A new beginning for FairMail photographer Betty

Betty from FairMail Peru

Betty from FairMail Peru

Last week we received a message from one of our Peruvian photographers: Betty. Because of domestic problems she had to leave her house with her mother, sister and two brothers. Despite that though she is determined to bring the new beginning to a good end. This is the translation of her message:

Hello friends, my name is Betty.

I live in El Milagro (name of the outscirts of Tujillo where the cities garbage belt is situated) with my mother, sister and two brothers. Due to domestic problems my mother had to get seperated from my father. Now we only live with my mother. I am 17 years old and member of the  asociación de jóvenes cristianos del Perú (ACJ red. Peruvian version of the YMCA).

Well, my family and I have always worked on the garbage belt to find materials which we could recycle and which I would have to sell. I was totally fed up with this work. When I participated in a ACJ workshop I heard people talk about an interesting company called FairMail. Unfortunately I did not know how you could get a job there, but I knew that one day I would succeed.

Betty preparing the mirror for a friendship post card

Betty preparing the mirror for a friendship post card

By now I am working for FairMail for almost 2 years. Itis cool because we work together like brothers and sisters. I am using the money I earned with my card sale to pay for things to finish my secondary school and for the admission acadamy I am studying in now. I want to take the exam to get admitted to the National University of Trujillo where I want to study communication sciences. I am happy with FairMail and that this way I was able to pay for my own study. And not have to be a burden for my parents now that they don’t have the money to support me in this.

Betty working on her new `New Home` card

Betty working on her new `New Home` card

Right now I am living with my mother, brothers and sister in the house of my grandma. There we built a little room for ourselfves out of reed mats so we have a place to sleep. I know that with the sale of my cards I will make progress in life and acheive the goals I have in mind for me and my family. So we can all live in happines.

Thanks to everyone. I invite you to buy the cards of FairMail India and FairMail Peru. I hope there are some cards that you wil like.

Thanks, Betty Chanta
(red. For more information about Betty, her cards and photos, click here)

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