Archive for the category "FairMail"

Disena, imprime y manda tu propio postal de FairMail con

miércoles, diciembre 1st, 2010

greetz150Since July you can choose your own FairMail picture online, design and write your own card and get this printed and sent off by Greetz is the biggest online provider of “printing on demand” cards in the Netherlands. But they also have sites in the UK, Germany, France and even Russia!

You can imagine we are very proud that Greetz, as the market leader, evaluates the pictures taken by our teenage photographers to be professional and attractive enough to offer on their site. At first there will be 80 different FairMail pictures to choose from online. It’s the idea to refresh the collection regularly with new pictures taken by the teenagers. Of course just as with the normal FairMail card you can see the picture, naam, age and email of the teenage photographers on the card. The teenager receives 30 euro cent of each card sold by Greetz to invest in their education and housing.

FairMail nominado para premio Negocio+

miércoles, diciembre 1st, 2010

FairMail esta muy feliz y orgulloso de haber sido nominado para el premio «Negocio+ Award». Esto es un premio para negocios que apoyan a la cooperacion internacional para el desarollo.

El dia viernes el 5 de noviembre los nominados seran presentados en el periodico holandes «het Noordhollands Dagblad» y los lectores pueden votar para su favorito. El martes 16 de noviembre el ganador sera anunciado durante el evento de premiacion. Una combinacion de la opinion del jurado y el publico en general determinara quien gana. Entonces esperaos que votas para nosotros en la semana que viene!

El premio esta organizado por COS Noord-Holland en cooperacion con el periodico «het Noordhollands Dagblad» y la agencia Holandesa para la promocion del desarollo economico «NL EVD Internationaal».

FairMail sigue cumpliendo con comercio justo

jueves, febrero 18th, 2010

Last week FairMail passed for its third fair trade exam. This time it was time for a control check up from an inspector of the Dutch Association of World Shops. After a day long of questions, calculations and checking on documenation FairMail scored 86 out of 100. Not a bad result considering their was only one «mistake» which kept us from being «perfectly fair trade». This is that FairMail needs to formalize its third stakeholder to provide enough long term commitment with our producers in case anything should happen to Peter and Janneke.

This is planned for june this year so we are looking forward to receive the full 100 points next time the inspector comes around!

FairMail ahora 100% degradable

martes, febrero 16th, 2010

Good news for the planet: FairMail is now 100% biodegradable.

The cello bags we use to pack our folded greeting cards are now made from biodegradable corn starch. So after unpacking your card you can chuck it on the compost heap to fertilize your garden.

FairMail cards where already printed on FSC certified paper and the envelopes made of recycled paper. The only thing missing now is to persuade our Peruvian printer to switch to soy based bio-inks.

That might still take a little while, but you bet we want to give it a shot. So FairMail doesn’t only have a good social story, but, so the environment also benefits visit this site if people buy FairMail cards in stead of ordinary cards.

Just look at how happy that makes our card packers!


Amor es … enviar una tarjeta de FairMail con dia de St. Valentin

miércoles, febrero 3rd, 2010

valentijn200Fairliefd, vlinders in je buik of is er een dierbare die het verdient om weer eens van jou te horen waarom hij of zij zo bijzonder is? Het is dan toch dubbel zo attent om diegene een speciale FairMail valentijnskaart te sturen?

De tieners uit Peru en India hebben namelijk met verschillende vrijwilligers de afgelopen maanden hard gewerkt aan foto’s die verbeelden wat liefde voor hun inhoudt. Dit resulteerde in 20 wel zeer originele liefdeskaarten die dit voorjaar bij verschillende FairMail verkooppunten in een speciale tijdelijke Valentijnsmolen te koop zijn.

Staar er op de shoplocator nog geen FairMail verkooppunt vermeld jou in de buurt? Klik dan hierop voor het overzicht van beschikbare Valentijnskaarten in onze webshop te bekijken en te bestellen.

