Archive for the category "FairMail"

El impacto que realmente importa: la vida después de salir de FairMail

miércoles, septiembre 7th, 2016
A unique FairMail soccer ball made in Mariluz' soccer ball factory

A unique FairMail soccer ball made in Mariluz’ soccer ball factory

In our earlier newsletter you read about FairMail’s impact expressed in numbers. And personal stories about FairMail’s impact on the lives of our current teenagers. But perhaps the most important is the life our former photographers are living years after leaving FairMail.

As this year FairMail is celebrating its 10th birthday we can now provide you with that insight, based on the stories of Pasquel and Mariluz. Both of them left FairMail over 5 years ago and are now leading an independent life as entrepreneurs.

Iconic fair trade image
Mariluz was one of FairMail’s first 6 teenage photographers way back in 2006. She was nearly 16 years old back then. We got to know her through ACJ, a local branch of the YMCA, working with families who make a living of recycling on the nearby garbage belt.

Mariluz' iconic FairMail photo of local beauty

Mariluz’ iconic FairMail photo of local beauty

With this iconic FairMail picture of a butterfly in a flower, taken in front of her house, Mariluz showed us the potential of finding and commoditizing local beauty even in places where you would not expect it.

Mariluz’ bumpy road
Her FairMail career wasn’t the smoothest in the beginning. We even had to suspend her for a couple of months due to motivational problems. But she got the message and worked on her behavior. We gave her a second chance which she grabbed with both hands. This way becoming a valued team member until she retired in 2009 at the age of 19. Her mother being diagnosed with cancer didn’t help her to pursue her educational dreams. However in the end her mother recovered and Mariluz managed to finish studying to become a bank clerk with the 2.352 euro she earned from the sale of her cards.

Mariluz operating one of the soccer ball machines

Mariluz operating one of the soccer ball machines

The smallest soccer ball factory
Since she moved in with her boyfriend, she has combined studying with running a small soccer ball factory. Together with the rest of the family they can produce around 200 soccer balls a week. They even do personalized soccer balls like this ball Mariluz made especially for FairMail.

At the moment Mariluz is studying Marketing & International Business with which she hopes to help her soccer ball factory grow further.

Running away from home

Pasquel with his family when he was 15 years old

Pasquel with his family when he was 15 years old

Pasquel was one of FairMail’s second generation photographers who joined FairMail in 2009 at the age of 14. After school and during his holidays he worked on the rubbish dump, collecting cardboard and plastic to sell. His father lived and worked elsewhere.

At the age of 16 Pasquel left Trujillo and FairMail to search for his father. After finding him Pasquel stayed with his father and they worked in construction together for a couple of years in the jungle and we kind of lost touch of him.

Starting a family business

Paquel at a livestock fair

Paquel at a livestock fair

Until earlier this year when Pasquel called us. By now he was living with his girlfriend in the South of Peru. He wanted to quit his job in an agricultural processing plant and set up his own business trading livestock. His new girlfriend’s uncle was experienced in the business and wanted to help him. Together they made a plan for Pasquel’s business as this is one of the criteria if the teenagers want to use their FairMail earnings to invest in a business.
In the end the business plan was approved and Pasquel was able to withdraw the money from the sale of his cards which FairMail saved for him over the past few years. He invested this in purchasing 3 calves, their food and medicine. From the sale he has been able to reinvest in his business and he managed to make a profit.

Lessons learned
Of course every teenager has a unique and personal story. What we can learn about the lives of Pasquel and Mariluz is the positive impact of finding a partner coming from a stable and welcoming family. Especially after the lives they have led as kids in broken families, these new surroundings provide them with needed support, advise and stability. Surroundings in which Pasquel and Mariluz are now able to make full use of the earnings and life lessons they learned in FairMail. Both of them remember the fun times when they were part of FairMail and often mention that they learned that you have to grab opportunities when they are presented to you in life.

Mariluz in her home, together with her boyfriend

Mariluz in her home, together with her boyfriend

Maria flor: primer graduado universitario de FairMail

miércoles, septiembre 7th, 2016

This year FairMail is celebrating its tenth anniversary. We got the biggest gift of all from former FairMail Peru photographer Maria flor who became the first FairMail teenager to get a university degree! And also the first in her family. In July she defended her thesis successfully and finished the 5-year communications sciences degree at the UCV private university.

