Archive for the category "Perú"

Fundadores de FairMail visitan a FairMail Peru

jueves, septiembre 1st, 2011
Good bye breakfast with the FairMail Peru team

Good bye breakfast with the FairMail Peru team

Mid July Peter den Hond and Janneke Smeulders went to Peru for a 4 week visit to the first FairMail unit they founded in 2006. Peter tells us about what they encountered.

“Visiting FairMail Peru is always an energizing experience for us. After all it is where it all started and the beginning of the wonderful flow experience we are now in with FairMail. Also the place we lived for 4 years still means a lot to us, just like the many friends we still have there. Of course especially the teenagers and managers of FairMail Peru!»

“The good thing about the first encounters is hearing about how the kids and their families are doing. And what their plans are. For example from 3 kids we heard that they where about to start university and 2 of them told us how much they liked their cooking classes. Unfortunately there was also one teenager who pulled out of prep school due to problems at home. And we where shocked to hear about another ex-FairMail participant who is wanted by the Peruvian police for extortion and another who was caught for armed assault! It makes you realize again just how difficult the environments are where our teenagers come from. And that these environments and «friends» sometimes have a lot of force to pull them back in. Despite the perspectives FairMail tries to provide them.»

Yuli, Betty and Patricia trying out their new cameras.

Yuli, Betty and Patricia trying out their new cameras.

“The goal of the visit this time was also to introduce a new policy called «Mi camera Propia” (Spanish for “My Own Camera”). The goal was to increase the quality of the cameras the teenagers currently borrow from FairMail. The use of better and more expensive camera’s means the teenagers have to learn to manage an even bigger responsibility. So only the ones that wanted to got the chance to invest their earnings in a new camera. FairMail provided support by paying for 25% of the purchase price and giving credit facilities to pay for the camera in 12 months. After that period the teenagers become owners of their own camera which means they can keep using it after they leave FairMail at the age of 19. This perspective and the fact that they are paying for the cameras themselves we hope will stimulate the teenagers to treat their new toys with great responsibility. If successful the same policy will be implemented in India in March 2012.»

Janneke helping Anidela with her "New Baby" card

Janneke helping Anidela with her "New Baby" card

“Also we made a 7 day photography trip to Huamachuco. This time without any tourists but with the whole FairMail team. It proved to be a great team building experience. Besides taking pictures for the next card collection together we also talked about the importance of working as a team, sexual education and made plans for FairMail’s marketing in Peru.»

Click here for pictures of Peter and Janneke’s visit.

Los suenos locos de fotografo Juan Carlos

jueves, junio 30th, 2011
Juan Carlos with his family in front of his parents house

Juan Carlos with his family in front of his parents house

Hola, mi nombre es Juan Carlos Gonzales Cabellos y tengo 17 años

Nací en paiján, yo vivía con mis padres, mi mamá María cabellos,  mi papá, Severino Gonzales y mi hermanito William Gonzales cabellos.

Les cuento que cuando era niño  vendía caramelos en las calles, ya que mis padres eran de bajos recursos económicos y no se abastecían para darnos estudios, comencé a trabajar en las calles sabiendo que era peligroso pero tenía que hacerlo  para poder apoyar a mi familia, y en el transcurso de los días empecé a relacionarme con chicos que también trabajaban en la calle, conocí a un amigo que sabía sobre una casa hogar llamada “Mundo De Niños”  la cual ayudaba a niños que no tenían recursos para salir adelante.

Juan Carlos with his new lap top in his bed room

Juan Carlos with his new lap top in his bed room

A que no saben? logre ingresar a esta casa hogar donde me brindaba un techo donde dormir, un plato de comida, y cariño pero hay lo más importante es la educación de los chicos y  todos los que pertenecemos a esta casita gracias a ellos estoy estudiando y ahora paso a 4to de secundaria y ya no trabajo en las calles.

Siempre escuchaba de una micro empresa llamada FairMail  donde dos  de mis compañeros asistían, tenia tanta curiosidad de saber y siempre preguntaba y me gustaba lo que ellos realizaban ps era la fotografía  que chévere!!. Y no me quede con las ganas e ingrese a FairMail  y les cuento que FairMail a hora es una empresa y que viene   ayudando  a jóvenes de bajos recursos económicos, por medio de la fotografía, la cual tomamos en diferentes partes del Perú y son exportadas al extranjero para ser vendidas, y luego la mitad de las ventas de las postales son para FairMail y la mitad para el fotógrafo claro aclarando que el 50% es para los gastos de la empresa y el otro 50% es para dividirlo es fondos la cual son fondo de salud, fondo de ropa, fondo de casa, y lo más importante fondo de educación .

Chef Juan Carlos ready for action!

Chef Juan Carlos ready for action!

Gracias a FairMail logre comprarme una laptop la cual me sirve para practicar diseño gráfico y pude ayudar a levantar la pared de mi casa la cual estaba a punto de caerse, y  como me gusta mucho cocinar estudio cocina en un instituto llamado COCINA DE LOS CHEFF, y trabajo en huanchaco en una pizzería llamada MISQUI y yo soy pizzero y pienso en el futuro ser un gran fotógrafo y tener mi propio restaurante

Es algo loco verdad pero el que se la propone la consigue

Espero les guste mi historia y nos apoyen mas comprando nuestras postales de fairmail Perú  y  de fairmail india


Atte. Juan Carlos flores cabellos

(Red. para mas informacion sobre Juan Carlos, para comprar sus postales o ver sus fotos, haga click aca)

Nuevo Video: A Fair Chance at life; our perspectives

jueves, junio 30th, 2011
New FairMail video

New FairMail video

In this latest video FairMail Peru photographer Elmer takes film makers Anna and Veronique back to the streets where he used to live and work.

The five minute video explains the hardships Elmer encountered in life when he was 8 years old, how he himself decided he wanted to make something of his life and how he grasped the opportunities FairMail gave him.

The video gives a great insight into the daily reality of some of FairMail’s teenage photographers. Thank you very much Anna Wilson and Veronica Hansen to for working with Elmer on this documentary.