty became the local managers. This way FairMail Peru not only exists for local teenagers but also exists thanks to the same teenagers who make promotion into a coordinating function.

To be honest, we already had a bit of an eye on Anidela and Angeles since we selected them for FairMail’s European promotional tour in 2015. Since then our confidence in these two 19 year old girls has only grown. And with their continued focus on their education they are great examples for the current teenagers of what you can achieve with a motivated and responsible attitude.

Anidela when she entered FairMail in 2011

Anidela when she entered FairMail in 2011

Angeles when she entered FairMail in 2013c

Angeles when she entered FairMail in 2013

Big challenges ahead

After a one month training period they officially started on the 1st of April 2017. Anidela says “what I like about my job is to be able to develop myself on a personal and professional level and at the same time help the teenagers with their photography through my own ideas and suggestions.”. Of course their young age and little management experience will make their new jobs all the more challenging. Angeles says about this: “my biggest challenge will be to win the trust of the teenagers, Peter and Janneke. I hope they will put their trust in me so we can have a good relationship and communication. Because that is the basis for FairMail to function well.

Thank you Maria flor and Betty!

The first weeks look very promising and we very much look forward to see them grow further. We would like to thank Maria Flor and Betty one more time for their great work as co-managers for FairMail Peru for 3 years and 1 year respectively. And we wish them all the best in finding a great family in the United States where they hope to be working as Au Pair very soon.

Misión Posible: trabajar en metas personales

domingo, abril 23rd, 2017
Angelica and her goal to get into National University

Angelica and her goal to get into National University

Juan Gabriel and his goal to pay for the first 2 years of his private university himself (before he can get a scholarship)

Juan Gabriel and his goal to pay for the first 2 years of his private university himself (before he can get a scholarship)

Money alone is not enough

The money the teenagers earn with the sale of their cards will get them nowhere without a personal goal for the future which they believe in. Now that FairMail founder Janneke graduated as adolescents coach we started a new project called Mission Possible. During a shared 11-step program each teenager sets a personal goal and works on it, sharing each step in the group and taking their families and other supporters along in the process too.

The goals the FairMail teenagers chose are mostly educational goals, like getting into the National University, ending on first place in class on high school and getting admitted in a football academy. These are ambitious goals, for which you need confidence, persistence and some help along the way.

Paul want to get into a local soccer academy

Paul wants to get into a local soccer academy

Medalit want to get at least an 85% score in high school so her parents will be proud of her

Medalit wants to get at least an 85% score in high school so her parents will be proud of her

The power of a symbol

Each teenager chose a symbol to carry along with him or her as extra motivator and to remind them of the goal they set for themselves. The teenagers made the life size symbols in these pictures themselves. Each expressing what they want to achieve over the coming 12 months.

An important part of this project is about the teenagers becoming more aware of what they have achieved so far and which qualities they already have inside them. Qualities which they can use in reaching their goals. Another step is to think about possible setbacks and make a plan for when those setbacks might come along. They keep track of the progress they make and motivate each other in their challenges.

Positive results

So far the results have been positive: we see their inner motivation grow and little by little also their self-confidence and trust that their goals become within reach, step by step!

You can follow their development by staying tuned into their personal profile pages on the FairMail website.

Yulissa want to get first place in her final year of high school

Yulissa wants to get first place in her final year of high school

Dante wants to get admitted in a soccer academy

Dante wants to get admitted in a soccer academy

Bryan want to get admitted to the National University

Bryan wants to get admitted to the National University

Oficina de FairMail Peru cerrado debido a inundaciones

jueves, abril 20th, 2017
The remains of the outer wall of Julissa's piece of land.

The remains of the outer wall of Julissa’s piece of land.

Trujillo flooded 6 times

As some of you will have read in the news, Peru has been hit with the worst floods in 20 years (read more here if you missed it). Due to exceptional warming of the Pacific Ocean (called El Nino Costero) heavy rains fell in the normally dry desert of Northern Peru, including Huanchaco where the FairMail office is based. Dry riverbeds turned into raging rivers causing mood slides that flooded the entire city of Trujillo (see video here). Causing damage to thousands of homes and destroying the homes of families who built their homes (too) close to the normally dry river beds.

Severe damage to homes of FairMail teenagers

The homes of two of the FairMail teenagers were also severely affected. The home of Angelica mother totally collapsed as the mud brick walls melted away by the rain water that poured onto their low lying plot of land. Luckily they managed to move in to her grandmother’s home next door in time.

The FairMail Peru team in action helping to fill up the land of Angelica's collapsed house.

The FairMail Peru team in action helping to fill up the land of Angelica’s collapsed house.