Stand out from the rest
When Maria flor started studying she had a very clear goal: to stand out from the rest. As this would be the best guarantee for a better future. A clear example of this is the story she told about her best memory over the past 5 years:

250MF1At my private university the monthly fees are very high. When I went to pay for my second semester the secretary told me I didn’t have to pay anything as I got the highest grades of all during the first semester. I was sure it had to be a mistake. So I asked her to check again please. But it was true. I was in shock and couldn’t think at all. But later in the bus back home I was very happy that all my effort, dedication, determination and invested time had been worthwhile.

In many of the following semesters Maria flor repeated this performance and received more scholarships for her high scores.

Finding a job in Peru
Even with a university degree finding a good job is not easy in Peru. A lot depends on who you know amongst potential employers so they can recommend you. Moreover, most employers are looking for employees with experience. And usually the first years you have to deal with being lowest in the hierarchy so your next job can be better. To increase your chances to find a job it is also very important to have various degrees.

Plans for the future
So it looks like Maria flor isn’t finished studying yet. She wants to complement her degree with studying English, graphic design and audio visual techniques. And she wants to work as Au Pair in the USA for one year.

Perhaps it sounds a bit crazy because normally after finishing university people look for a job. But I want to try something different as I like learning new things, work on my English and feel that I can do something by myself as I have always lived with my mother, brothers and sister. When I return I want to study “international business” and travel to Canada as there are opportunities for Peruvian students to do an internship there.

That’s Maria flor, always working on new goals.

The next generation
With Maria flor out of university we currently have two Peruvian teenagers in University: Yuli and Anidela. Actually three as Juan Gabriel just started studying communication sciences at the UPAO private university in August. On his way to become FairMail’s first male university graduate?

Video del viaje de fotografia «La Ruta del Cacao»

miércoles, septiembre 7th, 2016
FairMail photography trip

FairMail photography trip «La Ruta del Cacao»

In the end of July 5 of FairMail’s teenage photographers set off for a 10 day photography trip to the Peruvian Amazon. Together with 6 photo fanatics from the USA, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands they followed the “Cacao Route” learning all about the cultivation, harvesting and processing of cacao. Besides taking amazing cacao photos for our stock photography clients they also worked hard on images for FairMail’s new greeting card collection.

Watch photo’s of the trip here or check out this short video to get an impression of the amazing trip:

Information session FairMail photography trip

On the 8th of October we are organizing an information session for those interested in coming along with us during one of the next trips. Read more here.

Nuevos vídeos personales de adolescentes de FairMail en línea

miércoles, septiembre 7th, 2016
Video update by FairMail Peru photographer Anidela

Video update by FairMail Peru photographer Anidela

The great thing about the FairMail cards is that you can see on the back of each card who you are supporting directly with your purchase. Each FairMail teenager has his or her own story about dreams, hardships, passions and getting ahead in life.

We have now updated the personal profile pages of our current photographers in Peru with 9 new recorded video updates. You can view all of them below or on each teenager’s personal profile page.

Anidela (18):

Juan Gabriel (17):

Angelica (16):

Bryan (16):

Medalit (16):

Kzanier (16):

Julissa (16):

Dante (15):

Paul (14):

FairMail busca compañero de trabajo!

martes, junio 28th, 2016
FairMail Vacancy Sales Agent

Vacante de FairMail para representante de ventas

Eres o conoces el nuevo representante de venta de FairMail para el mercado corporativa?

Tenemos un vacante para una persona persuasiva y empresarial con carácter positivo y un excelente atención al cliente para unir al equipo internacional de FairMail.

En cambio por ayudar a nuevos clientes corporativas internacionales demostrar fácilmente su responsabilidad social te ofrecemos un trabajo que te llenara de satisfacción y además recibes una comisión competitiva.

Lee más sobre el vacante aqui.

Taller informativo sobre viajes de fotografía el 8 de octubre

lunes, junio 27th, 2016
Taking pictures of the local beauty together with FairMail's teenage photographers

Tomando fotos de la belleza local junto con chicos de FairMail

Tienes al Perú en tu lista de países que quieres visitar?