Valentijn staat tegenwoordig weliswaar vooral in het teken van de commercie maar het is toch altijd leuk om van een ander te merken dat je bijzonder bent voor diegene? Met het sturen van een FairMail kaart laat je zien dat je bovendien ook nog fairliefd bent op fairtrade.

Nuevo de FairMail: Foto's en cuadros

viernes, diciembre 18th, 2009

canvasLooking for an original and inspiring gift that also makes the world a slightly better place? Just in time for Christmas FairMail is launching its newest product: The FairCanvas. From our website you can pick a photo of your choice and get it printed on your personalized FairCanvas! You can choose out of almost 500 beautifull and symbolic pictures taken by the FairMail teenagers. All their pictures can be seen in their new online photogallery.

There you will find all the pictures grouped in easy to use categories and tags so you can quickly find the picture you are looking for. Or just let it all slide by in the slideshow (press F11 for full screen).

The canvases are available in three different formats starting at only 20 euro’s each. Of course the teenage photographer receives 50% of the profit made to study what they want. Who would you like to give this present with a beautiful story behind it?

Fotografo Elmer termina sus cursos

viernes, diciembre 18th, 2009

Elmer's vrijwillige fotografieleraren

Last week we received good news from Peru as photographer Elmer passed his exams for his Photoshop and InDesign courses. He decided to spend part of his income generated from the sale of his FairMail cards on improving his graphic design skills. Elmer has been really succesfull lately with his pictures being chosen for corporate christmas cards by CarGlass Canada and UK Nurseries. Apart from the sale of his seperate Christmas cards.

It is great to see how enthousiastic Elmer gets when he tells about his photoshop jobs and sends his projects to us to show (see for example the picture above of all his volunteer photography teachers). He even made a compilation of his work, accompanied by his favourite song on You Tube. Definately worth watching, besides his great playback talent. Really funny!

We really hope that Elmer can keep growing inside FairMail and some day take over the designing of the FairMail cards and that way get a new paid job.

Tarjetas Navidenas de FairMail

viernes, diciembre 18th, 2009


This year FairMail has an increased stock of fair trade Christmas Cards. Especially for the readers of our newslette we offer a 15% discount on all FairMail Christmascards on all orders placed before monday the 23rd of November.

For the placer of the biggest on line order in november there is an even better prize: a free FairCanvas with a photo of your choice from our online photogallery printed on a Canvas. Besides having this years christmas cards you will also have a great christmas present.

So, want to be original with your Christmas cards this year? Then order your christmas cards online NOW in our new webshop!

*Fill in the action code: «fairkerst» on the online order form in order to receive a 15% discount.

FairMail nominado por Dutch Card Awards

miércoles, diciembre 16th, 2009

Estamos muy orgullosos de anunciar que FairMail ha sido nominado para los «Premios Postaleros de Holanda»: el premio mas importante en el rubro de postales en Holanda.

FairMail ya esta en los ultimos tres en la categoria: «Concepto de postales mas inovador». En total habia 85 entrantes para los «Premios Postaleros de Holanda».

El 4 de octubre el ganador sera anunciado durante el Paper & Convenience Show. Claro que FairMail espere ganar, pero ya estamos muy orgullosos por la reconocion de la industria postalera de Holanda. Y te imaginas como estaran los jovenes fotografos!

Nuevos viajes de fotografia disponible

lunes, diciembre 14th, 2009

After 4 succesfull photography excursions in 2009 we already have 4 new trips prepared for next year. In 2010 the FairMail teenagers will be visiting the Peruvian jungle and the Andes mountains to take pictures for the new catalogue.

If you wish you can be part of this adventure and travel with the local teenagers looking for authentic beauty. During the excursion 5 teenagers travel with 5 foreigners, a volunteer photography trainer and an english speaking guide. Together the goal is to take pictures for the new catalogue. You can help the teenagers to better understand what westeners like to see on postcards, that way improving their chances to sell many postcards.

Find out more about the trips by checking out the photography travels page by clicking here.