Archive for the category "India"

Een week uit het leven van een vrijwillige fotografietrainer

woensdag, maart 21st, 2012

Elaine Cowen, een 19 jarige vrijwillige fotografietrainer voor FairMail India vertelt over haar week bij FairMail:

“We hadden vorige week een drukke week op het kantoor van FairMail India! Eerst hadden we het geluk met een bezoek van Anna Grebel en we gingen ook nog met de groep op een dagtrip naar een waterval om aan onze foto’s te werken….. DrukDrukDruk!

Anil and Anna doing a role play in the office

Anil and Anna doing a role play in the office

Anna kwam om de tieners te ontmoeten en wat carrier trainingen met ze te doen. Thuis werkt Anna met tieners aan vergelijkbare thema’s, dus we waren erg blij dat ze ons wilde komen helpen.  Haar workshop was fantastisch. Alle tieners leerden over hoe je een sollicitatie gesprek voert en kregen veel tips van Anna. Waarmee de tieners moisten oefenen tijdens rollenspelen. Dat was echt heel grappig en ook nog erg geode engels oefening voor de tieners. De tieners gebruiken hun deel van de wins tom hun onderwijs en toekomst te financieren, dus het is echt heel erg belangrijk dat ze beginnen met nadenken over hun dromen voor de toekomst!

Taking Christmas pictures at the waterfall

Taking Christmas pictures at the waterfall

Afgelopen zondag zijn we gewapend met een zak met fotografie frutsels en een grote picknick mand naar de waterval gegaan op ongeveer een uur buiten de stad Varanasi. De waterval is prachtig en de bomen en het water waren een prima achtergrond voor onze kerst frutsels. Alle tieners werkten erg hand en na afloop genoten we samen van een heerlijke picknick samen.  Sommige van de tieners gingen zelfs zwemmen! Het was een heerlijke dag voor ons allen en er zijn een paar heel erg geode kerst foto’s gemaakt.  Hopelijk zien we er een aantal terug op de kerstkaarten van eind dit jaar!”

Wil je meer weten over jouw mogelijkheden om fotografie trainingen te geven aan de FairMail tieners in Peru, India en Marokko? Klik dan hier voor meer informatie.

Elaine Cowen with the FairMail India team

Elaine Cowen with the FairMail India team

Tienerfotografe Anshu spaart om dokter te worden

donderdag, november 10th, 2011
Anshu with FairMail volunteer Elaine

Anshu with FairMail volunteer Elaine

Namaste! Hello! I am Anshu, I am one of the teenagers in FairMail India. I am so happy to be in FairMail because I can learn lots of new skills, have fun and also earn some money (FM: 1.292 euro so far). I would not have had the chance to earn some money for myself if I wasn’t in FairMail India. Now I am very happy because during the last quarter I have earned the most profit of all of the FairMail India teenagers with the sales of my cards and that has made my family very proud of me!

Anshu with her family in front of her house

Anshu with her family in front of her house

My family is very big. There are 12 people so the money I make will help us a lot. I have already bought a big storage cupboard for my house so now we have more space for my family. The rest of my money is saved for my education in the future. One day I hope I will be a doctor. I want to help people and care for people who are sick. I will have to go to University first and that is very expensive. If I didn’t have my savings from FairMail I would never be able to go to university and become a doctor. So I am very happy that FairMail has given me this chance for my future.

Anshu in action during classes

Anshu in action during classes

I really like to learn photography. I like to take photographs of flowers the most. I like the flowers in the park because there are so many different colours to take photographs of and I think that people like to buy cards with nice flowers.

I love to see new places too. Last year I went to the photography trip with FairMail to Darjeeling. I liked to see the new places and the scenery and I made some nice photographs there. One day I would like to see some more places in India like Mumbai and Delhi and make some more nice photographs. Maybe when I am a doctor I can buy my own camera!

I want to say thank you to everyone who buys a card from me and from the other FairMail teenagers.


(FM: read more about Anshu, vote for her pictures or order her cards by clicking here)

FairMail India fotograaf Akash terug naar school

woensdag, oktober 5th, 2011
Akash with his family

Akash with his family

Hi, I am Akash Ram, one of the Photographers of FairMail India. I am 18 years old. It is my third year in FairMail India and I have improved a lot in my photography and also in my study. I left my school in my childhood and I started to learn to become a motor mechanic so I did not think about my study.

When I joined FairMail I was inspired to take a private tuition so I stared going there. In the first few months I did not like it because I knew nothing and I was grown up boy so I felt embarrassed to go there. But because of FairMail I kept doing my study and now I know many basic things like reading, writing and doing maths. Now I plan to write my high school exam next year so I am very thankful to FairMail.

Akash with his tutor

Akash with his tutor

Through FairMail I learn many things in photography and I take good pictures. And there are my cards too so with that I earn good amount of money (red.: 1.200 Euro so far). Some of my money I was able to invest in my business to improve my motor mechanic shop which is getting better and I have saved some of my profit fund for my future study.

So thanks to the FairMail India team and also those who are involve with FairMail and also those who buy our cards.

Many greetings
Akash Ram

(Red. Lees meer over Akash, bekijk zijn foto’s, koop zijn kaarten of stuur hem een email door hier te klikken. Bekijk zijn drie nieuwe kerstkaarten door hier te klikken)

Akash in the motor workshop he shares with his father

Akash in the motor workshop he shares with his father

Indiase fotograaf Kaushal maakt zijn dromen waar

woensdag, augustus 31st, 2011
Kaushal in action

Kaushal in action

Hello… Namaste… I am Kaushal and I am a photographer at FairMail India.

I am 15 now and I joined FairMail two and a half years ago. Before that I didn’t know anything about cameras. First I wanted to learn a lot and try to take some nice photographs to earn some money and help my family, but now that I understand it more I have a dream to become a professional photographer and take many creative photographs all around the world. I have lots of creative ideas and sometimes I have to spend a long time on my picture until I am happy it is perfect. I have four more years to study at my school and then I hope I will be able to study a Bachelor of Fine Arts course at the University here in Varanasi and use my photography skills.

Kaushal with his family in front of his house

Kaushal with his family in front of his house

In my family I have only sister, my grandmother and my mother. My father died when I was at the age of ten so it was a big burden for my mother to care for me and my whole family. I did not have any hope in my life because of my families’ situation. But in February of 2009 I was been selected to work in FairMail India. There I learnt how to be creative by taking picture and I was also encouraged to think about a dream for my life so now my dream is to become a good photographer and become a psychologist. Now I am very positive that I can reach my goal.

From the sales of my first card at FairMail I was able to earn 5.000 Rupees and I used the money to build a second room at my house. I live with my sister, my mother and my grandmother and before I had the money we all lived in one room together, now there is a little more space for my family.

Kaushal with his new laptop

Kaushal with his new laptop

This year I bought a laptop for my study as I am in high school and for my sister to use. She has a job typing in Hindi but before we had the computer she had to walk far in the dark to another computer and I thought it was dangerous for her and I was always worried about her. Now I have bought my laptop she can type at home and earn some more money for our family. I never thought that I will ever own a laptop in my life but FairMail made my dream full fill. Now I am saving my FairMail money to pay for my University course and I will also finish the building of my house.

One day I hope I will be a very famous photographer and when I am I would like to say thank you to FairMail for teaching me and go to FairMail in Peru as a volunteer to teach more teenagers how to be good photographers. I hope you like my photographs.

I want to thank FairMail and also to all who buy cards of FairMail because this makes our dream full fill.


Kaushal Das

(To watch the video of Kaushal in action taking pictures in Varanasi, click here. To buy Kaushal’s cards, click here)