Julissa mud brick home barely survived and is in risk of collapsing if more rain falls. The  entire wall protecting the land near the garbage belt where they keep their pigs and ducks did collapse. Giving them severe stress and worries as burglar’s can now easily come in and steal the animals they depend on to make a living. Reconstructing the long wall will cost them a lot of money they don’t have.

Alternatives for photography classes

Due to the partial flooding of Huanchaco (see here) and its access roads the FairMail office was forced to suspend classes for 2 weeks until the rains stopped and roads opened up again. During that time we did meet with the teenagers to try and provide some relief for those hit by the flooding. We spent one Saturday class in the logistics centre distributing water, food and clothes to the different surrounding towns in the area. Also most of the teenagers helped Angelica out with wheelbarrows and spades to fill up her plot with 14 cubic meters of sand and stones. This makes us very proud of our team!

The FairMail Peru team helping out with the distribution of drinking water to the flood victims.

The FairMail Peru team helping out with the distribution of drinking water to the flood victims.


The rains have now stopped, but a lot of work still has to be done and many people will need to rebuild their homes. As a social enterprise FairMail is not doing any fundraising but we are in contact with NGO’s and individuals who provide direct help. Please get in contact with us if you would like to receive any suggestions to make a donation and help these people out.

Sesión de información viajes de fotografía de FairMail

miércoles, febrero 15th, 2017
Juan Gabtiel showing his pictures to the local youth

Juan Gabtiel showing his pictures to the local youth

On Saturday the 20th of May we are organizing an information session about FairMail’s photography trips in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The program starts at 4.30 pm.

During the event we will explain the concept of the FairMail Photography trips in general and go into detail about the specific upcoming trips. Also you can ask any questions you might have and meet other interested participants who might be coming along.

Registration for the event is required and possible via this link.

Los altos y bajos de los jóvenes fotógrafos de FairMail en el 2016

miércoles, febrero 15th, 2017
FairMail Peru photographer Dante

FairMail Peru photographer Dante

The beginning of the year is a good moment to look back at your highs and lows of the past year. And to make plans and set goals for the coming year. We asked the FairMail teenagers to put their thoughts on paper for us.

Paul for example has as goal to become photographer of the year for example and Diana hopes that after all the setbacks in 2016, 2017 will be a better year for her. Angelica hopes to get accepted to the national university and Anidela wrote about the worries she and her family had about the health of her mother.

You can read the teenagers’ stories on their personal profile pages. There you can also link to their Facebook, send them an email, see how much they have earned with the sale of their photographs and see the fair trade cards with their pictures on it.

Anidela: Fotógrafa del ano

miércoles, febrero 15th, 2017
FairMail Peru photographer Anidela

FairMail Peru photographer Anidela

In the beginning of February 19 year old Anidela was chosen as photographer of the year. During the annual election all FairMail members casted their vote for the teenager who represents FairMail’s values best according to them. In the end the majority decided that Anidela is the most motivated during classes, shows the most responsible behaviour, is always on time, honest and the most helpful towards the other team members.

The title “Photographer of the year” is a form of recognition, but also a signal for the others that Anidela’s example is to be followed. Not without a reason a few of the other teenagers have set as their goal for this year to become Anidela’s successor.

For Anidela it is already the third time she becomes photographer of the year. This time the election was held during her goodbye party. As she turned 19 years old in January she is now ready for her FairMail retirement. We will greatly miss her great example, but hope to see her back on the team soon. More news about that in the next newsletter….

Reportaje fotográfico del viaje de fotografía a Chachapoyas

miércoles, febrero 15th, 2017
FairMail photography trip to aChachapoyas

FairMail photography trip to Chachapoyas

In January 5 of the Peruvian FairMail teenagers set off to the Peruvian cloud forest.  Accompanied by 5 enthusiastic photo amateurs who had booked a place to come along on one of FairMail’s photography trips.

The destination of the trip was the “Lost Empire of the Chachapoyas”, a beautiful area in the North East of Peru where the Chachapoyas civilization reined until 500 years ago. They were one of the few civilizations not to be conquered by the Inca’s. In this area you can find the second highest waterfall of the world, a bigger, older and higher lost city then the famous Machu Picchu in the South and over 60 mummies from high placed officials.

FairMail Photography Trip to Chachapoyas

FairMail Photography Trip to Chachapoyas

All in all a beautiful area to take pictures together. Of the nature, the local people and of the teenagers’ ideas for new fair trade greeting cards of course! You can watch the photos of the trip on FairMail’s Facebook page or you can watch the video of an earlier trip to Chachapoyas here.

Are you curious to find out travelling with FairMail is an option for your next holiday? Then register for our next Information Session about our photography trips.