La mejor manera de conocer al verdadero Perú es viajar junto con la gente local; los adolescentes de FairMail. En los viajes de fotografía de FairMail viajas juntos con ellos a destinos poco visitados en el norte del Perú, compartiendo la alegría de tomar fotos de belleza local.

Para personas interesados estamos organizando un taller informativo sobre los viajes de fotografía este 8 de octubre en Ámsterdam, Holanda.

Si quieres saber más sobre los viajes lee más aquí o inscríbete para el taller aquí.

Informe anual de FairMail en línea

lunes, junio 27th, 2016

Como miembro de la organización mundial de comercio justo (WFTO), la transparencia es uno de los valores principales de FairMail.

Nosotros creemos que todos nuestros clientes, los adolescentes, socios con quienes colaboramos y obviamente TU también, tienen el derecho de saber todo sobre las actividades que desarrolla FairMail, cuales son los resultados y los efectos de tales sobre la planeta, las personas y las ganancias. Por esto de invitamos a leer el informe anual de 2015 de FairMail haciendo clic aquí.

También hemos renovado la sección con respuestas a preguntas frecuentes para las personas que realmente quieren saber TODOS los detalles. Haga clic acá para verlos.

Lee el informe anual de FairMail aquí (en ingles).

El impacto de FairMail como jamás viste antes

lunes, junio 27th, 2016
FairMail's impact from 2006 - 2015

El impacto social de FairMail de 2006 hasta 2015

FairMail sueña de un mundo donde TODOS los adolescentes tienen las mismas oportunidades de educación y para desarrollarse.

En el boletín anterior ya leíste sobre el impacto social que tú has apoyado con la compra de nuestros productos fotográficos de comercio justo.

Pero como un imagen dice más que 100 palabras pedimos a la academia JAM para hacernos este dibujo que enseña de una vez todas las actividades, resultados y el impacto de FairMail hasta ahora

Haga clic acá para ver el dibujo en mayor tamaño.

Nueva colección de postales de comercio justo!

lunes, junio 27th, 2016
FairMail's new fair trade greeting card collection

La nueva colección de postales de FairMail

Con mucho orgullo les presentamos nuestra nueva colección de 16 coloridos postales de comercio justo, lleno de sentimientos.

Casi todo los jóvenes Peruanos han aportado un o varios de sus fotos para poder hacer esta colección. Trabajamos en conjunto con nuestro socio Alemán; Goldbek.

Nuevos postales de comercio justo
Los nuevos postales están disponibles en nuestra tienda web. Disfrútalos aquí.

Una lección importante para la vida

Medalit's first German FairMail card

El primer postal Alemán para Medalit

En especial queremos mencionar a Medalit de 16 años quien logro sacar su primer postal para el mercado Alemán. Esto da mucha inspiración a ella y es la mejor prueba de que el aumento de su motivación y desempeño de los últimos meses si resulta en algo bonito que te hace orgulloso de ti. Esperemos que sea una lección importante para toda la vida de Medalit.

Juan Gabriel duplica su impacto social

lunes, junio 27th, 2016
FairMail Peru photographer Juan Gabriel (17)

Juan Gabriel (17), fotógrafo de FairMail Perú

Imagínate que pasara con el mundo si todos que reciben un favor de otra persona, en vez de simplemente devolverles el favor, harán un favor a 3 otras personas y así sucesivamente.

Igual que en la película “Cadena de Favores” el joven fotógrafo Juan Gabriel (17) decidió aplicar el conocimiento que recibió en FairMail para apoyar a niños con síndrome de Down en el Perú.

Cadena de favores
Juan Gabriel dio este foto suya para el calendario de yoga de niños de la organización Devayani. Con la venta de su foto en el calendario Juan Gabriel gano 192 euro que decidió donar a la ONG Proyecto Yannick. Proyecto Yannick apoyo a niños especiales y sus padres en Celendín con educación, brindando información y atención médico.

Juan Gabriel's Yoga picture

Foto de yoga de Juan Gabriel

Estamos muy orgullosos de Juan Gabriel porque él no se olvida de apoyar a los demás mientras que trabaja duro para que sale adelante en la vida. En este momento se está preparando para su examen de admisión para la universidad privada UPAO el 8 de julio. Si logra entrar quiere estudiar ciencias de la comunicación.

Si quieres saber más sobre Juan Gabriel o contactarte con él, haga clic aquí.